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prometheus - robot-o-chan (twisted)

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Artist: Prometheus (Benjamin Vaughan)


Album: Robot-O-Chan


Label: Twisted


Release Date: 20th of January 2004


Cat: TWSCD25


Total playtime: 67:35


Genre: Psytrance




01 Robot-O-Chan 08:13

02 Mekong Delta 07:41

03 Number Cruncher 08:09

04 Snakes & Ladders 08:18

05 Samothraki 07:56

06 Universe 07:45

07 O.K. Computer 07:49

08 U.R. Beautiful 07:47

09 Long Wave 03:25


Part I

Before we start I just want to let you know that the text below represents my own unique opinion. Reason for me typing this here is that I really don't feel like adding "in my opinion" or "in my humble opinion" to the beginning of every second sentence. That being said do read on..


It usually takes like a day or two to review an album. That was the case here too. Must have been like a week ago or so when I was about to click that reply/submit/send button. I had maybe fourteen A4's of Courier New just waiting to be seen by others. The album was playing and I was just going thru the biggest grammar and spelling mistakes. So basicly everything was at its place, but then..


I hadn't even listened the album thru one time when I already knew that it was marvelous, yet another brilliant release from the Twisted empire. Everything was just how it was ment to be. A flawless album in every single meaning of the word. My view was ofcourse just how it was ment to be. I admit, I'm a big ass Twisted whore. They did claim a soft spot from my heart a long ago and sure have kept exclusive rights to it ever since. To keep the story on going..


I listened the album thru again and again. Must have been the 4th or perhaps the 5th time when it all changed. The album sounded still great, all in all okay, but it just didn't feel that unique or special any longer. One could say that the shine was gone. Maybe it's just a overdose I though. From that point on the day was 100% music free..


As I started listening to psytrance ala Prometheus again the next day the album didn't sound even okay, mediocre at its best. Did give it a few more chances, but nothing changed. Believe me, it's not a comfortable situation to find yourself in. After all they did send me the album for a review, but a negative review is definetly not something a label is after. I figured that maybe I'd write a positive review, just concentrate on different things. In a nutshell make very well clear that maybe the style just simply isn't my pack of cigarettes but I'd be more than sure that some would praise it to the skies and beyond..


But I chose to not sell my soul, and so decided to write what I felt and hope for the best. So as I was about to post my review it could have had a title in a fashion of "Robot-O-Chan - The Biggest Utter Dissapointment Of The Year". To get back to the story..


I decided to smoke a cigarette and after that check the review thru one more time. I'm slowly but firmly becoming a perfectionist. As I came back inside it was “Snakes & Ladders” playing. To say the least it sounded fucking marvelous and I felt awesome. As I nodded my head to the music I checked what I had written from this particular tune. It didn't add up. So instead of posting the review I selected everything and deleted the whole thingy..


Part II

Having had this album for a much greater time now I think I can safely say that it's music wise the best thing that I've come across this year. Having said that I think I might aswell say that it's THE thing that has happened to music in quite some time. This album, well the tracks represented here anyways aren't about basslines, percussions, beats, effects, definetly not kickdrums or even melodies. Don't know how to explain myself. I guess what I'm really trying to say here is that in a way every single track here is a complicated network. Everything is integrated, it's not about individual things but the way they play together..


You know how you can get the creeps from hearing some spooky music or feel really down while listening to something sad. If I for example want to feel down I'll listen to Albinoni's Adagio in G-minor. Getting back to the point the thing I'm really trying to say here is that this album brought up a whole new emotion in me. I don't really know how to describe it. It feels really good, but yet in a way you don't really know what the hell you are doing while you feel it. I guess you could say that you forget not only the existence of others, but also your very own. I for one find it incredible that Benji has programmed pieces of code with his hardware/software interference into 0's and 1's and here I am sensing it all as my cd player millisecond by millisecond opens that code and converts it to wobbling air which my ears again convert into "sound" which I sense in my being essence..


Part III

It's incredible how similar Ott's debut's frontcover is to this ones’. Then again, maybe not, after all it's been done by the same guy. This particular guy is called Calx and he lives in a place called http://www.Calx.co.uk The frontcover of Blumenkraft is pretty much white, black and blue. That's the case here too. In Blumenkraft's frontover there's a fluffy little robot thingy with a red flower. In Robot-O-Chan's cover there's Robot-O-Chan himself. He looks somewhat evil with his cool scary satanic eyes and other fancy shining parts. Ott's album was all in all fluffy thingy about warm and happy places, just what the cover promised. So one could assume that this one isn't about summer but nuclear winter. No love here, only hate. Then again as they say, don't judge a book by its cover. The same just might apply to CDs.


