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Got my hands on the latest hadshot comp "devil is a dj", pretty good, but what an awful cover !!

What the hell were they thinking ??

Reminds me that hadshot has got only crappy cover art when you think to it.

Shift, Hosted, Undercover (but at least that one is funny)...

Guest Slidingtrancer

I felt Infected Mushroom- The Gathering was the ugliest cover I had ever seen in my life, but the music still rules my cd-player :D

Guest bugbread

BPEmpire. It's not a bad painting, per se, but it's an awful CD cover for the type of music that's inside.


kox box - major problem in australia, is so bad i've got it turned inside out.

also infecteds bp empire is.... well it's crap isn't it.


Infected Mushroom - The Gathering is one of the best covers ever made and every true psychadelic head will tell u the same (what are u stupid?)


Huxflux 'cryptic crunch' ... I suspect this might have been a joke ! The album is one of my alltime favourites, but the pixellated illegible cover looks worse than any pirated junk. I don't mind in the least because most of the time my cd's are either playing or lined up end-on !!


I quite like the Geomantik cover, though there were many better from Matsuri (Transwave's Helium for example). Also I think the Gathering cover is striking if not particularly pleasant.



Guest Setsuko

the gathering cover is just awesome , freaky picture


...digusting covers:


Plastyk Elephant - Hyper Frequencies

Dynamic Features


..but the worst of all = DJ Yahel - mixing in action (makes me wanna puke)

Guest a giant goat spitting fir

hux flux is definatly a terrible pixelated cover... but worst of all:




haha if you dont believe me just hunt down the original... bad bad BAD but funny as hell


devil is a DJ is perhaps bad but in a funny way... although undercover was certainly more of a joke :) in fact i have the undercover album art on a T-shirt thanks to yaniv! and wear it a lot since its a great joke :)


First Step (Pavaroti) is probably the shittest (looks like a 3year old got their hands on photoshop)


the gathering cover rocks imo


!!!!!! I Also think the Mushies cover is AWESOME ! Really makes you fill the mushroom effect :o) When I see it and I listen to Tracks like the Gathering this makes me think of several mushrooms with legs (us) walking like in a military march behind 2 big mushrooms (Erez & Duvdev) around the world :o)


Derek - you win !


I thought the covers of geomantik and the gathering were very good ;)

Guest PsYoNic

..... i would also say the new Yahel covers :((........don't like active morlock cover as well...


oh man yahel covers... what an odd looking guy... sheesh

Guest ZaRAMaTU

Hux Flux - Cryptic Crunch. It's just one big pixel.


Yahel - private collection and mixing in action are the worst.


I just can't understand why does he needs to put his face on every single thing he releases, it seems like he felt in love with himfelf or something.

Guest Slidingtrancer

You people are seriously deranged, just look a bit closer to the IM- The Gathering cover..... its like a 2 year old drawing scary things from his dreams....


Well... maybe its me...


I like Feuerhake- Access all Areas

Guest Andreas of Amygdala

TIP - I'm feeling very weird... It's from '96 - so it could have been done better... Transwave's "Phototropic" is also from that year, and that is the coolest cover ever!

Guest tequila

1. devil is a dj

2. cryptic crunch

3. sun project: zwork


Bypass Unit - On A Trance-Mission

is bad beyond belief.


Plastik Elephant/ Hyper Frequencies... I don't understand how anyone could make it that ugly!


yes ideed I saw the cover of a new Yahel, where he's wearing an ugly headphone and the whole thing looks like some Belgian club/commercial release...


Feuerhake/ the second alb.


Analog Pussy/ Psycho bitch from hell.

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