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Guest D N H

What's going on with this situation? It's much more than a decade that this issue has burst out and still there isn't a straight & clear explanation from governments or international authorities...

Indistinct official statements justify this activity as action against extreme weather phenomena or insects overpopulation.
Some informations that have leaked, speak of military or weather control experiments.

The sure is that reputable scientists across the globe have appointed out that the chemical substances of the sprayed gases have negative impact on human health.


Do you often observe this kind of activity in your region's sky?


i see them everyday here in australia

they say, they are spraying barium and aluminium with other substances to reflect the suns harmful uv rays to counter global warming (even though the planet is cooling down)


what's really going on, POISONING THE PLANET! plain and simple, look into what these chemicals do to the human body, number 1, slowly weakning the immune system for possible more sinister thinks to come.


the rate of degenreative diseases, asthma, skin conditions, psychological disorders amongst other illneses have increased 1000 percent in the last few years in this region alone, not saying it is completley responsibe, but not far off.


this shit is going into the water and food we eat, mixed in with monsantos nasty agenda, we will know soon enough


invest in a ioniser, and take alot of anitioxidants, don't drink the water is a good way to start, but can't get away from it.


they only heavy spray on still days.


and before you say the c word, think of what it actually means


the only conspiracy going on is the fact that people want to hurt others... rape the planet, and wreak the benefits

  • make something up or interpret something wrong
  • no place for questions: anyone who doesn't believe this is a fool or 'someone from the system'
  • bend all facts in order to make the theories work


21th century religion...

Guest D N H

Your point isn't quite clear. Looks like a disagreement.

Further development of your thought will help the topic's subject to evolve and more information gathered.


Didn't want to sound harsh, but the discussions I had (offline & online) with believers were quite uncomfortable: there's no room for debate, no room for questioning one's own arguments (except the ones of the non-believer of course), and there's always some degree of denying the scientific facts from people who actually study something regarding the weather and atmosphere. Instead, people are feeding themselves with "information" from obscure websites and guru's. I think it fits the same category as all the end of the world theories, or conspiracies that claim that all the politicians are some sort of alien reptiles, or scientology, etc.



How exactly does a chemtrail differ in appearance from a contrail that has been there for about 5 minutes and consequently become wider and more diffuse, like contrails almost invariably do?


How exactly does a chemtrail differ in appearance from a contrail that has been there for about 5 minutes and consequently become wider and more diffuse, like contrails almost invariably do?


the only other difference i see here, is that the "chemtrail" is closer to the camera than the contrail.

Guest D N H


the only other difference i see here, is that the "chemtrail" is closer to the camera than the contrail.

Maybe, it's a picture after all not taken by me.


I guess the difference is that chemtrail is supposed to consist of chemical substances that become smog when they're unleased in the air, while a contrail is "an artificial cloud created by an aircraft; caused either by condensation due to the reduction in air pressure above the wing surface or by water vapor in the engine exhaust" and thus dissolves, much sooner.


From what i have observed in various flights of aircrafts i tend to believe there's good difference in what is left behind. I mean there is difference when an aircraft is leaving something that evolves behind it which remains for long in the air, descents and travels in the wind until it diffuses to gone.

However, it's quite possible my discernment to be wrong.


Didn't want to sound harsh, but the discussions I had (offline & online) with believers were quite uncomfortable: there's no room for debate, no room for questioning one's own arguments (except the ones of the non-believer of course), and there's always some degree of denying the scientific facts from people who actually study something regarding the weather and atmosphere. Instead, people are feeding themselves with "information" from obscure websites and guru's. I think it fits the same category as all the end of the world theories, or conspiracies that claim that all the politicians are some sort of alien reptiles, or scientology, etc.


The reason i made this topic was because two days earlier there was a journalist live broadcast in television where for another time a respectable scientific professor pointed out facts and researches about this activity and exposed the avoidance or the ignorance of ministries and european authorities to make an official investigation or official reports since many years now, except encountered operational secrecy and indistinct reference.


Of course, as i aforesaid, you can further contribute to this open issue with information and data.


the difference is clear, contrails are vapour, they dissapate almost imediatley, chemtrails are chemicals just staying there, sometimes for hours!

i can't believe anyone could be so ignorant to think this is all innocent!

if you think that barium and aluminium is ok to be breathed in, drank in your water, and eaten in your food, you won't live very long if you don't do anything about it!

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