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So you know the scene, night starts to fall at a festival/party and everything turns perhaps a little bit sinister. The music slowly picks up pace and the bassline lowers while everyone gets just a little bit weirder...until we are well and truly in dark psy territory...


Are you up the front of the dancefloor embracing the darkness, or do you walk/run/sprint back to your tent in horror/fear or disgust awaiting the happy sunshine music again?


Hehe, today in the car I was thinking of starting the same thread here... :) Some people who are not into trance tend to find Forest and Dark Psy "too hard", "agressive" or even "demonic". Yet I find the dancefloor one of the most calming places to be even when this music is playing. It doesn't make people feel agressive, but puts them in a trance (which is what it is all about). It's weird how I can enjoy the darkest forest and the most melodic oldskool just as much, just when played at the right time when I need it! At night I need dark and challenging music, at twilight the more trippy and experimental stuff and in the morning the more floating and melodic trance.


I love Darkpsy and there's nothing better to enjoy a dark track in night time. I actually prefer when I'm alone than being in a big audience. For me Darkpsy and Forest are very introvert genres.


Dark psy shouldnt be played at night you think?? That seems... counter intuitive?


The point of it is... to endure through the "darkness" and make it into the light.


As such it makes the emergence into the light when it finally does come that much better.
"The heroes Journey" kind of thing as it were...


At least thats how i have always seen it.


Counter-intuitive? I think there should be some balance between dark and light. The darker the sound the earlier the day. At least that's how I enjoyed some great parties in the 1990s. The darker side of dark psy is really scary to the weaker minds. I can appreciate it, but dark psy is one of the reasons I don't go to parties anymore.


i absolutely love dancing in the night, which btw is my favourite time of the day. but i simply cannot stand darkpsy, so i'll just be chilling at the tent or at the chillout. going to sleep so early is not an option, so i regularily miss all the great artists who usually play at sleep time (6:00-12:00). having the nights dedicated solely to darkpsy at almost any party is what made me hate that genre passionately.


a perfect example from the recently posted timetable for the first night of sun festival: cosmosis is playing a retro set at 6:00. 6:00?!? cosmosis' old tracks are definitely night music to me. i just don't get why anyone would want energetic, weird and acidic music like that to be played 1 hour after sunrise.

a similar example was koxbox playing at 12:00 at ozora last year. seriously, what were they thinking?


the great majority of psytrance is night music, so why do we only have the option of listening to one single genre from a great multitude when it's dark?



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i absolutely love dancing in the night, which btw is my favourite time of the day. but i simply cannot stand darkpsy, so i'll just be chilling at the tent or at the chillout. going to sleep so early is not an option, so i regularily miss all the great artists who usually play at sleep time (6:00-12:00). having the nights dedicated solely to darkpsy at almost any party is what made me hate that genre passionately.


a perfect example from the recently posted timetable for the first night of sun festival: cosmosis is playing a retro set at 6:00. 6:00?!? cosmosis' old tracks are definitely night music to me. i just don't get why anyone would want energetic, weird and acidic music like that to be played 1 hour after sunrise.

a similar example was koxbox playing at 12:00 at ozora last year. seriously, what were they thinking?


the great majority of psytrance is night music, so why do we only have the option of listening to one single genre from a great multitude when it's dark?



+1. This rigid timetable you see in almost every party shows how parties have become just a single one.




Especially as most "darkpsy" is really just Mickey Mouse FX sprinkled with a cat-on-a-keyboard algorithm over a zero effort bassline. Usually it turns from laughable to unfunny in 15 minutes.


Why are all the night slots reserved for it, then? Well, the first reason is a simple connect-the-dots exercise. It has "dark" in its name so it must be played in the dark, right? The second is that in broad daylight everyone would realise the ridiculousness.


I'd prefer good music at night time too. It's the only time when there may be more people dancing than videotaping and updating their online status...


there a huge difference between dark night psy and random noise...

Careful what you say on psynews, or pretty soon you'll be labelled a mentally ill Satanist.


I notice the same habbits in lineups everywhere too. I've been going to Psy parties since '05 but only started going to international festivals in '10 and I was amazed by the amount of Dark Psy, sometimes even during the morning + noon. I'm happy to see that a lot of the night time artists are evolving more into slower/deeper "Forest" style (or is it just me who thinks this?). I prefer thought out Forest over Dark Psy anytime though, even at night.

For me, I can only stand to listen to Dark Psy for 1 - 2 hours max. For me it's the best when the music accompagnies the time of the dya: Forest until +- 5AM, Twilight/Experimental until +-7AM and Morning afterwards. But I can imagine that others have different needs! Always interesting to read about it :)


It really depends on the music. I'm more into darkpsy at a party than listening at home, so I can dance to it sometimes, but if it gets too fast, repetitive, anti-melodic and feels like someone's taking a jackhammer to my head, I flee for softer pastures.


I usually wake up at sunset and go to tent with first prog act starting to play... *g*

Love the night.. not only because of the dark sound.. it's a different feeling than on day.. can't describe it.. night feels like psychonaut.. day like hippie :S XD like both feelings.. but if I would need to select: I'm definitely picking the night .. =)


For me, I can only stand to listen to Dark Psy for 1 - 2 hours max. For me it's the best when the music accompagnies the time of the dya: Forest until +- 5AM, Twilight/Experimental until +-7AM and Morning afterwards. But I can imagine that others have different needs! Always interesting to read about it :)


i could stand darkpsy (includes forest and other variants for me too) for 1-2 hours too if it wasn't psycore. so maybe we can compromise with darkpsy around midnight (23:00-1:00) and good music afterwards? ;)


I go right to the dancefloor! I prefer all music at night. During the day is fine but night dancing gives that 'alien atmosphere'


right to the dancefloor.


if it were up to me...id go to darkpsy only parties that were held inside abandoned factories that had all the windows boarded up so it stayed dark forever.


i do not understand these day star dancers at all.




haha! So happy you posted that picture ^ I just ran into it on facebook today ;p


I like the way the timetables are set at festivals...


I sleep or spend the night at the chill... at 5ish I have a coffee and start my dancing, the best acts are usually in the morning.


It's very rare to have an act that I enjoy during the night.


You don't think dark psytrance can affect mood?

Isn't that the point?


To be open to, and experience the changes in emotion bought about by the music?


Whether dark or light ("good" or "bad") and hopefully grow and learn something from the experience within yourself?

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