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Soooooo not to get all serious or anything, but what have you learnt on the dancefloor? Perhaps about yourself, about others, about life? Could be nothing, could be everything, let us hear it, share your experiences.


I'll start with something fairly obvious


But I learnt early on that to fully appreciate the Morning you first have to make it all the way through the Night. ;)


Keep your rakia and beer safe from acidheads and hippies

Don't take water from strangers
Mosh like nobody's watching, especially if your killarrrgh tune is playing
Be cool whole time, just mosh when your fav. track is playing
Bitch whole time about PA system
Take some pictures of random people
Beg a group of random people to pose together for you (even they're total strangers and don't know eachother), because you're drunk and you like to pretend to be journalist
Give some rakia offerings to a DJ who deserves to be honored with holy water, especially if he played some of your killarrrgh tunes at the party
Wear Slayer or Napalm Death t-shirt
Disscuss I.F.O. and Project Genesis wearing Slayer t-shirt (shocking moment and suprise lvl 90)
Laugh whole time, only be serious when it comes to disscuss PA system and how much full-on music destroyed psychedelic trance music


# 1 Blacklight is fun
# 2 My taste of music is always the best, at least better than the rest
# 3 Take care of Acid
# 4 Take care of Shrooms
# 5 Take care of Acid and Shrooms
# 6 Take care of Jagermeister
# 7 Trust your Friends, but never trust a drug
# 8 Tent pegs fuck'n hurt
# 9 Do not look into lasers
#10 Fuck lists


Keep your rakia and beer safe from acidheads and hippies

Don't take water from strangers

Mosh like nobody's watching, especially if your killarrrgh tune is playing

Be cool whole time, just mosh when your fav. track is playing

Bitch whole time about PA system

Take some pictures of random people

Beg a group of random people to pose together for you (even they're total strangers and don't know eachother), because you're drunk and you like to pretend to be journalist

Give some rakia offerings to a DJ who deserves to be honored with holy water, especially if he played some of your killarrrgh tunes at the party

Wear Slayer or Napalm Death t-shirt

Disscuss I.F.O. and Project Genesis wearing Slayer t-shirt (shocking moment and suprise lvl 90)

Laugh whole time, only be serious when it comes to disscuss PA system and how much full-on music destroyed psychedelic trance music





fuck yeah, especially with a slayer or napalm death shirt

i'll go one better...............

with a slayer world sacrifice tour shirt on!


a scum tour shirt!

people literally get down on their knees!

especially the girls

but that's another story

now where was i?

oh yeah dance floor mmmmmmmmmmmmm isness!


only be serious when it comes to disscuss PA system and how much full-on music destroyed psychedelic trance music

Or darkpsy.

when you think you are dancing hard, it's probably not hard enough. now my legs are wrecked from the other day. SWEET! 8)


acknowledge another dancer with an arm movement when you cross eyesight. later one one of you will start a conversation and you have a brand new friend. maybe even take a second to introduce yourselves on the dancefloor, then continue sharing the dancefloor.


if it starts to rain and some sort of roof is above you, go dance out in the rain. I made a new friend that way the other day when we had the same idea at the same time.


and seeing as others gave advice not on the dancefloor... hang out by the fire-pit which probably exists somewhere at the party. more friends to be made there.


Ahahaha excellent answer Richpa!


Yet, the one that suits me best remains:

forget all and enjoy

Guest D N H

That is very annoying when people dance and someone takes a video of this.

Also, it's better not dancing in the centre of the dancefloor if you're not in a friendly enviroment.

What else...


mud is fun

what i have learnt is: stay the hell away from the mudpeople! they look friendly and as if they have fun, but in reality their intentions are evil. they only hug you because want to make your last remaining shirt full of dirt. ;)


When you slip on a drink that some idiot has tipped out on the dancefloor, fall, hit your head on a wall and you lose your hearing for a few seconds. Don't just keep dancing, take the advice of others and go to the hospital as you probably have concussion :(


That common smell of party (weed + beer), annoying girls asking for cigars and free drinks non stop (rave hookers - only in Serbia) and that impossible aroma of some people (mostly on festivals).


Bom shanka, om namah shivaya, namaste, ganesh, buddha and such stuff too...


what i have learnt is: stay the hell away from the mudpeople! they look friendly and as if they have fun, but in reality their intentions are evil. they only hug you because want to make your last remaining shirt full of dirt. ;)

come with us, dont be scare, we all are one!!!!! chopf chopf, umm sorry that was not your last festival shirt, was it?? Boom shankar!!! :P

Actually is true, don´t go to where there´s mud when you don´t want to get dirty!!!


besides the usual "dance like nobody's watching", I learned:


+ Nag Champa incense goes very well with cigarette smoke (in fact, it's a totally different aroma than either of the two)

+ half a dozen methods how to smuggle my booze past security control (here I have to say that I love whisky and they never serve good one on parties ... so I just have to smuggle it in)

+ about as many possibilities how to improvise earplugs



I learn nothing on the dance floor, I forget things. On purpose.


See them dance in the courtyard

Sweet summer sweat

Some dance to remember

Some dance to forget

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