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Do you think there has been somewhat of a flood of goa producers over the past few years? Even say five years??


Feels like almost every day or week now I am discovering an upcoming artist with qualities that I like.


Of course with more comes more crap too but overall I think it's great and am thankful to everyone who has been making it happen.


Hope it can continue!


Lots of artists... For sure last 2-3 years!! Not many super good artists... (many are way too generic) But yes, he, who searched, will find the great ones in between :)


I think there's a good thing with having many artist : you'll have and more people making different genre of Psychedelic Trance.


In the 90' there were almost only Goa trance if Im not wrong (I mean as the Psychedelic genre, without considering Techno or other stuff like it).


This is after that that came the Full on and Progressive Psytrance. And today we still got new goa trance song, altought this is Newschool goa trance it has still many common point with oldschool goa trance !


To me it's good that we got a lot of artist. But as someone said, there's a lot of bad or not impressive stuff and few but very good stuff ! For those who search, there's a lot of song to listen to which are great.


I enjoy discovering young and talented musicians and to help them bring their creations to public. That is my mission, that is what i do.


The technology is similar for ten years now. Ten years ago almost everything was there aswell, hosts, vsts, effects, now they are just newer and more choise but the vsts then were not bad at all and the possibilities where nearly the same, so it was not much different.


The technology is similar for ten years now. Ten years ago almost everything was there aswell, hosts, vsts, effects, now they are just newer and more choise but the vsts then were not bad at all and the possibilities where nearly the same, so it was not much different.


I really don't know about this.


I means for sure back in the nineteen there were still vst and electronic genre was already advanced....But as much as today, in 2013 ? I've serious doubts about it.

Also we can hear this difference when listening to oldschool and newschool goa trance ; don't you find that oldschool is ruder than newschool ? By ruder I means...I really don't know how to say it, but it look like with newschool the elements used in the songs are softer. I really can't find the english word to describe it, im sorry.


I don't have any experience with proper music software, but my own music software would have been much more restricted ten years ago by the amount of RAM on an ordinary desktop. I imagine the same would be true for any software that has to do complicated things involving convolutions or Fourier synthesis in real time, even software written in a sensible language by programmers who know what they're doing. So I would guess that it's easier to make music that faithfully reproduces analogue sounds on a modern laptop than on a 10-year-old desktop.




I really don't know about this.


I means for sure back in the nineteen there were still vst and electronic genre was already advanced....But as much as today, in 2013 ? I've serious doubts about it.

Also we can hear this difference when listening to oldschool and newschool goa trance ; don't you find that oldschool is ruder than newschool ? By ruder I means...I really don't know how to say it, but it look like with newschool the elements used in the songs are softer. I really can't find the english word to describe it, im sorry.



Oldschool sounds real, newschool is unedited presets of shitty vsts like Albino or similar, those synths are wosrse than freeware and sound anything like analogue. Newschool sounds soft but it sounds very soft and very digital, it is because they use bad synths like albino or z3ta, instead of using some good vst like jx16, junglist, hydra, minomonsta and similar.


And to Rotwang, 2004 F Studio 4 came out, also some good cubase, they had almost the same possibilites like todays software, also many good vsts out there like the mda jx 10, which sounds more analgue than any Albino or z3ta crap.


And to Rotwang, 2004 F Studio 4 came out, also some good cubase, they had almost the same possibilites like todays software, also many good vsts out there like the mda jx 10, which sounds more analgue than any Albino or z3ta crap.

This is completely irrelevant to what I was trying to say. Any music software is going to be restricted in what it can do (or at least what it can do in a reasonable amount of time) by the processing power and memory of the computer it's running on. The upshot of this is that one can make sounds that are computationally expensive more easily on a modern computer than a 10-year-old one even if one is using the exact same software on both.


Yes, but the old computers managed to run the software well. Listen to my tracks on Radish2 audio channel, all tracks except the two above are from 2005 done with an Athlon 64 3500+ and there was even power for mroe sounds and effects, I even added many mastering effects. So altought he cpus where not very fast at that time, they were pretty good for music making, an Athlon FX at that time or a multi cpu motherboard when dual cores did not exist would have given almost unlimited processing power even back in the year 2003 or 2004.


Modern computers have many times more potencial, so you can use better synths but you were not really restricted at that time. In my opinion most artists nowadays don't know how to use the synths anyway, at least in goa trance and psy. The very soft and digital sounding synths and the soft and not driving kickdrums have hardly any punch and dynamics so it is hard to listen.


but the soft and digital sound might be wanted and forced by the labels and artists do not really wish to produce music that way: It is not that difficult to get the sound similar to hardware, but newschool sounds very digital to me.


Lots of artists... For sure last 2-3 years!! Not many super good artists... (many are way too generic) But yes, he, who searched, will find the great ones in between :)



Generic or not, anyway is good. If they are bad now they will become better in few months or years like everyone. They just need our support as always.


