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Artist: Various

Title: Replicants Vol. III

Label: Replicant Records

Date: June, 2013


1. Menog & Chromatone - Who Are We?

2. Earworm - Back In Play

3. Khopat - Adapting

4. Ex-Gen - Zombification


"Drugs might actually cause people to wake up."


I wasn't familiar with this label, but once I heard Audio Discharge they had my attention. Looking at the covers for their releases they seem to have a fascination with Satan and gas masks. Whatever you're into I suppose. Have you seen the Terror Lab Industries fetish? Oy.


All four of these tracks are great. Let me state that out front. However two great tracks are bookended by two f*cking outstanding smashers. The first and last tracks are absolute acidic sodomy. Menog & Chromatone pound home that we ain't in Kansas anymore while Ex-Gen has become my favorite twilight artist. This will get the blood pumping.






Nice guys from Australia putting out some really quality Twilight style stuff. Good to see as there is not that much of it there and they are doing a great job.

All their releases so far have been pretty good to my ears and they like their stuff prettttty hard if you are into that sound :)

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