NHJO__HYENNRO Posted September 22, 2013 Posted September 22, 2013 하이.접니다.NHJO HYENNRO(노흐즈오 현느로)입니다.저의 오래된 작업물발표시간. 크크크크.저가 1996년 고3때 만든작품들입니다.모든 악기는 저가 만들었습니다. 몇개빼고.이른바 사운드블래스터사운드(YMF262)입니다.FM: FREQUENCY MODULATION링크입니다. 근데 팔로잉이 장난아님. 유명한사람들이 주르르. George winston등.https://soundcloud.com/nhjo-hyennro-fm-ymf262그리고 및에껀저가 원하는 VSTI를 영어로 써서 각회사로 보냈슴. (NI, TONE2, REFX, YAMAHA, KORG, ROLAND, ACCESS, WALDORF, DISCODSP, U-HE, ROB PAPEN, LENNAR DIGITAL등.)Hallo. I'm NHJO HYENNRO from w/russia/korea/etc. I have a very good idea. I upload one file. "Downloads.rar". Please download this file and extract to your hdd. and included program "dosbox". and type: mount c c:/ (extract direction) and execute note, 262im. and winamp plugin extract to winamp plugin directory. and rol, ims, sop can play in winamp. Do u know NI's FM7, FM8 and old Yamaha sy99, fs1r, dx7, tx81z? DX7 was 6operator synth. SY99 was 6operator x 4 (monoonly). 6operator x 2 (poly) TX81Z was good wave from 4operator. Fs1r was 8operator. http://www.nhjohyennro.com/Downloads.rar this rar file have these files. note.exe -> old ymf262(yamaha) chip based Sequencer just like only 2op mode using "Visual Composer". 262im -> YMF262 chip based Instrument Maker. easy to use, but very powerful. 8 waveform but has Square (wild), Sawtooth. note, 262im was made by Korean Programmer "Ho Bum, Lee". 2im -> Awesome 2op, 4op instrument made by me and my friends. Sop full set is made by many korean artists tracks. Rebible <(My one of old team name). These track and 4op,2op instrument made by me. especially, you must listen "MASTEROP.sop". This track is very known track Metallica - Master of Puppets. Some korean composer, arranger make songs, and I put the my amazing 4operator instrument (made by 262im) 262 Stormwav gt3_s. This 4op instrument's power is really heavy. I made this Metal 4op Guitar Patch in 1996. I say, My old ibm 1.7 ide hdd have more hundred 4op, 2op patches. But that hdd is now broken. but I will repair soon. I say, You listen my amazing 4op use tracks. you are crazy. I know fm7, fm8 have all of 262im function. but 262im have really great powerful 4op sound!. I send these story to NI, Tone2, Refx, Yamaha, Korg, Roland, Waldorf, Access and more. please make new AFM(Advanced Frequency Modulation) VSTi, hardware synthesizer, just like 262im (but more powerful and more function like sy99, fs1r, fm7, fm8.) I wanna at least, 8op(or more 12. Latest cpu will be can indeed.) and sy99's layer mode. 12operator x 8 mode. <Layer. and more FX (Reverb, Delay, Chorus, Eq, Phaser, Comp, Filter etc.) and great Random Generator. and very many Oscillator waveform with Oscillator modifier just like Z3ta. and Oscillator Drawmode. Following content was sended famous instrument maker company. Hallo. I'm NHJO HYENNRO from w/russia/korea/etc. I have good idea. I know yamaha sy99. This is RCM(AWM+AFM) synth. I want new RCM Synth by yamaha. sy99 only 6op x 4 (mono) I want 8op(or more) x 12 (poly) mode. and more various Waveform. and modern latest filter type. 3 band (or more ) EQ on panel. and AWM+AFM mode also. and plus Virtual Analog Engine just list AN1x (but more.) or virus, waldorf serius, etc. and I want, Yamaha's new desktop virtual analog synth just like virus (but more.) with FM (sy99 more) engine. Virtual analog + FM + PCM.. this is amazing maybe. and Please make new MOTIF Series with Virtual Analog + AFM + PCM + etc with 31band eq. but many poly needed. (ex5 only have 2 poly.) This synth beat korg's kronos. because only Various Engine layer mode. ex) VA + AFM + PCM Layer mode etc. Thank you. I know FM7 amazing vsti from your company. My idea is these. 