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A goa Trance explanation site, any support?

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That's what I mean: people were commentin on your project before but you didn't like the comments since nobody praised you, so you don't see those comments as advice. So why should we continue to comment if our opinions are only rated as advice if they agree with your view?

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No, there is praise, there is rejection and there is something inbetween. Most commends except from a few users like technosoomy and one other user were rejections. I don´t want to hear answers like, don`t create the site at all you don`t know anything anyway. That are insultive rejections and nothing more. I want to hear what I can do better and want to hear adices how to make it instead of hearing rejctions. It is very easy to insult someone and give him a rejection. And you ask me whether i have a high ego. For me high ego is destroying the plans of other users with giving him rejections and saying, no you don`t have enough knowledge anyway so do nothing.


In my book it's about ego if you demand that the user of a forum have to comment on your projects or your topics/post. Especially if they not only have to comment but give a specific kind of reply.


But anyway, I can give you some replies about the good and the bad parts of the page you posted:


Good points: the colors are nice; instead of other samples of your writings that you have posted earlier you actually cared to spellcheck


Bad points: you pointed out several times that you will create an astonishly looking page, it will be impressive and what not. As I said before the colors are nice but if you use so big words I expect something really special.The design looks rather dated and there are no graphics. Not that this is a bad thing per se but I was expecting something different after reading what you wanted to do (something that has a very high standart when it comes to the design).


Well, the website will not have flash or Java since I want anyone to be able to open it, not only people who have flash player installed and javascript allowed.


You can also add graphics (logos, regular pictures) that are not using flash or java.


2 hours of no comments and you exploded loool



What do you expect? You made it very clear that you are not interested in any honest replies or real advice for your page. You just want praise to push your ego.


Tatsu was right here. I agree.



Hah, hilarious how noone cares and commends on the site. It is so pathetic that really noone commends and appreciates that I put work in such a site and want goa trance to be spread. You don´t see such ignorance often.


You sounds like you spent months on this one. I believe just couple of hours.



But i will comment site: Pattern is so boring and so DEFAULT. Color scheme hurts my eyes insantly, and i lose any wish to read it (even if blue and purple are my favorite colors). It reminds me on webpages i made for fun 10 years ago in IE...

You know... it's like you started new track and made just kick and bass and uploaded preview... not good enough to be called preview.


This so called preview should be much more better. Now i think this whole thing is pure joke and it makes me to forget it and don't follow progress... You wrote like 15 rows and thats it for explaination?

Imo you should use blogs for this. It could save you many hours, you could use default patterns that are actually pleasent and nicely made.




Anyway i will follow this to end to see how it is, even if i don't want but you asked for comments so i will show you respect commenting it. It is your problem if you won't like what i have to say and i don't care. Deal with it.


You promissed us it will be impressive. I am looking forward to see the proof of that ;)


It is only one page, the site will have 20 pages or more. Also the describtion is only as a place holder. I am focusing and experimenting with the graphics and clours right now. If they are as I want them I will I will work heavily on the text.


Havn`t I said that the text is only used as a placeholder and is there in order to show how the website looks with the text. The text wont appear like that on the final version. In the final version I will check any word for errors ofcourse. But I allready have different ideas for the design, I downloaded GIMP and Inkscape and hope I will be able to create high quality backgrounds, which will be very important for the website. I will also use great looking tables on the website in order to style it properly.


Havn`t I said that the text is only used as a placeholder and is there in order to show how the website looks with the text.

And you can't use a spell checker on placeholder text because...?


Because it is not important for me. I could have also written.


sjdflsdj fsldfj sfösdf jsdfj weohwh asogoj öalgkfjweogtijh wehgsaojfg f

sa fjslöfj weprfujh wpfhweoi jfsofj oweihjrft9ehgt9 jsaf jlösfj woerfw

fj wlejfrowhrft9wzu9tf8 gsjfgojhf9weoh9 wrfj salföj weirpfuwe uwe


So it is not important for me to have spellchecker on such text.


Fair enough. You might receive more useful feedback if you provided more a representative sample, though.


Anyway, I like the colour scheme.


Hah, hilarious how noone cares and commends on the site. It is so pathetic that really noone commends and appreciates that I put work in such a site and want goa trance to be spread. You don´t see such ignorance often.


There was less than two hours between your post showing the site and this one. I don't know about other members, but I'm at work 8 hours of the day, and I have other things to do in addition. Chill out.


For testing certain part of text you can always place lorem ipsum (http://hr.lipsum.com/) text generator. I don't like the preview, it looks like basic html without any proper structure, design-wise it looks poor and introduction text is lame and it doesn't give any proper information or introduction.


Hah, do you think I would have expected a different view from you? You would leave poor commends even if the site was topnotch and was appreciated by anyone else. The site is not topnotch yet and it wont be much more than HTML and CSS because I want anyone to view it. You can however stop commenting on my website or anything that has to do with me because any of your commends about me is negative. Not all users have to like each other but you are extreme and can throttle your hate a bit if you want.


