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who misses the good stuff!!! other than me

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who misses the old hypnotic style psychedelic trance like MFG, astral projection, pliedians ect. i believe that style of psy trance is why they named it psy trance, it feels as if the music is not as psychedelic as it used to be except xenomorph, jaia ect..


The music doesn't have as much magic, or as much FUN as it used to... lots of groups today who make fun psytrance from 1200 Mics to Space Tribe n' Electric Universe tend to get treated badly in reviews for staying with the older style... I think that with the overdose of release now-a-days we have become to used to accepting substandard music, and producers are finding it much more easy to release a lot of crappy material that will be bought just for the name, rather than having to produce quuality... it is rare that a great album or compilation appears in these times, and now that have collected much of the classics, my collectiong has slowed right down except for 1 or 2 cd's every 3-4 months... I don't think it is just mp3 that is killing the scene, it is also quantity over qulaity.


yep, quantity over quality, Mike D said it right!! Actually that's the case in every industry, not just psytrance. You have the exact same phenomenon in the gaming industry, the movie industry and so on... Guess that we're all slaves of the mass-production - mass-consumption culture...




Guest --==1400MiLeS==--

Thats because evolution in music is overrated. Just like no NU-Metal Band is a patch on early '70s Black Sabbath, most nu-psytrance sounds pale and uninspired compared to the pioneers. Scenes don't start with a bang without a reason...Somehow copycats manage to strip what made the music good in the first place (sigh 303 sigh) and add something that conflicts with the original spirit (sigh techno influences sigh).


I would describe my psytrancism as 'desperately waiting nearly 10 years for an album that tops the Hallucinogens' Twisted (or any early goa classic)' experience'.


The best that could happen is that psytrance gets its 'grunge' period, some anti-commercial movement that is faithful to its roots but somehow brutally awakes a sleepy $$$ minded scene.

Guest Wayne Keenan

nu-psytrance <-------- not liking that name very much!

Guest Otto Matta

There's good stuff coming out, you just have to look a little harder (i.e., not in the same places you're used to). :)


"There's good stuff coming out, you just have to look a little harder (i.e., not in the same places you're used to). "


where should we look then EA??




Guest nebbian

If you're looking for a good new album, Beat Hackers: "System error" gets my vote.


It's difficult to know the difference between enjoying music because you personally are new to the scene, or because the music itself is good :-)

Guest someone from brazil

all i can say is that people are never prepared for evolution... unfortunetly things go by and there aint shit we can do but follow the evolution or find something else to do... as i said people are never ready for upgrading to another level... yes astral proj kick ass? for sure nobody doubts about it but as you all can see nothing gets stuck in a point and actually i think that if gms astrix psydrop or whatever were doing their shit like astral proj mfg and all the mellodic trippy type of trance people would be complaining about new tunes new vibes new experiences... its hard to fit in the crowds taste... imagine how hard it is when producing a psytrance to try to fit peoples expectations?? its too damn hard... as you all might be thinking yes i enjoy the times back then the songs were great actually i started up with trance listening to those artists but damn the time has passed i want new stuff but im open to new stuff i wanna heard new trips new feelings... thats my point of view... there isnt a definition for what those artists did, but as i said they "did"... lets enjoy present and of course spare some time to hear those antique trax that are still up to date... like probably your dad listens to classical music and complains there aint no more mozart or bethoven or whatever... lets keep the evolution... not stuck with old patterns...

Guest Otto Matta



Snu - South Africa, Scandinavia, Australia, Russia. :)


I missed the old stuff.


Until recently, I thought it was me that was too old to understand the new trends in "Psy" Trance. But I'm not so sure anymore...


I decided to get my hand on a few tracks from present renowned artists to know what all this fuss was about. I have no problem acknowledging that a lot sounds great, but the vast majority doesn't sound psychedelic at all to my ear, and that makes me sad...


okay, we could endlessly argue about "what is psychedelic, what is not psychedelic...", but when you have enjoyed Hallucinogen or Koxbox stuff, this discussion is pointless : what psychedelic means is obvious.


And 90% of the tracks I listened to sound techno, not psychedelic. I have nothing against Techno of course, but the problem is that I precisely left the Techno scene for the Psy Trance scene because it fitted my tastes better at the time. Now I find myself a bit choiceless...


