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I'm agnostic, however I identify myself as an atheist.

What are you?

Do you think science and religion coexists? If so, how?


I'm agnostic, however I identify myself as an atheist.

What are you?

Do you think science and religion coexists? If so, how?


I'm agnostic too.


Science and religion can coexist since science is about how and religion about why IMO.


I am agnostic aswell, but I am questioning the experiences of today's science, since many things are being discovered that were thought impossible years ago, so things can change in uture.


in respect to most religions i'm an atheist, but concerning buddhism i'm agnostic. but then again buddhism is essentially an atheistic religion.


I would like if there is something after death, since sometimes I am really feeling like stepping out of this life, like right now I wish I would step out, the only thing that holds me back is probably that I don't know if there is nothing or something behind it.


I'm an atheist in the sense that i don't believe there's an all-knowing, immortal or otherwise "infite" god or being. I guess that's what people think of in terms of monotheistic religions. But maybe there are beings out there powerful enough to be considered godlike by us simple earthlings, say for example a god who controls or otherwise has an impact on The Milky Way.

Posted (edited)


Back in about 1998 I have originated for myself a computer religion: that our world is generated using something similar to that we know as a computer.

It was a religion because there is no way to logically/scientifically fully prove/deny it. But for me it was enough to fully believe in it and live in accordance to it.

Later it transformed into a Game religion or a Player religion.

With more time, I became a strong Theist and my religion related search has completely ended. Though I fully remained a follower of my own (unfortunately) Game religion.


PS. To tell deeper, I am now (and seems forever) strongest both Mono- and Poli-Theist and the same time. I do learn and follow the important things related so the so called "Pagan Traditional religion" which is somewhat unique for each nation and the so called "Christian" religion.
I do remain totally scientific and bind to my Computer/Game worldview. For example, where in Bible it says something like "You have to be born from above to access the Divine Kingdom", to me it means that you have to realize yourself as a player who entered a somewhat virtual world to play a mission in it. Similar to when you launch a game (or a social network for example) on a computer but don't forget you are actually sitting in front of the screen.

Edited by deepXcode

I will try to be like deepXcode and type in really hard-to-see fonts/colors. I am atheist and proud of it but I respect religion for what it can do.

Guest D N H

This is a hard subject because essentially is connected to the afterlife question.

Think it differently, what if someone told you that there exists a god or gods but your whole existance ends with your death?


No, i don't believe that. I believe in gods (keepers/mentors) and consciousness journey inside the reality of Cosmic Existance.


Depths/No Hitz!,


Interesting, I hope there is afterlife. I have watched lot of videos about it and read stuff, many sugget there is afterlife however with current medication it is not possible to proof it. I am wondering what is all about mediums and if they really can tal to the dead people. I am optimistic however with latest scientific theories about it, I think in 10 years much more will be known.


Am I the only real theïst here? I strongly believe in "more", something I like to call God :) Some would call it energy etc... :) I would also define myself as Christian... Francis of Assisi has been a great example in my way of thinking... :)


People confuse the fact that all animals have thoughts and feeling for the existence god. We are all intertwined into an amazing ecosystem of which no one can know completely but that does not mean that we should invent easy answers to explain or give a hierarchy of creation. Science and religion both fall into the same human nature traps of exposing our prejudices for order and planning. Religion just got started a lot earlier and thus is more mired into it than science has been.

The break from believing in a god is akin to not believing in Earth as the center of the Universe. It is more than some people can do.

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Christian here. I did study other religions, but I've went with Christianity. While It would be great if everyone was a believer in God, I respect that others have their own beliefs and I don't promote abusing power just to force people to believe in other stuff.


While It would be great if everyone was a believer in God, I respect that others have their own beliefs and I don't promote abusing power just to force people to believe in other stuff.



Lately I am dealing with different realities, near death experiences, telepathy and similar thing sand I reached one conclusion, that our near death experiences are not based on religion, but religion is based on near death experiences and special events that have happened in the past There is a lot of supportive evidence for that, one of that is for example that we escape our body and can describe things, that we can not describe with the eyes inside the body. According to videos many people report seeing things that can not be seen from the position on the body, so the explanation, that we are in a different state of awareness where eyes are disconnected to the body does not make sence. Also the explanation that the bright light is caused by our eyes does not explain, how blind people could describe things, altough their eyes could not see. When the eyes are not working, the seeing nerves are disconnected or the eyes are not developed to recieve light, it is almost impossible, they´d recieve information visually. Some people in NDEs have escaped their rooms and described events in other rooms.


So the explanation of reallity addicted scientists, who say that we see religious figures in our NDEs because we believe is unlikely. It is more likely that the religion describes things, people experienced in earlier NDE experiences. I am wondering how not many people have thought this issue that way, but it is plausible.


I do believe something extraordinary is there, but I don`t know what. I don´t deny god at all, but don`t attend churches every week. God will not force us attend churches, god is everywhere.


Atheists should not give all their trust to today´s sciense, there are many many things not researched yet and there will always be more things to research. So many events have happened, that science can`t explain, including telepathy, NDEs, remote viewing and future viewing.


But it all can be different, we can all exist in a virtual reallity, where some other beings control how our lives progress. If it is like that, it could be that evidence for everything is provided, we search for. for example atheists will find evidence there is no god, Theists will find evidence there is a god. One way of testing, whether we are in a virtual reality is, to view and read some sources and then tell, what we have seen. If it matches. But even in a virtual reality there will be higher beings out there. There are a lot more hints, that tell me, there is a Godlike being.


One of many hints for example is, that when you prey or speak to a picture of Jesus, you can hear your voice sounding similar as on Arc Noa, I experienced this many times.

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