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So, after I started a thread to show my feelings about the new tracks by Imba the situation is almost out of control again. Slowly and steedy the thread moved into a different direction and ended almost in a fight, where people got negative feelings about me again. Rotwang quoted some posts of mine from earlier threads ann the pot is cooking badly riggh now. I don`t understand why people react so emotionally about the oldschool- newschool discussion, but when someone shares his personal opinion he gets to hear things that others like it and that it is not shit. This misunderstanding should not happen in my opinion, because in any post of those I say that this only my opinion and everyone is free to listen to what he wants. It is my opinion and some others share it and don`t love newschool goa trance, like a few people on this board and a few facebook friends. If what I say is not ture for others I don`t force my opinion over them so I don`t understand why the trouble happens. It seems that when I say something bad about newschool people here think that I want to force my opinion on other people here, which is not my intention. So can anyone explain, why the pot is cooking right now again?


I am working on my personallity and behaviour here on the forum and want to be respectful with anyone on this forum, even with people like pedro, who at least in my view seem to notice a slight change in my behaviour lately, I might be wrong here though. But please don`t respond with so much emotion to some of my personal opinions, because anyone has the right to state what he thinks and what is true for him about the music and the scene.


Eventhough I don`t like Filterias music I appreciate that he invented it and created something similar to oldschool.


How about just answering my question, radi?



That mainly happened because of my anger about the newschool scene and the Filteria worship.

Oh, really? That's OK then. As long as you're angry about the fact that people like music you don't like, you can be as disrespectful as you want to the artists without any negative consequences. Perhaps you could clear something up for me, though - does this rule apply to people other than you? When you wrote that you "would appreciate a bit more respect to the artists in this forum", are we allowed to disrespect artists if we're sufficiently angry that other people like their music, or is that only okay when you do it?



People use harsher words, when they are angry, but the general thoughts are the same even when they are not angry. And you got something wrong here, I am not angry because other people like Filteria, but because in the newschool genre there is little music that sounds attractive to me. Another goal of mine I wanted to achieve is supoort those people, who don`t like newschool a lot. The interesting thing here is though, that since a few months noone dares to say a word against newschool, either the music has improved or people get such a negative feedback that they basically are nto allowed to have their own opinion about it. Think of it, Rotwang.


People use harsher words, when they are angry, but the general thoughts are the same even when they are not angry.

That doesn't answer my question.


And you got something wrong here, I am not angry because other people like Filteria

So why did you write that you were angry about the "Filteria worship"?


but because in the newschool genre there is little music that sounds attractive to me. Another goal of mine I wanted to achieve is supoort those people, who don`t like newschool a lot. The interesting thing here is though, that since a few months noone dares to say a word against newschool, either the music has improved or people get such a negative feedback that they basically are nto allowed to have their own opinion about it. Think of it, Rotwang.

Tell you what, let's make a deal: I'll think about it if you answer my question. Is it OK for the rest of us to write disrespectful things about the artists who post on this forum if we're angry about their music, or is it only OK when you do it?


No, not only I can do it, but anyone else aswell, as long as it has some insight and reasoning. I and Reger were talking about Filteria using pleiadians to promote his music, when in our ears he does not sound like them. Some others have different opinions about it and can share them, but when Filteria does not sound like pleiadians in our opinion, we are free to share it in my opinion. So when there is a reason for the anger anyone can post what he things about an artist, my posts were mostly not disrespectful, but just opinions about Filteria. I did not say he is an asshole or so, only that there was a big hype how he is similar to pleiadians, which he is not in my opinion. I listened to some Filteria tracks, and they did not sound like Deep Frquencies, Time Dillation or Alcyone to me.


So fi there is a reason, anyone can share his thoughts about an artist in my opinion, as long as he adds, that it is his personal opinion and others may listen to it or have different thoughts abou it,or will you deal with the people and say they were disrespectful to me, when they said my music is crap and doesn`t come close to any oldschool artist at all? No, you wont, and just as the users have the right to say bad thigns about my music, I have the right to say what I think about Filteria. Or do people have the right to say my music is shti in their opinion but I don`t have the right to say disrespectful things to Filteria and his music? Is Filteria a person who is protected and something higher than men, only because he released many albums and is fammous? Just like people said bad and some even nasty things about my music I can say bad things to Filteria`s music.


No, not only I can do it, but anyone else aswell, as long as it has some insight and reasoning. I and Reger were talking about Filteria using pleiadians to promote his music, when in our ears he does not sound like them. Some others have different opinions about it and can share them, but when Filteria does not sound like pleiadians in our opinion, we are free to share it in my opinion.

Sorry, but you seem to have misconstrued my question. I wasn't asking about sharing your opinion - obviously everybody here is entitled to share their opinion of any music that's on-topic - I was asking about being disrespectful.


So when there is a reason for the anger anyone can post what he things about an artist, my posts were mostly not disrespectful

Really? You don't think that accusing him of using the Pleiadians name to get "hits" or being "dumb" is disrespectful? You don't think that calling him a "wannabee", calling his music "uncreative", "copy and paste" and "cheese" and accusing him of being a sellout is disrespectful?


