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I finally decided to start putting together my own modular system.

Here are some of the modules I'm getting:

Cylonix - cyclebox

Doepfer A-140 EVN, A-190 Midi-to-cv module, A-132-3 VCA

Make Noise - Maths

Toppobrillo: Multifilter

Tiptop Audio: Z3000 Smart VCO MK2

The Harvestman: Polivoks VCF

I'll post a picture once I get everything in the mail and put it together.

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indeed they're great fun. my friends got a nice setup and we can sit for hours playing around with the thing.

Are there any notable artists who are known for using modular gear?


indeed they're great fun. my friends got a nice setup and we can sit for hours playing around with the thing.

Are there any notable artists who are known for using modular gear?

I am not going to give you the list. It's a pretty long one and all you need to do is research the recent history of music.


I am not going to give you the list. It's a pretty long one and all you need to do is research the recent history of music.

Sure sure, I'm more interested in contemporary acts though. I'm familiar with some of the oldies like klaus shulze, tangerine dream, and jean michelle jarre etc...

  • 2 weeks later...

Steve Roach has a real nice album made completely with analog modules http://www.discogs.com/Steve-Roach-Possible-Planet/release/503128


Currenrly am having my first eurorack system built by www.equinoxoz.com . A mix of stuff that both Cody from their & I decided upon. It's taking a while as I'm spending $4500 and waiting for some modules to be released to the public. Basically it's a 9u system + a skiff at the bottome that will house every drum module from TipTop Audio (all 808's & 909's). I'm buying myself the new Arturia MicroBrute for Xmas as it will be a fun stand alone synth but also from what friends have said it'll work well as a controller for the system.


I then have plans to buold a complete The Harvestman system for my more industrial/quirky projects.


Over the next two years I'm building a semi-pro home studio for teaching & also to rent out now that my house is built.


Gear list:




Mac Pro

M-Audio 2626 (will upgrade to an RME interface & mixing console eventually).

Adam A7x monitora

Novation Impiulse 61 midi keyboard


Eurorack System 1 (mixed modules)

Eurorack System 2 (The Harvestman)

Arturia MicroBrute

Moog Sub Phatty

DSI Prophet 12


Undecided on FX (modular systme will have built in FX modules of course). Moogerfoogers are good buth the Strymon Bigsky Reverb intrigues me a lot.


Guitar & Amp (undecided yet).


Mayber an electronic drum kit, to be decided at a much later date.




Ableton Live 9

Sample packs (currently just both Faxi Nadu packs).



possibly some mastering gear if i get around to doing a course on audio engineering etc. that I keep planning but never bother to do.


it's a 2 year plan to have all of this. I currently just use software but it's really not stimulating me at all. i just end up making boring commercial stuff that i can sell for advertising. The hardware will definitely stimulate me to make more fun stuff, as I had a big Roland & Korg based studion with my older bro in the 90's but we sold it off to fund our university studies.


Nice to read these things, goa trance needs more analogue minds again!

Agree'd. I can't wait to implement my new gear in my work.


@Balance-Music it sound like your setup is going to be sick. You should post a photo once you have it assembled!


Thanks mate :) It's been a dream I wish I'd started earlier but better late than never. I think people would happily rent a space with such gear, and I think it's a good chance to tap in to education about synthesis & the production process.


20131104_215544.jpgIt sounds like Jesus. I couldn't fit my Maths module so I had to order a bit more room.


It doesn't even fit if the ears are facing the right way :*(


Altough we hae fights from time to time I respect your skill for using modular synths. i tried using software modular synths and i could not. They were too complicated for me, they had too many options and I could not work fast with them at all. I could not get the right sound fast so I quit using them.


interesting. that's a lot of functionality for just one little box. and some of that is impossible or at least cumbersome to do with most pieces of software.


Altough we hae fights from time to time I respect your skill for using modular synths. i tried using software modular synths and i could not. They were too complicated for me, they had too many options and I could not work fast with them at all. I could not get the right sound fast so I quit using them.