Nope, I'm saying that because it's bad and who are you to stop me to comment something that has been posted on public forum? If youre exposing your work to the internet, than get used to the positive and negative comments and opinion. In my case there is nothing that I would call good enough regarding your 'informative website'. A couple of people before me told you some good advices but your super-ego doesn't accept good advices or anything in that manner. And for your information, i'm not commenting YOU, i'm commenting your shitty website preview and lame introduction text that my little cousin would put it better. Read my post again before quoting me.


Excuse me Richpa, but I am wondering who has a superego. The text I used as a placeholder on that webside has better grammar than you are able to use in your posts. You have poor grammar and are not someone who can judge whether the text is good or not. I don`t question your cousin will be better than you by the way, since it is not difficult to be grammatically better than you, most people are.
Also you seem to disregard that the preview I have uploaded is a preview of a site I worked a few minutes on. It has nothing to do with the final result, which you don`t seem to be capable to realise, simply because you have difficulties understand my words or English in general. I have no prolems accepting constructive critics just like Tatsu, Rotwang and many other users did. You however use insultive langauge all the time (which is normal for you by the way, since it is probably the language you are used too and you are born with) and are not capable of expressing yourself otherwise.

But I guess you know that not only people who are registered read your commends, do you? Any of your posts contains insultive content towards me and uses vulgar language, so with your critics on my webside you have the goal to insult me as a person. But you should know that when you insult me, I will insult back, so just sit back and shut up instead of trying to insult me personally with any commend you release on psynews.


I really advice you as a label owner to behave and use appropriate (not vulgar) language because this forum is not only visible for registered users. I am not the first one you try to piss off. Do you know that the internet remembers everything? This is the reason I had easy access to the rediculous argument with the poor E-mantra.


ON that argument you just showed who you really are and that you will fight even for a few rediculous quid, so please man, just behave in an appropriate way as I and other users do. I don`t have a superego but I make jokes. The preview of that site is far from super but I wont allow you to use that as a way to attack me personally.


Excuse me Richpa, but I am wondering who has a superego. The text I used as a placeholder on that webside has better grammar than you are able to use in your posts. You have poor grammar and are not someone who can judge whether the text is good or not.

Dude, I'm not commenting someone's grammar, i'm reffering to the content of the introduction text and regarding the grammar and proper placeholder I already told you that you can use Lorem Ipsum generator. I don't have problem to communicate with people, and it seems that people with native english language and other people understands me well and vice versa.



I don`t question your cousin will be better than you by the way, since it is not difficult to be grammatically better than you, most people are.

Coolio man, still my cousain will construct an essey about goa music better unlike your introduction text based on a single compilation, a couple of artists and without exploring the roots or the background of the music.



Also you seem to disregard that the preview I have uploaded is a preview of a site I worked a few minutes on.

You said it all - ''a few minutes on'' and you already posted a preview... And guess what? You're asking for a SERIOUS OPINION on a SERIOUS psytrance board about the 'as you call it' SERIOUS PROJECT, but you have worked a couple of minutes on it. Yes sir, it looks shitty and pope Francis won't stop me to say my honest opinion about something that i dislike and don't find it good.


It has nothing to do with the final result, which you don`t seem to be capable to realise, simply because you have difficulties understand my words or English in general.

In less than 48 hours you made an annoucement about the serious website project, posted a preview and explained a topics, subjects and a content of a website. Reading your postings I made my opinion about that project AND IM COMMENTING WHAT I READ OR SEE. I understand you well mr. Very Steep Mountain.



I have no prolems accepting constructive critics just like Tatsu, Rotwang and many other users did.

You have problems, and the sad part is that most of your problems are reflected through this community. Luckly we share this place wiht people who got patience and understandment for your disrespect and dull ideas, such as this one is. I'm not one of them, I just say what I mean.


You however use insultive langauge all the time (which is normal for you by the way, since it is probably the language you are used too and you are born with) and are not capable of expressing yourself otherwise.

Cut the crap, I did not use any insultive word before, especially not towards you (as a member of a psynews), except describing your shitty website as a shitty, which is...well, shitty. Sorry for not choosing a more suitable or more fancy words, in Croatia we like to keep it short, directive and honest.


But I guess you know that not only people who are registered read your commends, do you?

Yes. I told you about the stuff that you post online, remember?


Any of your posts contains insultive content towards me and uses vulgar language, so with your critics on my webside you have the goal to insult me as a person.

My critics towards your website doesn't have anything in common with my opinion about you. Regarding my opinion about you, well, you made a couple of people to abbadon this place, and by the way thoose people gave so much for this forum, more than you will ever, and I wish someday they will get back and you will get perma-ban. Btw, shitty website.