I am just happy to see a lot of them, scene is 5-10x bigger than 5 years ago which is superb and i hope it will still grow up :)


what i meant by that comment was exactly what rotwang said, but also, its much easier now to produce this music with the technology we have, less hardware needed etc, doesn't mean there are better produces, on the contrary loads of generic crap coming out of the bedroom, but also some amazing stuff, from people getting it out there, free on ektoplazm etc

rather than back in the 90's if you wern't on a label you were very limited on how to get your tunes out there.

hence all this awsome unreleased stuff still coming out of the woodwork.


Yes, a flood. I would like to see some newschool mix in the old acid sound more often like the older goa. that would give the new goablood a unique feeling I think. If I have missed such releases, mention them here or message me as I haven't been on too much lately ;p


I don't have any experience with proper music software, but my own music software would have been much more restricted ten years ago by the amount of RAM on an ordinary desktop. I imagine the same would be true for any software that has to do complicated things involving convolutions or Fourier synthesis in real time, even software written in a sensible language by programmers who know what they're doing. So I would guess that it's easier to make music that faithfully reproduces analogue sounds on a modern laptop than on a 10-year-old desktop.

Given your logics there could have been no electronic music made with computers back in 90s whatsoever, sorry Rotwang, but this has nothing to do with flood of new artists, technology has very little to do with, sure, computers are now even more affordable than they were 10 years ago, but thats about it.

Software is being written for new PC's with more RAM(which those PC's already have or plan to have in coming year or months) and not the other way around - PC's are not built to accommodate demands of more resource hungry software builds. Its all about money and not about how well this or that is being implemented, you make bigger-faster-stronger computer components in order to spur demand, otherwise nobody will buy more RAM, faster CPU and computer company sales, profit and R&D will fall low.

Video card market is slightly different segment, higher FPS, bigger resolution, more realistic video rendering engines all add up to user experience.

Biggest resource hog is real time effects and VST instruments, no? Or have things changed dramatically during last 10 years?


Given your logics there could have been no electronic music made with computers back in 90s whatsoever

No, that doesn't follow. What follows is that there would not have been music made with computers back in the 90's that required a lot of computationally intensive processing (e.g. reverb, convolution, Fourier synthesis - the sort of things I expect are involved in recreating the sounds of analogue synths) on a large number of different layers. That wouldn't rule out people making something like house or DnB on a 90's computer, but it would make it harder for people to make something that involved a large number of different layers that recreated the sounds of analogue synths - like, say, Goa trance. Are you aware of any old-school artists who made Goa trance using only software in the 90's? I'm not claiming there weren't any; as I said, I have no experience with music software that I didn't write and my guesses could be completely wrong, and I will happily concede as much if someone who knows what they're talking about (with all due respect, that does not include Radi) tells me so.


No, that doesn't follow. What follows is that there would not have been music made with computers back in the 90's that required a lot of computationally intensive processing (e.g. reverb, convolution, Fourier synthesis - the sort of things I expect are involved in recreating the sounds of analogue synths) on a large number of different layers. That wouldn't rule out people making something like house or DnB on a 90's computer, but it would make it harder for people to make something that involved a large number of different layers that recreated the sounds of analogue synths - like, say, Goa trance. Are you aware of any old-school artists who made Goa trance using only software in the 90's? I'm not claiming there weren't any; as I said, I have no experience with music software that I didn't write and my guesses could be completely wrong, and I will happily concede as much if someone who knows what they're talking about (with all due respect, that does not include Radi) tells me so.


Psylent Buddhi using Rebirth, but I guess that's one of the exceptions.


But why talk about layers, if I may ask? With hardware you can make goa trance with 16 tracks or less and a multifx processor if you want. It's not because more layers are used that it's "more goa trance", that's just a choice (or limit) from the producer.



Edit: shit, I missed my 303th post!


IMO the reason is the internet and how easy is today to release your own music. Back in the old school era the only way ppl could listen to your music was if you manage to release it in compilation or if an influential dj would play your tracks.

Today all you have to do is to upload it on your soundcloud page and spam some forums. You may not be famous or something, but you will have some listeners.



edit: Another reason IMO is that today it's easier and much less expensive to learn how to make music. All you have to do is to download a basic sequencer and some free vst's, read a guide and you're ready. Definitely not the same with hardware where things are much more complicated.


Today you can create electronic music with zero money.


IMO the reason is the internet and how easy is today to release your own music. Back in the old school era the only way ppl could listen to your music was if you manage to release it in compilation or if an influential dj would play your tracks.

Today all you have to do is to upload it on your soundcloud page and spam some forums. You may not be famous or something, but you will have some listeners.



edit: Another reason IMO is that today it's easier and much less expensive to learn how to make music. All you have to do is to download a basic sequencer and some free vst's, read a guide and you're ready. Definitely not the same with hardware where things are much more complicated.