But you do think that these three posts are disrespectful. Riiiight.


So fi there is a reason, anyone can share his thoughts about an artist in my opinion, as long as he adds, that it is his personal opinion and others may listen to it or have different thoughts abou it,

Should he add that the people who have different thoughts about it don't know what music is, too?


Or do people have the right to say my music is shti in their opinion but I don`t have the right to say disrespectful things to Filteria and his music?

Wait, I'm confused. When did you ever say disrespectful things to Filteria and his music? I only remember the things I mentioned above, which weren't disrespectful at all, right?


Is Filteria a person who is protected and something higher than men

Are you?


rotwang, if you quote posts, please quote all. I don`t talk about the posts in the Imba thread, but about posts which were posted after I shared new tracks last year, some were very disrespectful and some said that I should not say that my goal is to sound similar than Simon Posford, because he is a god. So please quote the right posts, Rotwang. There are more than enough posts which were against my music, some were very nasty aswell. And I did not say I wasn`t disrespectful against Filteria, I were, but people were to me aswell. If they don`t like my music and things I say about it, they have the right to say even disrespectful things, like they did, and I have the right to say disrespectful things about Filteria`s music, like he does not sound very similar to pleiadians and therefore should not use their name, because they have achieved some of the best music ever created. Some music with real love and emotion that puts me into another state of mind and feeling every time I listen to them. Filteria is not at all like that to me so I said the things I said.


And people said bad stuff about my music, some even going very far and using badly insultive words, but if that is what they think I can`t stop them. But just as they have the right to diss my tracks and say I should not use any other artist`s name to compare my music, I can say the same about Filteria.



Noone here is reacting emotionally to your opinion.

Everyone is entitled and we all respect eachother opinions.

Except you.

Perhaps we are all misunderstanding you, and it is very possible, but then you really need to step back, and before you hit that 'post' button - reread what you just wrote and think about it from another perspective.


Or do you really believe entire psynews is just bullying you for no reason?

You made all of this yourself.


You seem to get hurt and sad about this, and that's a shame it really is, but you made the pot yourself bro.


Aliendna99, I just want to clarify something with Rotwang, that is all. Last year when i shared some tracks and said I want to sound similar than some big artists and asked how my tracks are, many people posted very insultive commends, some even more insultive than the commends I posted to Filteria, but they have the righ for it, because I said things I shouldn`t have. Like my music sounds similar to some big people`s music. But Filteria more or less did the same with the pleiadians thing, I don`t know if it was him personally or him and suntrip. So a few months ago me and Reger reacted to that. I don`t want to speak for Reger, but I said the things I said and as long as people are allowed to say disrespectful and insultive things against my tracks, I am allowed to say disrespectful things about Filteria`s music if I don`t like it, just like the people, who hated my music.


If they don`t like my music and thinks I say about it, they have the right to say even disrespectful things, like they did, and I have the right to say disrespectful things about Filteria`s music

So why did you write "I would appreciate a bit more respect to the artists in this forum", then? I mean, everyone has a right to say disrespectful things to artists, obviously. So saying disrespectful things is fine, then, right? I mean, you do it and then when people react angrily to your doing it you start new threads complaining about how unfair everybody is being, instead of reflecting on the fact that maybe there was something wrong with the stuff you wrote. So you evidently don't see any problem with being disrespectful towards artists.


But then why would you ask other people to be more respectful towards artists? You're sending very mixed messages here - perhaps you could clear things up once and for all?


I was wrong with that, I admit it. Yes, people ar allowed to say disrespectful things to artists. People did it to an amateur artist than me, I did it to Filteria for example. Do you think that it is wrong to be disrespectful to other artists? If you really think it you would have dealed at that time with the people and deleted the posts, that were very disrespectful against my tracks, or do you make a big difference between me and Filteria. You may think Filteria is a better person than me, but when it comes to music you should not make a difference. Either people are allowed to say bad things to all artists, or they are not allowed to say bad things to any artist. If you think the second one, you would have had a talk with the people who said very bad things against my tracks and attackted me personally in the song threads, but you did not.


I was wrong with that, I admit it.

Great. Do you realise that the entire argument that led to this thread could have been avoided if you had just acknowledged your hypocrisy and attempted to correct it when it was first pointed out, instead of complaining about how everything bad that ever happens is someone else's fault like you usually do?


Do you think that it is wrong to be disrespectful to other artists?

Depends on the circumstances. Usually, yes.


If you really think it you would have dealed at that time with the people and deleted the posts, that were very disrespectful against my tracks, or do you make a big difference between me and Filteria.

Nope, no difference at all. I didn't delete the insulting posts people made about your music, and I didn't delete the insulting posts you made about Filteria either.


Either people are allowed to say bad things to all artists, or they are not allowed to say bad things to any artist.

People are allowed to do all sorts of things that they nevertheless shouldn't do. That's why you haven't been banned.


I don't know if saying disrespectful things about someone's music just because other people did it with Your sounds is legit. Where's the connection, when such kind of behaviour is always unwelcome, disregarding the target? Everybody should avoid those kind of remarks.