I'm not the kind of guy to whin about the good old days all the time. But I can't help thinking that lots of today's Psy Trance tracks don't deserve the name "psychedelic". And that's not a question of commercial label, psychedelic is in the dictionary, not in a trademark directory along with Minimal or Full-on.




"all i can say is that people are never prepared for evolution..."



You're right, but something DIFFERENT and something BETTER are 2 completely different things!!! IMO, most of psytrance "evolution" is actually artists doing something different for the sake of being different (ie. psytrance isn't funky - why not try and make it funky?; psytrance has a lot of layers - why not try to make music with less layers?; psytrance has melodies - why not try to make psytrance without melodies? etc.) But it doesn't evolve in any way, it doesn't enhance the psychedellic experience. Or maybe I'll make myself more clear with an example: early 90s psytrance was an EVOLUTION of psychedellic electronic music of the 60s like Tangerine Dream. Yeas, when you put the 2 together, they're completely different (other sounds are used, other structures are used, the tempo's different) yet you can't deny that one is the continuation of the other, they both produce the same "feeling". For me, the exact contrary happens when you put early 90s goa next to today's psytrance: you have similar sounds, tempo, etc. but the feeling is different!! You listen to it and realise that the latter is NOT the continuation of the former.



hope this makes sense :-)




"artists doing something different for the sake of being different" : I wouldn't be so harsh. I believe a great part of the artists (not talking about copycats of course) makes the music they feel like writing. I believe some naturally grew tired of melodies and stuff and felt the urge of making something else. Why did so many end up using techno elements ? Inspiration of the times probably.


"it doesn't enhance the psychedelic experience" : nicely said.


"you have similar sounds, tempo" : great disillusion indeed. Have all the possible sounds extractable from synths already been used ? That's a genuine question, I'm not saying that the artists are lazy and just using the default settings of their gears. When you have new "sounds" in a track, they generally appear as little weird noises here and there, but I don't consider that to be very innovative.


We're saying that there is still a great evolutive potential for psychedelic music. But are we so sure at the end of the day ? Maybe we'll have to wait for the next TB303-like revolution...



Guest Kristian

I totally agree and understand what you're saying...


The thing is, for me anyway, that todays psytrance is miles away from that oldschoolsound which I adored so much. The only psyalbum I've totally enjoyed the last couple of years is Psydrops latest "Fantasy seeds" and Fractal Gliders "Parasite"...


And for me this music has the formula which I always enjoy the fullest:

Fast, steady beat with lots of melodies and hopefully psychedelic aswell :)


So for me, music has to have theese ingredients if they should have the most potential power to be appreciated by me (ofcourse I enjoy ambient and such aswell sometimes when relaxing, but mostly the music I enjoy the most consists of thoose formulas I mentioned above. I also think the oldschoolsound was abandoned much too soon and could have been developed much further instead of turning into todays technoinfluensed trancemusic).


My roots are synthmusic (synthpop and EBM) and for the last couple of years when I, just as you, got tired of todays psytrance I began to explore that type of music to see if it had evolved. To my surprise I found out that there is a new genre of synthmusic called Futurepop labeled by the UK band VNV Nation (www.vnvnation.com) which started with EBM and got more tranceinfluensed therefor came up with this new word, Futurepop. Today, Futurepop is the most popular genre of synthmusic and new bands are born everyday as we speak. Futurepop has all thoose formulas I'm so fond of + vocals! You should definately check it out.


Here's a camrecorded clip from a party in Sweden/Gothenburg (www.sama.mu) held every year. Don't expect any highqualitypictures though, but you can get a pretty good idea of their music and the great energy of their performances:




DivX 5.1 required



Other Futurepopbands recommended are:


Hocico - www.hocico.com - Mexico

Assemblage 23 - www.assemblage23.com - US

Icon of coil - www.iconofcoil.com - Norway

Colony 5 - www.colony5.com - Sweden

Z Prochek - www.zprochek.com - Sweden


Hope you find any of interest, and it would be nice to hear what you think :)


hmm the url to the avi didnt work for me. could you check and doublecheck please. i did :}

Guest Kristian

They seemes to have deleted the file :(


Pass me a mail and I can send it to you via ICQ or MSN...

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