Today you can create electronic music with zero money.


Yea, this is definitly right.


But there's an observe at this : in the old day, of course it was harder to get known since there weren't youtube, soundcloud and all those famous website. But since producer were less than now, it was also easier for them to hit a dj or a compilation then now, since now there's so many producers


But you have to admit that today's users really try hard to follow the newschool bandwagon, I tried with many artists and in the end I ended up listening oldschool. The artists use the kick, strings and leads taht are typical for newschool, there is no artist today that makes a track like Kabalah, People can Fly, The feelings, When we Dream, Own the World and similar, tehy always produce newschool kind of stuff and people skip I can't understand why there is nothing new that really sounds like oldschool, I mean really like oldschool. Only my few tracks I created do sound like oldschool but that is all I heart from today's stuff. I really hope there are or will be artists taht will produce music sounding absolutely like oldschool, but I am not optimistic about this.


But you have to admit that today's users really try hard to follow the newschool bandwagon, I tried with many artists and in the end I ended up listening oldschool. The artists use the kick, strings and leads taht are typical for newschool, there is no artist today that makes a track like Kabalah, People can Fly, The feelings, When we Dream, Own the World and similar, tehy always produce newschool kind of stuff and people skip I can't understand why there is nothing new that really sounds like oldschool, I mean really like oldschool. Only my few tracks I created do sound like oldschool but that is all I heart from today's stuff. I really hope there are or will be artists taht will produce music sounding absolutely like oldschool, but I am not optimistic about this.

Because people rather making something that sound newschool than oldschool ?

You have to admit that newschool sound a little bit "softer" or less "rudder" than oldschool.


But I think Psychedelic Music is also in evolution. In the debut of the 2000' I think everybody was ashamed about the full on music which where coming up. There were a lot of crap for sure, but there were also awesome things that we never heard in goa trance, and this, a lot of people can't just realize it, they still consider full on as something less good than goa trance, without considering full on may give something that goa trance can't give you.


I think it's same for newschool ; it's an evolution of oldschool. Personnaly I like oldscool and newschool, Im a big fan of both style, and since I listen to psychedelic music for a bit more than 2 year, I've still a lot of old school goa trance to explore. Maybe this is different for you radi, since you're older than me and you probably listen to psychedelic music for longer time.


Electronic Dance Music has come a long way over the years.


Here is a classic acid house track.




The production is awful. There are barely any ideas throughout the song. It's dull and poorly mixed but yet it was very popular at the time and became the definitive sound of a whole genre. If edm has evolved beyond this, how hard is it to believe that perhaps goa trance has evolved beyond that stuff in the mid to late 90s?


People produce stuff in their bedroom better than Acid Tracks precisely because it's easier and cheaper to do so. Infinite possibilities lie at your finger tips from beyond the computer monitor. Controlling it and producing the kinds of things you want to is the challenge. Getting it right is like finding a gold mine and as a listener, hearing that search for the perfect sounds is immensely entertaining.


I for one welcome our new Goa producer overlords.


Today you can create electronic music with zero money.

Computer still will cost you some money, and some basic midi controller and also some audio card to begin with.

Sure, you can do music with only computer, without audio card and/or midi controller.


However, it was the same ~10 years ago, even in mid 90's there were first free software synths and trackers, the rest is history, their numbers increased with years.


Only thing that differs big time is that back then you most likely couldnt get ahold of brand new computer with acceptable parameters to start mashing your beats together, perhaps some budget desktop setup, but not laptop.

Today you can spend 300-400$ if youre in USA and start making beats on a laptop.

Or you can spend even less and get yourself 200$ Android slab and start exploring from there, even tho Android is far from musicians choice.

But, as I said, I dont believe its the leading cause of explosion of newschool goa/psy artists today.


Soundcloud could be one of the reasons and also the fact that everything goes up and down, its natural, if somethings good, it will return when the world is ready for it.


We should talk about renaissance of hardware synths with real analog sound generators and how that might affect or re-affect music industry given that in past few years, especially last 1.5 years there have been decent budget analog synth releases by big companies.

Will new-psytrancers go this route?


But you have to admit that today's users really try hard to follow the newschool bandwagon, I tried with many artists and in the end I ended up listening oldschool. The artists use the kick, strings and leads taht are typical for newschool, there is no artist today that makes a track like Kabalah, People can Fly, The feelings, When we Dream, Own the World and similar, tehy always produce newschool kind of stuff and people skip I can't understand why there is nothing new that really sounds like oldschool, I mean really like oldschool. Only my few tracks I created do sound like oldschool but that is all I heart from today's stuff. I really hope there are or will be artists taht will produce music sounding absolutely like oldschool, but I am not optimistic about this.










Ufomatika - Vega from Dancing Mavka (no youtube link)


etc etc.

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