I think the phrase 'being disrespectful' or 'saying disrespectful things' is the problem, it's not the same as 'having different or unpopular opinion' - it's simply rude. Does Filteria insulted You, Radi (I'm getting confused here :blink: )?


This is beginning to look like a therapy session..

"www.psynews.org/offtopic - follow the blog of radi where he goes to seek help for his issues, with the help of in house psynews.org therapists"

seriously, none of this is about music or opinions.

its really about radi needs help seeing the errors of his ways, live and public, on a forum.

tragic and comedic at the same time.


I don't know if saying disrespectful things about someone's music just because other people did it with Your sounds is legit. Where's the connection, when such kind of behaviour is always unwelcome, disregarding the target? Everybody should avoid those kind of remarks.

Yep. And its VERY different saying


"Filteria does shitty music and i dont like it, i find it boring and uncreative." (which is totally fine to say, because that states an OPINION)

what is not okay imho,

"Filteria is an uncreative, cheesy, copy-paste-style producer who just lives off of the fame that people said he was sounding like pleiadians". That is attacking the artists artistry which is really unnecessary. Attack the music all you want, download the mp3s, burn on cd, and burn the cds. But please insulting the artist is totally unnecessary.


Oh, and I said I'd think about this if you answered my question, which you have (thanks, BTW):


The interesting thing here is though, that since a few months noone dares to say a word against newschool, either the music has improved or people get such a negative feedback that they basically are nto allowed to have their own opinion about it. Think of it, Rotwang.

I can't say I've noticed. Certainly many people have written negative comments in the past about new-school Goa (heck, I'm not a fan myself and I believe I've said so often) without receiving the same negative feedback that your posts generate, but I don't know whether this has changed over the past few months. Perhaps it has, which would be a shame - maybe one of the other regulars who dislikes new-school could try testing the waters and report back. What you should realise though, radi, is that posts of yours like those I linked to don't inspire anger just because they go against the grain of majority opinion; they inspire anger because they are unnecessarily insulting in their tone (perhaps you don't recognise this because you're not a native English speaker, but it's true) and because they are often based on factually inaccurate premises (for example, your suggestion that Filteria claimed to sound exactly the same as E&P when he did no such thing).




Oh, and I said I'd think about this if you answered my question, which you have (thanks, BTW):

I can't say I've noticed. Certainly many people have written negative comments in the past about new-school Goa (heck, I'm not a fan myself and I believe I've said so often) without receiving the same negative feedback that your posts generate, but I don't know whether this has changed over the past few months. Perhaps it has, which would be a shame - maybe one of the other regulars who dislikes new-school could try testing the waters and report back. What you should realise though, radi, is that posts of yours like those I linked to don't inspire anger just because they go against the grain of majority opinion; they inspire anger because they are unnecessarily insulting in their tone (perhaps you don't recognise this because you're not a native English speaker, but it's true) and because they are often based on factually inaccurate premises (for example, your suggestion that Filteria claimed to sound exactly the same as E&P when he did no such thing).


I know that Rotwang, but honestly to say, people even might hate me because of that, but when I saw Reger wrote such stuff against Filteria I used my chance to finally express my anger, because after many years a handful of tracks were created, that are really oldschool in sound and at some moments I really become angry for only having to listen to oldschool goa trance all the time and artists always claiming they produce great goa, altough it is very different to oldschool goa.


Yep. And its VERY different saying


"Filteria does shitty music and i dont like it, i find it boring and uncreative." (which is totally fine to say, because that states an OPINION)

what is not okay imho,

"Filteria is an uncreative, cheesy, copy-paste-style producer who just lives off of the fame that people said he was sounding like pleiadians". That is attacking the artists artistry which is really unnecessary. Attack the music all you want, download the mp3s, burn on cd, and burn the cds. But please insulting the artist is totally unnecessary.

For me, the first statement is a normal opinion just in the second part (i find it boring and uncreative), does shitty music slides into an insult category, maybe because it looks like a statement, but it's just my opinion ;).


For me, the first statement is a normal opinion just in the second part (i find it boring and uncreative), does shitty music slides into an insult category, maybe because it looks like a statement, but it's just my opinion ;).

Yeah its an insult of course. But its based off of an opinion. It doesnt attack the artist directly. Which is why it is okay because sometimes you get emotional about the things you love/hate.

But attacking the artist directly is imo a bit unnecessary .

Also maybe it was a bad example I dunno, but I just wanted to make a point, didnt actually try very hard to make good examples


I know that Rotwang, but honestly to say, people even might hate me because of that, but when I saw Reger wrote such stuff against Filteria I used my chance to finally express my anger, because after many years a handful of tracks were created, that are really oldschool in sound and at some moments I really become angry for only having to listen to oldschool goa trance all the time and artists always claiming they produce great goa, altough it is very different to oldschool goa.

You could have expressed that anger without insulting Filteria (whose only offence has been to make music that you personally don't like) or misrepresenting the facts.


God damn semantics, right :)? I hope we all agree the most necessary comments are praises :) and pointing out cons with some sort of explanation why.

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