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flower2.gifASURETI open air MISTERIKA FESTIVAL flower2.gif



ૐ Alienapia (Ukr)
ૐ Amrita (Ukr)
ૐ Art Imagination (Ukr)
ૐ Artha (PLN)
ૐ Dirty Hippy vs Evil Oil Man (UK)
ૐ Dhar Mhar (Mk/Slo)
ૐ Frog Prog (Ukr)
ૐ Gorm (SW)
ૐ Yudhisthira (MK)
ૐ Kala (Mk/Slo)
ૐ Lacerta (Ukr)
ૐ Phobos Azazel (Mk)
ૐ Shivaૐ (Ukr)
ૐ Scooter Baba (Fin)
ૐ Spirit Medicine (Ukr)
ૐ Synergic (GR)
ૐ Zymosis (Ukr)
ૐ Zurnatek (Geo)
ૐ Ziog (LT)


ૐ Bruce Lee aka Devi Skanadze (Geo)
ૐ BigCrow (Geo)
ૐ Dimitro (Ukr)
ૐ Dimmonoid (Geo)
ૐ Dj Inada (Be)
ૐ Glebers (Ukr)
ૐ 2Kija (Geo)
ૐ Infest (Geo)
ૐ Okujah (Ukr)
ૐ Oto (Geo)
ૐ Odzunu (Ukr)
ૐ PsyToniK (Israel)
ૐ Razoom (Rus)
ૐ Syddhara (Geo)
ૐ Transplantant (Ukr)
ૐ Ktulhu & Alice (Ukr)
ૐ Max Rider (Ukr)
ૐ Mz & Alexdrum (Ukr)
ૐ Nicka Tseretely (Geo)
ૐ ZURNAtech (Geo)


Shankara LAB (Ukr)
Paul Spider (Ukr)

...More TBA SOON


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