But you should know that when you insult me, I will insult back, so just sit back and shut up instead of trying to insult me personally with any commend you release on psynews.

Shitty website. Pssst.



I really advice you as a label owner to behave and use appropriate (not vulgar) language because this forum is not only visible for registered users.

I'm not here to sell releases or stand as a (net)label owner, I'm here as a guy who just like same music like people who comes here aswell and guess what, I don't see here on psynews label owners, regular members, super-reviewers, moderators, etc, groups of people like obviously you see. I see a bunch of people who just like the same music and enjoy sharing experience and passion about that same music.

Part II:


I am not the first one you try to piss off. Do you know that the internet remembers everything? This is the reason I had easy access to the rediculous argument with the poor E-mantra.

I'm not trying to piss you off, I'm here to to tell you that you should express your 'passion' towards the goa trance in different way with more appropriate tools. Your website won't be informative, your website will look shitty and the most important thing, your experience isn't the same thing as a objective facts, so saying here that you will present goa trance and sub-genres through the website is something that actually bothers me, because you don't accept people's opinion and advices, even tho some people here bothered to give you a good advice, for a start - go and open a blog service and writte down your trips about the certain tracks, or how we call it here, do a review, but not go around and say you will start a website project as a explanation site. Wtf.


About E-Mantra (and i don't see any reason why r u mentioning him) - I hope he is well and I hope he's having a great time with stolen artwork, pity he decided to delete his account here without saying a goodbye. I hope you will. Or not... if you get ban.


ON that argument you just showed who you really are and that you will fight even for a few rediculous quid, so please man, just behave in an appropriate way as I and other users do.

Are you a comedian? Appropriate =/= Radi.



I don`t have a superego but I make jokes.

I know you have jokes. One member of this board told me that a couple of months ago you posted some insults and vulgar words (*is that how you call it?*) towards another member but you told him that you have malfunctuned keyboard and that was a reason why your behaviour was vulgar. Hehehe, still my favorite joke.


The preview of that site is far from super

It's shitty.

Richpa, you can say what you want but you make it obvious with every post that is concerming me, that you have something against me. You frequently use vulgar words, make things look very negative and behave as if it ireally bothers what I do. The information I want to provide on my webside will be wrong? So the information you provide is the only right information, isn´t it? I have the right to open a webside and it will not provide wrong information. It will, as I said provide information that is based on responses I am collecting on various forums and in reviews.


If you don´t know what I am making at least read what I am making. During the last months I opened many threads and many users contributed well and helped me that way to see, how others see goa trance. The last example of such a thread was "Cold Goa Trance" Ormion for example listed Another World by Astral Projection as being cold, he obviously has the same opinion about it as I do. And that is only one of many examples I memorized during the last years and am still memorizing. This is not the first time I am explaining this so either you don`t read what I say or or you intentionally try to piss me off and insult me.


You can spare your commends on wanting to point me wrong and stuff like that because you reveal your real intentions with every single post of yours. You are not a person who can hide his feelings towards others and you show you have very bad feelings towards me If you will tell me otherwise I will just say that you are a liar. It ain´t be more obvious than on the last posts.


Another thing I want to tell you is that you can spare your insultive language and negative behaviour towards me and other users. You are a person who is pretending to care about goa trance but you show the opposite. The ehaviour you show against me and other members doesn´t even come close to the principles of goa trance.


[qoute]in Croatia we like to keep it short, directive and honest.


I know that, I know. Today is not the first time you demostrate it, basically today is one of the many times you demostrate that.




I'm not here to sell releases or stand as a (net)label owner, I'm here as a guy who just like same music like people who comes here aswell and guess what, I don't see here on psynews label owners, regular members, super-reviewers, moderators, etc, groups of people like obviously you see. I see a bunch of people who just like the same music and enjoy sharing experience and passion about that same music.


you may not be here for that, but the users aren`t sleeping. People are reading man, people are reading your insultive posts here and there, they are reading what you say is normal for Croatia and they are reading how you make drama on the internet. Excuse me, but making a big drama for a coverart on a public forum is not very wise. If I have issues about money I don`t expand them on a public forum. I am a person who wants his money for done work but I solve the problem personally with the relevant person.


So, Richpa. I wish you a nice day and nominamte you for a great label owner who as you say "cares about goa trance and doesn´t want false information to be pulished by me on the internet" and follows the principles of goa trance strictly.






Excuse me, but making a big drama for a coverart on a public forum is not very wise. If I have issues about money I don`t expand them on a public forum. I am a person who wants his money for done work but I solve the problem personally with the relevant person.


So, Richpa. I wish you a nice day and nominamte you for a great label owner who as you say "cares about goa trance and doesn´t want false information to be pulished by me on the internet" and follows the principles of goa trance strictly.




You have poor grammar and are not someone who can judge whether the text is good or not.

Radi, please take the following as constructive criticism: you really are in no position to be insulting other people's grammar.

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