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So for several years for now I have been smoking 1 - 2 cigaretes a day. Basically for five years now. The most I smoked were 3 in some days, but usually it was about two the last two years. The last days I had started an experiment and quit smoking for two days and I saw, that I did not feel as well. I was very aggressive towards others and very nervous. I was not calm and got angry for smaller things. I notice that even half a cigarete helps me being calmer and having a better mood. The problem is, I want to have the small nicotin dosage but without the bad effects of cigarette, what alternatives are there, which provide the same ammount of nicotin like one or two cigarettes.


Anyone say without cigarettes they feel better or that when you start smoking, you will smoke more and more. Two cigarettes were enough for me and I did not want somke more, I amanged to keep it at two cigaretes. However I noticed that without any cigarete for several days my mood is not as good and I do not feel as relaxed and am very nervous. I even have problems doing stuff, which requires a lot of concentration because I am taht nervous. So it seems I need a small dosage nicotin. The question is, what to take instead of cigaretes.


The things that I like about nicotin

More concentration

More positive mood

Better hearing

More controlled movement

less hungry


But I don`t want to share that with the negative effects of cigaretes.


Yes, nicotine does have its positive effects (see http://www.gwern.net/Nicotine for example), but I'd recommend you to just stop smoking altogether, get through the time of withdrawal with its unpleasant symptoms (shouldn't be more than a few weeks) and never look back. I stopped 2 1/2 years ago (after smoking tobacco/cigarettes for about 9 years) and don't miss it at all.


silly radi

cannabis isn't a poison... in facts its one of the few drugs that isn't.

most cigarettes taste gross to me unless I'm drunk.


Yes, nicotine does have its positive effects (see http://www.gwern.net/Nicotine for example), but I'd recommend you to just stop smoking altogether, get through the time of withdrawal with its unpleasant symptoms (shouldn't be more than a few weeks) and never look back. I stopped 2 1/2 years ago (after smoking tobacco/cigarettes for about 9 years) and don't miss it at all.


I don`t care about cigarettes, but if nicotine can help me feel better and especially more concentrated I will look for sources to get it otherwise.


I was just trying to say:


You will feel better and be able to concentrate better without cigarettes (since that currently is your source of nicotine) when you are used to go without them.

And: Once you're used to not smoking cigarettes you can still take nicotine to improve your performance in certain areas or general well-being. I don't know what the best way to deliver nicotine to the body is, though.


Yes, I really have to look for some alternatives. I guess without the bad effects tot he body caused by the cigarete the nicotine will have even better effect and show it`s full potential.


Because I wanted to know how it tastes. It was when I was 15 or 16, when I was taking a few smokes of a cigarete from schoolmates. After I was smoking a few smokes from friends until I started smoking one or two a day. But I was not one of those, who really got into smoking and can`t control himself, smoking 20 or more in a day. But the effect of one cigarete a day is nice, it helps improve concentration and the other things that were mentioned above. The healthstate is ofcourse not very good even with one cigarete, which is why I am looking for alternatives.


well in my opinion you should drop smoking. like trancenon said before. there are other things you can do or try to "feel" the improvement of concentration and whatnot. i usually smoke 20 cigs a day but i have been taking a break for a week now and i feel great, wonderful even.


I don't wanna sound stupid (there are a number of people out there saying it's bullshit) but ... tried an e-cig already?

A friend of mine is full-time smoker (meaning: more than your 2 ciggies a day, Radi ... although not a full pack ... maybe half) and he uses that now with great satisfaction -- it's basically a device that vaporizes pure (or almost pure) nicotine solution ... saves money, can smoke where it's not allowed (no fire, no air pollution, no smell) and is much more clean and also healthier than smoking cigarrettes...


By the way, it's not the shit you see on TV that looks like a plastic cigarrette ... it's a bigger thing, looks more like one of those thin flashlights ... is good!


Thanks man. I know what an E-cigarete is, but they say even they have bad ingridients inside them that can cause bad illnesses aswell.


a friend of mine is working on new elements for e cigarettes, and trust, me there are some amazing things you can substitute with, you will probably see them in your countrys soon, all natural all herbal


Are there any proofs e-cigs are "healthier" than regular cigarettes?

Also I wonder what's difference between tobacco used for self-rolling and the one used in cigarettes. For me it's almost completely different substance - it looks different, smells different and tastes different. Can it be less harmful?


a friend of mine is working on new elements for e cigarettes, and trust, me there are some amazing things you can substitute with, you will probably see them in your countrys soon, all natural all herbal

interesting. I look forward to this


A friend of mine is full-time smoker (meaning: more than your 2 ciggies a day, Radi ... although not a full pack ... maybe half)

that's what i'd call a quarter-time smoker ;)


i wouldn't expect any adverse effects on health if one can keep his smoking habit to 2 cigarettes daily.



Are there any proofs e-cigs are "healthier" than regular cigarettes?

Also I wonder what's difference between tobacco used for self-rolling and the one used in cigarettes. For me it's almost completely different substance - it looks different, smells different and tastes different. Can it be less harmful?

yes...there is proof that ecigs are far far less dangerous than regular cigs. we are talking magnitudes less dangerous. anyone who tells you that ecigs are harmful is either outright lying, or talking out their ass.


ive been vaping (using ecigs) for over 2 1/2 years. im somewhat active in the vaping community, and i have done a LOT of research.


the bottom line is that that there are only 4 ingredients in an ecig liquid: vegetable glycerine, polypropylene glycol, nicotine (at whatever strength you want), and food grade flavorings. none of those things are harmful (well in large doses nicotine is, so dont drink the stuff), and none have been shown to have adverse effects on ecig users. both vg and pg are already used in foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and a host of other things ingested by humans.


all an ecig is is a little tiny fog machine (like in a club) with some nicotine and flavor added to it.


really...the things are safe to use. besides...even if they werent 100% safe...you already know how bad real cigs are...theres no comparison.


heres a page with a list and links to ass loads of research reports:




well if you decide to go that way...i suggest you stay away from disposables, or anything that tries to look like a real cigarette. they are poorly made, dont work well, and are more expensive. look online for something called the kanger evod starter kit, its fairly inexpensive, works very well, is easy to use (for a beginner) and the replacement heads are cheap and easy to find.



like this one (only from somewhere near you):




just dont forget to order some liquid for it.

  • 3 weeks later...

Yep, the guy I know also uses an ecig of that mentioned type ... it's no cigarrette-lookalike, it's rather as big as a cigar...


Also, Radi, there is one more possibility if you don't want to smoke your tobacco: you can sniff it.

I just got around this again and dug out my snuff, it's already a year old or so, but seems as good as new to me, tastes the same like I bought it...

It seems to be quite addictive though, at least for me, I must admit ... since I dug it out again, I always wanna take another nose ... so be careful.

The one that I bought is called "Gletscher Prise" ... it's awesome. Almost too awesome. I want another nose now, really...


Another thing is "Snus", the stuff from Sweden. Chewing tobacco. I tried that aswell already and I must say, I kinda liked it, but it's quite evil stuff ... first I swallowed the juice and got sick, since then I always have to spit when I take it, which makes it uncomfortable when around people who aren't your friends...

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