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So I know about cheakpeas from a German documenatry, that was showing cheakpeas being consumed by some Italian people and they are one of the reasons those people live so long and some reach ages above 100 years. Cheakpeas are indeet very healthy and contain so many things, that you feel uplifted and reborn after eating two portions of cheakpeas in a soup or something similar.


Cheakpeas contain:

Vitamin B1, B2 and B6



egg white

zinc, iron and another similar stuff

and many other vitamins and other stuff that helps the metabolysm


So cheakpeans are impressive and one of the most healthy thigns to eat I believe. When I consume cheakpeas they raise my concentration a lot, make me feel stronger and less fragile, they make the blood go easier and increase my hearing aswell. It is unbelievable since I don`t know of anything that can do that so fast after consumption. My concentration is raised, my eyes feel stronger, my ears feel much stronger and my whole body feels somehow younger. After consuming cheakpeas you feel just like you were 17 or 18. You know that after years you don`t feel exactly like that anymore. The brain can consume information way easier, you are calmer and can walk longer distances, you can do several things at a time and just relax much better. The effect is impressive and the strongest I have noticed in that way. Gingko also has good effect on the body, but the effect of cheakpeas, that lasts two days after consumption, is just impressive. I will consume cheakpeas from now on from time to time and recommend them to anyone, I will also look for other extremly healthy vegetables, like soja beans, which also are pretty healthy as far as I know.


So I really recommend them from time to time, because they are so strong and healthy, that they can set your body in a state like when you were 18 for two days. I also recommend consuming other very healthy vegetables and maybe vitamin extracts, who know, maybe they can improve our health and raise our concentration.


Ive heard great things about chikpeas aswell, and im happy it works well for you. Perhaps you have nutrition deficiency, which is why you feel so good after eating these.

Vegetables in general are not to take lightly, they are more powerful than any energydrink or such formulae.


Vitaminpills and other supplements are not half as good, becuase your body cannot uptake it, and you pee most of it away.

Eating raw vegetables, or lightly cooked, your body will absorb every nutrient inside it.

This is why it is not comparable to eat raw vegetables vs. supplements.


so when your mommy and daddy told you to eat your veggies when you were kids - it was true! :D

Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli are thre very cheap and nutritious veggies just to give a few examples :)


I have a big problem myself not eating enogh veggies, and I should definately eat more. And its so tasty aswell!


Thanks for your advice, but I don`t think that it is only because I have nutrition deficiency, but because cheakpeas are very powerful and therefore have a bigger effect on the body than many other vegetables. i consume tomatos and other vegetables almost daily, but the effect is far less noticable than from cheakpeas. you should try them sometime and decide for yourself whether they have a big effect for you or not. I am sure there are other vegetables like that, but cheakpeas, soja beans and maybe some other vegetables are stronger than the daily vegetables that we consume, altough those are important and neccesary aswell.


That is strange to me then, because the difference is big to me. But it may be because you eat them a lot and your body has adapt to them allready.


It doesn`t matter how it tastes, if it can improve my state I would eat even much worse stuff like paprika, which I don`t like at all, except small peaces of it in some foot, the smell is also good but if paprika would have a very strong effect on the body I could consume it.


Right now a new cheakpeas soup is cooking and I prepared a salad with tomates, carrods and lots of onion, so today will be double- healthy.

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