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See there you go again.

It's like you WANT people picking on you.

Grow a pair of balls ffs.

All of what you just said is literally just taken from your fantasy.

Bah this discussion with you bores me now.

It's not fun if you get all emo and hurt.


Watch the video and some other videos he made. Then decide again whether you want to judge him by the same standards as you usually do with other people.



I stopped doing that.


Nice video Radi, cheers. I will try it on some cheaper ones I have maybe.


Also pretty good English mate, was expecting much worse hehe :)


Haha I read that with the Emperors voice. Dont know why.

"gooood, goood.. let the hate flow through you"

That's exactly why I wrote that. :D


Brainwavz look nice. May I ask about the buds? I have a problem with them. I don't want the usual cone size like this




but more like this




Seems like a small difference, but the former don't shut my ear and I 'lose' the low frequencies.


The M5's come with a good selection of tips, though most of them look more like your first pic than your second. It includes a pair of Comply foam tips that are less conical than the others. Comply foam tips are supposed to be the best but wear out faster than others; I haven't tried mine yet.


I watched your video Radi and I'm sorry I said it was embarrassing before. I didn't mean it was just in a bad mood.

I enjoyed it hehe thought also your English was good didn't expect it :)


radi, please tell me that you were stoned completely out of your mind when you recorded the video ;)

No, I'm sure that's how he really is.


radi, please tell me that you were stoned completely out of your mind when you recorded the video ;)


Why, why should I have been stoned in that video?



Why, why should I have been stoned in that video?

because it took you six and a half minutes to share your tip about protecting earphone cables from breaking with the people?


because it took you six and a half minutes to share your tip about protecting earphone cables from breaking with the people?


Because he done that with emotions, and expressing emotions takes six and half minutes :mellow:


That is In Ears, earbuds are not tath bad for the ears.

I've read that in-ears are better for one's hearing than old-style earphones, because they isolate better and therefore people use them at lower volume. Dunno how reliable the source for that was, though.


Not very reliable I would say. It is only logical that In Ears damage the ears more than earbuds, since they isolate how you say and the sound goes directly inside your ear. They have almost no distance to the hearing organ and the bass is due to the different shape of the drivers stronger than on earphones, therefore earphones are less damaging, but at lower volumes boht types are not very damaging and at high volume both will cause damage.


Time to write my impressions for Brainwavz M5. At first I couldn't properly fit them in my ears (the left one actually) and I couldn't hear the low freqs. Thankfully it has a big selection of caps and I found the ones that fit. (Which surprisingly are the cone shaped ones which I guess it's because the earphones are straight and not curved). The sound is indeed impressive. The highs are very loud, but sharp. The lows are very clear (I adjusted my mp3 equalizer just a bit to boost them up a bit) and the mids have impressed me! Overall sounds great. Good job Rotty!





That is In Ears, earbuds are not tath bad for the ears.


This is true, because In-Ears block air circulation between the ear canal and outside and bacteria starts to build up inside the ear.


I've read that in-ears are better for one's hearing than old-style earphones, because they isolate better and therefore people use them at lower volume.


This will be true in most cases. You don't need to turn the music as loud to not have noise from outside disturb your listening because of the isolation. But for people who like to listen really loud anyway it doesn't make much of a difference. The music will be so loud that they don't hear any outside noise most of the time anyway (unless their surroundings become really loud for whatever reason) regardless of how isolating the phones are.


Not very reliable I would say. It is only logical that In Ears damage the ears more than earbuds, since they isolate how you say and the sound goes directly inside your ear. They have almost no distance to the hearing organ and the bass is due to the different shape of the drivers stronger than on earphones, therefore earphones are less damaging, but at lower volumes boht types are not very damaging and at high volume both will cause damage.


Hearing damage is dependent on the sound pressure level at the eardrum. How close or far away the source of those sounds is doesn't matter if the sound pressure level at the eardrum (and therefor also the perceived loudness) is the same. The frequency of a sound also plays a role, but the same basic principles apply (perceived loudness correlates with actual SPL correlates with damage over time).


I'm not really an expert on this and would appreciate it if someone corrected me if anything I wrote is wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is how it works.

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