For me going modular has very little to do with being able to easily dial up a sound and play it. For that I'll have some off the shelf keyboard synths. If I really wanted that I'd just get a Virus TI which IMHO is just a big fat VST in a case with keys. Modular for me is to learn and play with synthesis, it's not about rushing but only synthesis exploration. I actual don't plan on really using my modular in actual tracks, but to explore the boundaries of analog synthesis. I have borrow a friends 12u system many times and just spent hours on a single patch tweaking minimally. It's epic exploration and with the proliferation of modules becoming available there's endless exploration depending on your preferences. Originality IMHO doesn not come from using certain synths for certain sounds that so ans so used to make such and such track, but to spend your lifetime finding your own sounds. I could not care less if I release any tracks or whatever with my propesed layout, at my age post 30 I've got enough backing behind me now to be able to afford a wonderul musical setup for myself. If others get to hear and enjoy it then that is wonderful but I am & will continue to make music for me first.


How expensive does these stuff get? I'm planning to get a synth for a hobby, and i'm just planning to start small for now. But some of the prices of seen are insane, or at least for me.


Yeah it can be as much or as little as you want. I'd suggest a good set up would be something like the Pittsburgh Modular Foundation 2.0 which is a complete voice analog modular synthesizer prebuilt. Details http://pittsburghmodular.com/foundation/ otherwise you could go the Dark Energy II from Doepfer fro a nice semi-modular http://www.doepfer.de/Dark_Energy_II_e.htm but if you get that you'll probably want to get the the sequencer as well http://www.doepfer.de/Dark_Time_e.htm or else within in that price range I'd suggest the Moog Sup Phatty or cheaper options are the Novation Bass Station II, Arturia Minibrute or Korg Ms-20 Mini (if you can get past the issues). Hobby wise I'd go something at least semi-modular as it will keep you occupied for years.


Yeah it can be as much or as little as you want. I'd suggest a good set up would be something like the Pittsburgh Modular Foundation 2.0 which is a complete voice analog modular synthesizer prebuilt. Details http://pittsburghmodular.com/foundation/ otherwise you could go the Dark Energy II from Doepfer fro a nice semi-modular http://www.doepfer.de/Dark_Energy_II_e.htm but if you get that you'll probably want to get the the sequencer as well http://www.doepfer.de/Dark_Time_e.htm or else within in that price range I'd suggest the Moog Sup Phatty or cheaper options are the Novation Bass Station II, Arturia Minibrute or Korg Ms-20 Mini (if you can get past the issues). Hobby wise I'd go something at least semi-modular as it will keep you occupied for years.

Ya, I've been looking at the Bass Station II for a while now, and some other folks I've talk to about this recommended it. Synths amaze me so much ever since I was a kid, I remember my dad bought a cheap one and I was amazed by the amount of sounds it could play. I've recently remembered about them and looked into it again and my love for them has reignited.Thanks for the tip!


Personally if I was you I'd buy the Arturia MicroBrute first (it's stunning for the price), and it works perfectly as a eurorack controller, so you could later add either a premade euro system like the Foundation or else make a small one yourself for under $1000.


You need to spend some time at www.muffwiggler.com it's not dodgey, it's the best euro & IMO synth forum in the world.


Why the microbute? Mostly just for price or is there more to it that will give it more advantages in the long run?


Ya, I've been looking at the Bass Station II for a while now, and some other folks I've talk to about this recommended it. Synths amaze me so much ever since I was a kid, I remember my dad bought a cheap one and I was amazed by the amount of sounds it could play. I've recently remembered about them and looked into it again and my love for them has reignited.Thanks for the tip!


I don't have any experience with the Bass Station 2, but I have a Bass Station 1 (rack), and I use it for 90% of my bass sounds. I've occasionally used it for higher frequency sounds, but I have other options that are much more versatile for such things. I watched a promo video for the Bass Station 2, and it sounded good, but I can't remember what about it was different from the original.


However, this topic is about modular synths, and the Bass Station isn't modular. Modular synths can indeed get quite expensive. As a quick and easy example, go to any modular synth maker's website (Doepfer, MOTM, etc.) and gather the prices for the most basic synthesizer modules: 1 oscillator, 1 VCA, 1 VCF, 1 envelope generator, 1 MIDI-CV converter, plus whatever power supplies are needed for those modules. Just those modules get a bit pricey, and together you have the most boring synth imaginable. It takes even more modules for a modular synth to rise above integrated synths, so that you have the ability to modulate things with other things in weird ways. That's the whole point of modular synths (these days).

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