Benji is definetly no stranger to sound. To name a few groups he has been part of: Younger Brother, Cyberbaba’s and Contraband..


Part IV

This album can be divided into three parts. There's the first tune which is pretty chilled and sets you up for the right mood. The tracks two thru eight are all in a way similar. Well not really similar at all, but they do tend to make you dance. Then there's the last tune. When it's playing it's time to say good bye..


Like I said, “Robot-O-Chan” sets you up for the right mood. It's a beginning of a epic story. Slowly but firmly it grows on you. At first there's really not that much going and then suddenly.. Spooky storytelling, it's definetly the little things. Things get their place. New things arrive. Things evolve. Traditional? Not at all. Opera for the 21st century? Yeah, something of that flavour. You might fall in love with the basslines or perhaps the drumwork. Then again maybe it’s the synths that do the trick for you. That’s not all though for there’s the weirdness and the athmosphere to fall in love with too. This track is not that difficult to get. It's straight, it's modest but most important of all, it's good! The word good doesn't actually do much justice to it, lets rather call it brilliant.


As "Mekong Delta" starts playing the first part is totally left behind, there really is no question about that. Chills are now chilled, but the party does go on, just find your way to the mainstage. Hurry! Hurry! It's about to start. You made it! You hear the travelling synths while you approach the stage. They're getting louder and louder or perhaps it's a trick of your imagination? The kick and hi-hat combo is about to burst into bloom. Almost there. Do drink now, soon it'll be too late. A sip or two and let us go on. At some point you might find youself sitting on the ground. It does take all your focus to really hear the track. Why dance physically, mental travell seem so much more appealing! All you gotta do is close your eyes, no substances required, everyone is welcome. Hell, even my fish seem to participate. =)


*Sigh* Samothraki, ah Samothraki, those were the days! If you were there and catched Prometheus playing you definetly heard this tune called "Number Cruncher". I was sure I had never heard this one before but as the code started opening I had a mild deja vu. If it was about the little things in the first tune, well here a mental microscope is more than necessary. Futuristic, psychedelic, tricks, more tricks, variation, complete, those words combined, that's what this tune is all about..


Another deja vu occured when I heard the beginning of "Snakes & Ladders". Again, it's the tinyest details that work together with the bigger things that create a perfect harmony. Okay, they are in a harmony but what they create, that's something else. It was this tune playing somewhere around four minute mark when I finally learned to appreciate, love and enjoy this album. When the track starts building up again and finally reaches the climax, that sure is one hell of a climax with capitals! The way things arrange themselves again. The way it becomes complete again. And then, the fucking blast! Elegant, intelligent, emotional, uplifting, sad, it speaks to me! Definetly one of my personal favourites.


How nice of Benji to dedicate a track to Samothraki Dance Festival! Now it's time to stand on your feet again and start working with those moves. Show me what you’re workin’ with. =) Ingredients ala Benji, it's just simply impossible to resist. It has flavour. Call it salt, we all need it, we just couldn't survive with out it. Call it sugar, it's sweet. Call it chili, it's spicy. This was definetly very, very hard track to learn to appreciate. It has elements from full on. It has elements from progressive trance. It has elements from classical music. I can also trace elements of rock, jazz, pop and even hiphop. What ever you are after, trust me, it's here, might just be a little difficult to find. It’s a open platform, works with both, e-head fool onnists and important bastard progressivenists.


Universe sure is one wonderful thing. "Universe" doesn't fall that much behind. It’s made in the spirit of Samothraki if you ask me. Keeping things short, this track does one big cycle, in the end it returns to the source. So the timeline of this Universe is cyclic.


Next up is my personal favourite, "O.K. Computer". First of all, no it's not a remix of anything. Second of all, this tune is fucking outstanding. 2,3,0,2,2,4,6,7 gotta love it, what a brilliant sample! Then there's that repeative "computer insane, computer insane" sample, but now I'm jumping ahead of things. No time being insane just yet. If you were to ask me what my all time favourite psytrance tune was I honestly couldn't answer that. Sure I've got a soft spot for Hallucinogen's LSD as I've also got one for Infected Mushroom's Bust A move and sure Younger Brother's The Finger found a way there too and yes there are some others too. Well this one found its way there too, that's incredible, considering that I really haven't even heard it that many times yet, but I promise, I'll always bear this one with me, no matter where I go or what I become. That being said I'd say enough has been said about this tune.


