ma05683 Posted August 29, 2013 Posted August 29, 2013 i like the resources u use Pedro lol im sure u know how wiki works my advice Pedro go to your local library and open a book(u know the real word its outside forums etc etc close the pc) second i will create whatever drama i want who are u man who talk to me what to do?? u ?? what is your moral or whatever motivation to talk about, in such conversation?? are u the objective eye here? tell me what role u have in this conversation? the country is called FYROM and not Macedonia or Portugal or whatever (radio,travel agents, WIKI articles,forums,facebook hahah a few Goverments and ignorant ppl call it Macedonia deal with it) Quote
radi6404 Posted August 29, 2013 Author Posted August 29, 2013 Slavs have nothing to do with Macedonia(Macedonians was a Hellenic race) in any term (cultural,language etc etc etc) Slavs appeared in South hundrend years after Jesus so they dont have any connection for what Macedonia was for hundrend years before Jesus in any way (cultural,language etc etc) its very sad to change history like Turkish shows ancient Greek buildings(theaters,temples )as a work of their ancenstors lollllllllllllll open a book and stop listen FYROM radios lol Stop insulting the Repbulic of Macedonia, it is a great country and I like it, it has great people and great radio stations, also the people who are living there are Bulgarians and former Macedonians, so they do have the right to call it Macedonia. -Don`t you know about Pirinska Macedonia and Vardarska Macedonia? The Vardar is now in the territory of current Macedonia, in Pirinska Macedonia the people were as they are now Bulgarians. The territory of Macedonia earlier was Pirinska, Vardarska and Egeiska Macedonia and the people originated from the places they originated now or do you want to say the people who are burned at the foot of Pirin mountain or at the Vardar river or in Blagoevgrad and Kyustendil where Greeks, don`t be silly. Quote
pedro Posted August 29, 2013 Posted August 29, 2013 i like the resources u use Pedro lol im sure u know how wiki works my advice Pedro go to your local library and open a book(u know the real word its outside forums etc etc close the pc) second i will create whatever drama i want who are u man who talk to me what to do?? u ?? what is your moral or whatever motivation to talk about, in such conversation?? are u the objective eye here? tell me what role u have in this conversation? the country is called FYROM and not Macedonia or Portugal or whatever (radio,travel agents, WIKI articles,forums,facebook hahah a few Goverments and ignorant ppl call it Macedonia deal with it) You need to relax. You can call it FYROM (and indeed some people do) but you must accept most people will call it just Macedonia. And let us leave it at that and move on. Quote
ma05683 Posted August 29, 2013 Posted August 29, 2013 The territory of Macedonia earlier was Pirinska, are u serious man u type the word Pirinska which is a slavic word slavs appeared in south at 6th century after Jesus in which way Macedonia state (a state with that name hundrent of years before Jesus) earlier called with a Slavic word Quote
ma05683 Posted August 29, 2013 Posted August 29, 2013 You need to relax. You can call it FYROM (and indeed some people do) but you must accept most people will call it just Macedonia. And let us leave it at that and move on. sorry i understund now your role Quote
radi6404 Posted August 29, 2013 Author Posted August 29, 2013 are u serious man u type the word Pirinska which is a slavic word slavs appeared in south at 6th century after Jesus in which way Macedonia state (a state with that name hundrent of years before Jesus) earlier called with a Slavic word It doesn`t matter, because the mountain is called Pirin and the people are the same now as they were earlier or do you want to tell me I am a Greek, I am burn from people from there. Quote
ma05683 Posted August 29, 2013 Posted August 29, 2013 i dont call u Greek but in strictly scientific term its not clear what u are BELIEVE ME even me its not sure too if im 100% Greek(or a blend of Greek ,Slavic,Latin,Turkish etc ''flavours'') the history of Balkans is a big chapter in world history with lot of episodes years passed ,many ppl transfer took place in Balkans and a blend of races and nationality established till our current time hmmm no interest by me to continue with that ''It doesn`t matter'' u typed above i think we have the end of conversation peace man and sorry if i disturb in any way Quote
Negrosex Posted August 30, 2013 Posted August 30, 2013 History is interresting , there is a problem: From wikipedia: Bias in school teaching In most countries history textbook are tools to foster nationalism and patriotism, and give students the official line about national enemies.[50] In many countries history textbooks are sponsored by the national government and are written to put the national heritage in the most favorable light. For example, in Japan, mention of the Nanking Massacre has been removed from textbooks and the entire World War II is given cursory treatment. Other countries have complained.[51] It was standard policy in communist countries to present only a rigid Marxist historiography. Your own history dates back to the day you where born. History is used by governments and it sprouts patriotism, war, racism, all sorts of crap. Organisations of all kinds use history for their own purpose. Will the study of history prevent it from repeating? That would be great but i don't think so, the missuse of history will continue to create war and opression till the end of humankind. Are those your ancestors? - probably not. Your flag? Your national anthem? No, those are the flags of your opressors. Quote
technosomy Posted September 2, 2013 Posted September 2, 2013 i like bulgarian tribulus! radi can you start a thread about it please? boris loves it to! Quote
needle ninja Posted September 3, 2013 Posted September 3, 2013 Someone give me radi's number. I'm going to prank call him and tell him that his roads are not smoot, and his mountains are not step, and his crashbarriors are not shinny. Quote
Richpa Posted September 3, 2013 Posted September 3, 2013 ...and his chicks doesn't have skinny legs. Quote
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