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Will the world get over one of the biggest problems or will it fail


11 members have voted

  1. 1. Will the world find a replacement for mineral oil or will it fail

    • It will find a replacement the next 30 years
    • It will fail
    • I am not sure
    • It will find it in the last second
    • It will find a replacement after several years of big crysis

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I am not worried about the pollution, the world has a lot of forests and copes with the pollution. In some areas forests are recovering and give more fresh air to breath. However I am very worried about the exhaustion of fossil ressources without providing alternatives. In a few years all of petrolium will be gone and who knows if it will be replaced. Shame people are so careless and drive alone with their fucking cars and say, I love car driving. Girls are impressed by men with big cars who need a lot of fcuking petrolium. How can they be so careless. The car is stil a big symbol of independance and prosperity. People who have a car are more respected by others and some people even laugh at people who do not have a car. I don`t care about cars and don`t think they should be used for fun or short distances. A trip with a car (with several people inside) is ok, but using the car alone for fun and not using the bus is bad. When will people act environmentally friendly, use their own bags for shopping, keep old stuff for storage and use the car little and with more people? I am tired of big companies exhausting fossil ressources til they are completely obsolete. The technology is there but cmpanies don`t care since they are only interested i profit and the states, especially the car loving Germany does not do anything because they are affraid that people loose their jobs. Germany is a state where companies dictate the government, altough the government must dicate the companies, it must force fast development of alternative energy engines and not allow fucking VW to say "electric energy is unsitable for driving". It is the future of us young people and our children, that gets ruined if companies wont change their attitude dramatically. I am very angry about that and really hope that finally something happens.


That was well said, the part about the companies dictating the government...


There are alternatives to fossile fuels though ... and one is even readily available: oil from plants. You can even run a normal diesel car with cooking oil (used for french fries and then filtered) ... Mythbusters did it years ago :)

Plus there is this crazy german team of scientists I saw in a documentation on 3sat TV station ... I don't know many details anymore but they talked about practically cooking and chemically treating plant parts into some form of sludge ("Slurry" they called it) and make a stuff identical to fossile oil out of it. Practically. I can't say more, don't remember it ... plus, TV can actually say anything and people will believe (although I think 3sat to be a station with more scientific reputation than many other mainstream programs). But nevertheless, science is working on that, good and proper. And they will find a replacement, I'm not worried about that...


There are other things I'd worry much more about. My list you can see above :P


Yes RTP, 3sat is really a great tv channel and their shows appear very serious and reliable to me. They talk about many interesting innovations, that can happen in future. Let´s hope you are right and they will aktually make the changes. I really hope they will transform some plant oil to fossil oil, however not at the cost of plant oil, there must be enough plant oil in order the price not to raise because it is used for other porpuses. By the way Austria is one of the most environmentally friendly countries in europe or the world. The country provides electric energy almost exclusively from alternative environmentally friendly energy. Germany is not as developed in this matter, but it is not that bad aktually. Swizerland is also very environmentally friendly. The most important thing to happen in the next years is, replacing petrolium with another source of energy.


If all else fails, there is still steam and mechanical power. Running out of fossil fuels would likely mean we as a society would have to take a large step back, or face the costs of alternative energies, or both. This may sound bizarre, but people do not actually need cars. Sure, cars are efficient and many of us take full advantage of that convenience but we could just as easily walk, bike, or take electric powered mass transit options. Streetcars could realistically return for a low cost. It's just that we are addicted to the conveniences of the modern age. Many call it egotistical of us to continue running our course like this. We live in a very ego driven age and I believe that in my lifetime (I am 24) we will see the slow decay of this way of life.


Yes, you are absolutely right there. The world is very ego driven. Cars are driven and produced for fun. People with more money buy cars for fun and use them as their hobby, it can`t get worse than that. A car is great for having a trip, but only enjoying how the car drives is not a great hobby. I must admit that I love travelling and enjoy travelling with acar, but when I think about the consequencies for the environment, especially the exhausting pretolium, I loose the enjoyment of it. It really annoys me, that the solutions are there but still not available. Let´s hope France and Japan will be the first ones to introduce cars completely driven by alternative enrgy. In the last years they have shorn most efforts in that direction.


Thanks for the compliment about my country's energy politics, Radi, but here is a thing about the ecological energy in Austria you probably don't know ... people don't talk about this much, but it's real:

The ecologically friendly energy that is produced here in Austria via hydropower and wind is not consumed here, it is sold ... it is exported out of the country, to foreign companies. For the amount of ecologically friendly energy that we sell, we buy cheap dirty (atomic or coal) energy from plants near the border (for example Mochovce). As we sell our ecological energy for a higher price than we buy the cheap atomic power, our politicans live quite well off the profit :P

It's hypocrisy. Because we always said no to atomic energy in our country -- and then we buy it?!


Until some time this was really a bad situation we couldn't change. But now there finally exist power companies who don't sell the ecological energy but really provide it to the people ... sadly they are expensive and my family can't afford that ... so we continue the false game of actually consuming dirty atomic power, at least in parts :(


The only good thing is, that the eco power we produce is put to good use, no matter what. The buy and sell thing is practically just a thing that exists on paper. Still, it exists and that is bad, because of this atomic power plants do have more customers for their energy which makes their profits higher - and that should not be!


Well, in this case it is by far not optimal, but at least you use some energy by alternative sources and the sold energy is also not wasted. The sold energy makes other countries disable some of their atom powerplants and therefore is just being used in a different place. Still it is used and replaces old powerplants.

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