"U.R. Beatiful" is another personal highlight of this album. The beginning sure stands for tribal. All the other things that are going on in the beginning, that's Shpongle in high tempo baby! I wouldn't actually even be that suprised if “Shpongle three” was to sound something similar to this. Can't remeber the name of the tune, I do remember that it's on the other of the two Hallucinogen albums, anyhow this one sort of reminds me of it. Maybe it's "Shakey Shaker"? or "Snarling Black Mabel", might actually be “Jiggle Of The Sphinx”. I don't know how my mind ever managed to find this track only mediocre, I mean it's fucking awesome! Gets the same treatment from my heart than the previous track. This is one of those tunes that you can end a party with. Will definetly make people remember it for the rest of their lives, wouldn't suprise me a bit if it somehow managed to write itself to the listeners dna. Benji is one twisted sound programmer! =)


"Long wave", it's the time now, but do take the trip again, as many times as you wish, 20€ will give you a lifetime pass. =)



This being a Twisted records release and Benji being the other half of Younger Brother I expected this album to be nothing less than perfect. It was a hard ride. Loved it, started finding it boring, learned to love it in a new way. What can I say? It's more than perfect! Labels usually ship some info sheets with their promos, it’s usually one A4 full of cheesy lines glorifying the album or the artist. Well anyways this one sure came with the cheesiest line I’ve ever seen. It goes something like this “Prometheus aka Benji Vaughan like his namesake, has literally taken the music from the gods and delivered it to the dancefloor with his new album “Robot-O-Chan”. To tell the truth it doesn't sound that cheesy any longer..





ps. you are invited to check out the sound samples @ my webpage www.traveller.mypage.org


pps. thank you twisted, thank you prometheus, truly wish all my best to you..


Woohoo another load of pretentious crap from Twisted... this label died when Posfors stopped making Hallucinogen, he was the only worthwile thing about it, even Shpongle has worn it's welcome, with acts like Entheogenic taking the downtempo style so much further! Unusual Suspects and Twisted Sessions were a shocking display of pys trance, more like a bunch of old men pissfarting away in a studio trying to keep the money flowing... how about we all spend our money on anew upcoming act? Somebody like Shift or Promon or Entheogenic who still have a lust for making real emotional and heart felt Psy trance? Twisted records should retire with grace, the only useful thing they've done in the last 5 years is the GMS remix of Gamma Goblins...


sorry to say this but i don't agree with you


a)i doubt very much that you've heard this album yet


b)hallucinogen albums were made in a time when 100mhz pentium 1 cpus were the absolute hi-tech end, now we've reached 64 bit processing @ 4 gigaherz.. probably even more so today's computers are pretty much infinitely faster and more powerful than those of yesterday


c)i absolutely loved unusual suspects, both shpongle albums, ott's album and younger brother's album.. most will probably say that yb's album for example was the album of this year..


d)funny you should mention twisted remixes cos i sure found it the worst release from twisted recs this far..


e)i guesss it's all about taste


f)my taste is far better than yours =p


I don't like much of anything Twisted releases (Shpongle being the one exception), but like you say, it's all about taste. I'm sure there will be many people raving about this Prometheus album which is fine, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if all the rave reviews of Twisted releases are just an extension of the hero worship that seems to exist for all things Simon (or associated with him)?


well you do that while i enjoy my music.. i can't help but wonder if all the reviews of any nontwisted releases are just a sign of rebelism and childism.. =p

Guest Duodenum

i think twisted stuff is hit and miss, but it's pretty mature anyway. Unusual Suspects, The Lone Deranger, Blumenkraft, Younger Brother, Shpongle (and remixes), etc. are all top class IMO.

Guest Hallucinogenious

twisted for me releases top quality ... thats all im bored writing about how good blah blah is twisted ...


for me...teisted is quite good...i don`t have many cd-s from twisted:

hallucinogen,doof,tristan,younger brother,shpongle...and thats other way of psy music....but for me trust in trance records is more powerful...



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