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I have had a iPhone 3GS since 2009. I will soon be ditching the smartphone world because I dont need "wifi" wherever I go even if it is crappy AT&T which sometimes is 'decent' ;p the price per month of the bill isnt worth it either and I have a cheaper plan ;O


anywho! the real reason I am posting here is - have any of you heard of Phonebloks? watch this short video. I want!



Yep, the whole industry is based on incompatibility, vendor lock-in, planned obsolescence, soldering and sealing. Major players absolutely abhor the idea of even their charger being compatible with any other device out there. Everyone prefers having exclusive "killer" components and services which sell the other bundled junk for 700e with nobody else getting a slice of that cake. Ideally at least one part becomes notably outdated in a year or two with no chance of individual replacement. Rinse, repeat.


Currently the benefits of the proposed systems are exactly the reasons why no major manufacturer would like to support it. However, a miracle like that did happen once with PC components so I don't rule it out entirely. It just takes more than a single visionary and a bunch of consumers who'd like to spend less on their mobile hardware...


probably it won't work. but think about an idea that people become united and agree upon being anti-consumeristic towards mobile phones until their wish of phonebloks becomes fulfilled by corporations. measure of anti-consumerism + internet = new democratical standard of some kind


it's not completely science fiction. or it is? :lol:


I think it's a nice idea. But apart from the economic problem mentioned by Padmapani and Dolmot I think there would also be an issue with ergonomics: if the components are shaped in such a way that they fit together nicely then they'll have sharp corners that will be uncomfortable to hold. You could have the whole thing encased in an ergonomic shell instead, but that would limit the position and size of the camera component.


I've watched a video on youtube some guy mentioning that position of components affects performance and it's not possible to do the phoneblok right now but intel is developing some kind of a chip that will enable that but not in the next 5 years

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