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Using intelligent and professional language

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So I really love to use intelligent and professional language, especially when I see other people here do it, that gies me the reason to do it even more. Not that I need to talk like that or want to sound intelligent, I don`t care, but it really sounds very funny to me when I read it so I try to sound as professional as I can. I say return instead of come back, active instead of turn on and many other funny phrases, so that I sound as the funny articles, who explain computer stuff or similar. Even though some of them are for newbies, the authors try to write as complex as possible so they sound cool and intelligent. So I do the same thing and sometimes exaggerate on porpuse so I laugh out lout when reading my texts or the answers of them.


But sometimes it is needed and I am serious, for example when talking about behaviour of people and similar things or analysing dvelepment of things in goa trance or other things. It is needed sometimes, but sometimes I do it on porpuse to laugh very hard about it. Did someone notice that yet?


I enjoy displaying my lexicon and the vernacular skills, however I don't do so with the incentive of portraying my intellect. Its good practice for formal writing assignments and comes naturally with linguistic emersion and the pursuit of furthering one's education. I enjoy reading post by people who do put forth an effort to include a rich array of vocabulary and interesting sentence structure. Keep at it.


I've noticed that I often fill my writing with a lot of excess verbiage and tortuous phrasing that I wouldn't use in speech. It's not intentional and I'd rather stop. It makes me sound like a pseudo-intellectual bellend.


I've noticed that I often fill my writing with a lot of excess verbiage and tortuous phrasing that I wouldn't use in speech. It's not intentional and I'd rather stop. It makes me sound like a pseudo-intellectual bellend.



I've found myself over the years changing the way I write (and talk, to smaller degree) so as to get my point across better. I guess I got tired of online misunderstandings.


I don't have any special ways of writing my posts here, only thing that's important to me is that everybody will understand the context of the sentence and not to bother too much with my grammar and incorrectly written words.


What Up dawgs - IMA gonna go 't tha joint t'night en bust a move.

Me 'n' my boyz like to talk all proper to radi, Ima gonna screw a skinny ass bitch jus fu u radi.


The only time I even bothered spewing intellectual nonsense for more than two rows was when I did my C essay in English. I really don't see a point in it otherwise. Using proper grammar and making myself and my thoughts understood is enough for me, personally.


there are two types of english (not exclusively. the situation sadly is similar concerning my german) i am proficient in: the first is the kind of language you would use to write a scientific paper, while the second is as far as i can tell just above being as good or grammatically correct as you need to be understood. the "in between" language you'd normally use to write an email to someone you know (but don't know very well) is utterly difficult to me.


so what you're reading from me probably is mostly "good-enough" english with some "scientific-grade" parts strewn in. i hope that, combined with my predilection for overly long sentances (for which english isn't the most suited language), this doesn't make me sound like a pseudo-intellectual bellend. i'd have no problem though with sounding like an intellectual bellend that just happens to write sloppily ;)


Bravo to the Psynews'er for not taking the instant stab that could of been. 8)


Writing English 100%$ correct was always a problem for me. I was given an extra class in 8th grade (14yrs old), it had 2 or 3 other students in it. Grammar with comma's and all that junk was the focus. Thinking back, I'm not sure how I was given this class. Guess my 7th grade teacher had something to do with it. NO IDEA ;p the only things I remember from that class were group games now and again as well as playing Oregon Trail, ahaha! learn kids! learn with games! ;p

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