262im.exe Description. This is old instrument making tool using old (1995) YMF262 Chip (Made by yamaha.) I attached this utility. This is working at dosbox. and These tracks are made by me. 4op but quality is amazing. also I send SOP File dll for winamp. SOP is music file, just like Old Adlib (Rol) file. but rol is only ym3812, SOP is ymf262 (max 4op.) I know FM7,8 Good. But This tool(262im) is simple but strong and easy programming support. I send also, NOTE.exe. This is sequencer just like Visual Composer(Canada Adlib company.). but More Powerful, because able 4op mode. Visual Composer is only 2op. (ym3812.) I say, I want to release new fm synthesizer looks like 262im, but more powerful, etc. and Do u know Yamaha SY99 or Fs1r (8op mode enable.). SY99 is RCM (AWM+AFM). but This SY99 is can be 6op x 4 mode (But, Mono.), max is 6op x 2 mode (Poly.) VSTI is now bigger and nice because computer evolve. I want new fm synthesizer. include 8op(or more) and more oscillator (just like Z3TA (osillator modulation), or circle or massive (many oscillator) + User drawing more, and many more FXs, and Excellent Random generate and Very Nice Filter (has many filter mode just like Gladator.) and excellent oscillator algorhtm. I want 8op(or more) x 8 (or more) I know these cpu this can be. and more want Nice Guitar Effecter (FX) just like POD (Line6) or Eleven rack. These files are made by me. You can listen these file on dosbox and winamp (Plugin rol, ims, sop.) Please listen these my files. and making! If you want my extra opinion or work with me, please email to me. If you listen these file (sop) making by me, maybe you are mad. Guitar and other instrument made by me. (262 stromwav GT_s, 262 Raucous GT, etc.)If you want me, I can go germany. Please listen my awesome tracks using NOTE.exe, 262IM, winamp plugin (rol, ims, sop support dll on dosbox mode. but I say Dosbox's emulation is not perfect. (Similar but no good better than original ymf262 chip gear (sound blaster etc.). Note is sequencer made by South-korea programmer Ho Bum, Lee. and 262im made by he also. I have My old ibm 1.7g ide hdd (made by 1996). That is very important hdd. That hdd have my works (4op instruments made by me, and track using 4op mode.) But hdd is broken. and I will fix this hdd soon. (recover cost maybe 200 usd.) If I go germany, I'll keep that hdd. I will contact Ho Bum, Lee. That guy know note and 262im technology. This note.exe is old version. and can't export 4op instrument to file. Ho Bum, Lee know this export technology. If you make this amazing fm synthesizer, I must making factory preset or more. If making This fm synthesizer, this beat more fm7,. fm8. sure. and additional info do u want, email to me. Thanks. Hallo. NI. . I'm NHJO HYENNRO from w/russia/korea/etc. 4OPDANCE: dance track made