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A girl likes goa trance and I am pushing it too far

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No offense to anyone, but man this thread is funny. Radi, why do your threads always in up like this? :D


The girl turned out to be very fake. After several times to arrange a cofé meeting she would refuce. I am not someone, who is hunting for her so that I need her. She liked chatting with me online but did not want us to meet. I did not plan to become boyfriend with her but just wanted to have a talk. She always had an excuse and it was getting on my nerves. I told her that she is playing with people, telling lies that after one week she will meet and than says, no, I don`t have time right now and so on. When it is one thing I don`t like, it is when people always find excuses to delay a meeting, as if time does not continue, so I stopped talking to her.


I think that you don't know how to properly read/understand people's behaviours...the very fact that she didn't want to meet you in the first place should be sufficient. To be honest, I think that you were getting on her nerves instead of the other way around. Imho you were the one who didn't understand her hints of being not interested in any further contact with you, but that might just be my interpretation :)


Of course Ioni1zed, that is also the reason why I did quit talking to her, because I did notice how she is not interested.


You think I am always the dumb person, not getting it. I lost interest in that girl a long time ago and girls are not that high on the interest scale of me anyway. The chatting and talking to girls is more of a research and psychic analys as real interest in dating. Unlike some other people I have better control over my emotions, which by far are not fully controlable, I am not a Vulcan. But with that particular girl, I wanted to meet her to drink a cofé and drink something, she would always find an excuse not to go and at the end I told her, I would not ask anymore and that I don`t care. A month ago we had a big argument, because it was her, who made the contacting a big thing but then she´d always find an excuse. I don´t like people, who are always looking for excuses. That is not a good thing to do.


If "chatting and talking to girls is more of a research and psychic analys (sic) as real interest in dating" to you, why even bother? What do you expect?


What was your purpose aside "drinking coffee with her"?


First, spare your sic commends. i am not sick and my use of language is my own choose.


I wanted to drink cofé with her and talk to her, maybe we could establish a friendship, just like some people establish friendships, because in my kowledge having a girl as a friend is something very good. A good girl friend, (not a girlfriend) is like a very good boy friend. I am researching, because I want to conduct konwledge and research human behaviour, I want to be able to notice why a person is reacting to certain things in a certain way and to other things in a very different way. With that kowledge I can help myself with new contacts and maybe even help others.



One time i met an open minded girl on the street. She was travelling on her own and we spend two great days together. We trance danced and she liked that : despite none of us wanted to go further for various reasons, she left me one of the greatest memory of my life.


And i suspect that's the kind of thing Radi's naturally looking for....


Ion1zed, do you know more about me than I thought you know? You linked me a German Wikipedia article, so I assume you know that my native language is German?


I am German

Huh, for some reason I thought you were Austrian. Did you live there or something or did I just make it up completely?


No I lived for over half a year in Japan, but never in Austria.


I try to spend at least half a year every year in different countries, but so far I didn't make it to Austria :)


I forgot you are German. The time when we talked about Rammstein was not a very pleasant time for me, at the beginning of this year, which is why I don`t remember everything that clear. We should get along better, when we speak the same language.


Radi, du solltest einfach ab und zu nachdenken, wie die Leute auf das, was du sagst, reagieren könnten. Ich finde es gut, dass du dich im Forum engagierst, aber denk einfach ab und zu nach, bevor du schreibst. Das ist nur ein gut gemeinter Rat. :)


//radi, you should consider how people could react to what you're saying, from time to time. I like that you're active in the forum, but please think before posting.


Radi, we had some discussions already, for example about Rammstein and their lyrics. I am German and you are living here, too.


Where are you exactly?



Most likely i will be whole january and bit of february near Heidelberg. Would be nice to meet someone if lives close :)


in other words she was a he?


No, how did you get that she was a he? I did not say something that would lead to such a conclusion. She jsut wasn´t the most attractive girl, I was not in love with her and she annoyed me a lot with her delayings of our meeting, so I quid friendshiop with her.


in other words she was a he?


When he said that she is fake i had same thoughts!


Anyway she saved him from few years of jail and unpleasent suprise :lol:

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