by me. Main Guitar is also made by me. Guitar name is 262 Stormwav GT_s. (made by 262im at 1996.) Another1: famous track by MC. sar & The Real Mccoy's another night. fm bass is good. ANTHEM: This track's full track name is Anthem to the hell. My track, and many use 4op instrument. ARYX: This track is found by me. for searching internet module file. MASTEROP: This track made by korea musician (id: viper, Kyung su, Lee.) and 4op guitar, bass instrument (262 Stormwav gt3_s,etc.) made by me. MOTALINT: This track is Movie theme Mortal Kombat. 4op instrument made by me. NANG18SE: This track is korea's tradition old song (Nang Nang 18 old.) Main Guitar made by me. R1AVELO: This track is trance track using 4op instruments. RAVERIFF: This track is Hard Rave 4op Sound. TAIJIGRV: This track is intro made by koreas famous band. (Seo Taiji and Boys)'s song. HI-NRG: This track is hi-nrg trance tracks. Weird 4op instrument used. BEAUTY: This track is Beautiful Life, Ace of Base. CR2: This is weird trance track. in medium, you can weird 4op instruments. MEGATON2: This track is made by me. 4op sample tracks. PLGROUND: This dance track made by me. Original version made by visual composer (ym3812). but this version made by note (ymf262 stereo mode.) RAVSYNTH (Main Synth) is great analog synth instrument made by me. DJ-RUNAW: This track is RUN AWAY by Real McCoy. made by one korea composer. SMELL: This track is Smell like teen spirit made by Nirvana. Main Guitar instrument also made by me. Any question, contact to me via email. and I say really wanna these INCREDABLE new AFM Vsti, hardware. Please many instrument maker, make this! THANKS YOU. 반갑습니다. 여러분.예전에 하이텔(KETEL후신) ID: Revival나우누리: stompmix입니다.신천지: rebible(streousx)저를 기억하시는분 계시나요? 크크.예전 하이텔 셈틀가락과 나우누리 소리마을 그리고 신천지 애드립동에서 활동했습니다.예전 94년부터 주로 나우누리에서 테크노, 일렉트로니카 트랙을 많이 올렸었죠.그리고 이호범님이 만드신 note, 262im으로 수많은 명기를 만들었었죠. 크크.제가 96년 (저 고3떄) 수많은 4op 악기를 만들었었는데요.여기 있는 자료중 소리마을 공모전 96년껄 들어보니 거의 70퍼센트 이상이 저의 4op악기를 쎴더군요. 크크.여기 있는 SOP모음집중 rebible이 저의 작품들입니다.그리고 여기있는 262im.zip중 2im에 있는 악기들이 전부 제가 만든악기들입니다.다름 아니라 이상하게 4op이면서 간단한 구조로 좋은 퀄리티가 나와서 저가 몇년전부터 생각한건데 262im을 최신 큐베이스 VSTI로 다시 만들면 어떨까 생각해봤습니다.물론 6op를 지원하는 fm7, fm8, 그리고 yamaha 의 fs1r이 있지만,이상하게 저가 96년에 만든악기들은 간단한 구조를 가진 4op로도만 엄청난 퀄리티가 나와서요.이호범님및 예전 장혜식님등이및 luxonix (조해성님등)이 같이 만들어 보면 좋은걸 같아서 글을 써봤습니다.물론 만들어지면 팩토리 프리셋 열심히 하겠습니다. 크크.그리고 오늘 그냥 독일 Native Instrument로 메일과 자료를 보내봤는데요.물론 거기서도 만들면 좋겠지만 예전 262im및 장혜식님및 luxonix등과 저가 합작해서 만들어보면 어떨가 해서 글을 써봤습니다.많이들 의견 참여바랍니다.조만간 관심있는분들끼리 미팅을 가져볼까 하는데요.게시판에서 의견을 나눠보죠.그리고 저가 지금 96년도에 저가 작업하던 엄청난(?) 자료들이 담긴1.7기가 고장난 ibm ide하드가 있는데요, 이안에 수많은 4op등이 있습니다.복구하려면 20만원정도 든다는제요. 아무래도 복구해야할듯.너무 귀중한 자료들이 많습니다.복구비용 스폰서도 모집해봅니다.아무쪼록 예전 FM음원을 좋아하시고 사랑하시는 분들의 많은 관심바랍니다.감사합니다.www.nhjohyennro.com www.nhjohyennrorecords.com 010 4449 9547 nhjohyennro@naver.com nhjohyennro <kakao talk, line. nhjo hyennro. Quote
Negrosex Posted September 27, 2013 Posted September 27, 2013 For me 6 operators AFM would be enough (more wouldn´t hurt though) but i would love to have a better user interface than the DX/SY line. Maby with some pots or sliders for more hands on control. Seems like sometimes the menu has more pages than the manual Quote
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