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A goa Trance explanation site, any support?

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You clearly aren´t honest. You are always telling me how people want to help me and give me advices.


Everyone who said is bad gave to you/us long enough explaination why is bad. Everyone gave their opinions based on professionality or taste, whatever. Good critics based on something that is bad actually, should make you think about it and use some of advices to improve quaility and transform bad to good.




Yes, you got right, I'm a liar and in the past four years I made a dozen of 'goa-friendships', and kept a relationship with over 150 affiliates, fans and friends and other people including goa trance musicians, DJ's, label owners, graphic designers, reviewers, scene uplaoders, party promotors, radio hosts, based on lies, but somehow they all were blind and dumb and yet you succede to unveil my true mask of lies, which was clearly visible.

Relationships are building based on honesty and friendly attitude - something that is too abstractive for you to understand, and honestly, I hope one day you will able to process thoose things in your head, and who knows, maybe your attitude will improve aswell.




Radi, we got this scene today here thanks to friendships. As there is no profit (not big one) in this scene, friendship and trust are most important. It's close society man. Most of us (musicans or label owners) are chatting a lot between eachother, we are helping eachother, sharing ideas and tips, having fun. Not just musicians, also people that are envolved into scene. So good, so much fun and stuff, it's WONDERFUL!


That's what pushing us together into the future ;)




And where is the ultimate goa website?



I only see 5 pages of wasted energy and time, and no real work on the design or content ...


It takes time man. It will take at least a month more since I have to do many other things, it is not like I am free and the website is my only concerm.


Yes I do, I find your posts to be dull and boring, your ideas to be ridicilous and badly done and your attitude to be rude and disrespectful, not towards me, but towards many members of this forum. Do I hate you because of that? Umm no, there is a line between the internets and between the real life and in my case hate is something that can be applied onto real life situations only, and trust me, your silly arguments or anything else doesn't give any feeling of hate as you're claiming.


Yes, you got right, I'm a liar and in the past four years I made a dozen of 'goa-friendships', and kept a relationship with over 150 affiliates, fans and friends and other people including goa trance musicians, DJ's, label owners, graphic designers, reviewers, scene uplaoders, party promotors, radio hosts, based on lies, but somehow they all were blind and dumb and yet you succede to unveil my true mask of lies, which was clearly visible.



Relationships are building based on honesty and friendly attitude - something that is too abstractive for you to understand, and honestly, I hope one day you will able to process thoose things in your head, and who knows, maybe your attitude will improve aswell.


I don`t care what you did or did not in the last years. I would appreciate if we could change our attitude to each other a little bit and be a little more poile. I for my side am ready for this but I doubt you are. If we are more polite to each other, for example you using less vulgar words, topics like this will have content on the aktual topic and not some fights.


Radi, seriously, I didn't want to comment on your bullshit anymore, mainly because I think you suffer from some kind of disability, and I am not referring to a physical one. But sometimes your arrogant, ignorant, egocentric and self-righteous behaviour really start to piss me off.


All the reactions here in this forum should have proven to you, that there's a HUGE difference between YOUR reality and reality as other people perceive it. To me - and probably to most other people in this forum (or every other forum you may be active in) you appear to be everything else than what you think you are. You prove that with almost every posting you make here!


You are not open-minded, you are stubborn as hell and have a very narrow point of view on most topics we're talking about here!

You are not friendly - you are easily offended and often don't find the appropriate (i.e. friendly/kind) words to react to other people.

You are not tolerant, as you dismiss lots of other opinions using harsh words.

You are not a humble person.

You are neither talented above average nor overly educated on lots of topics. Your website example is...well...just a good example for that. I remember your posts in the topic about employment and how you don't get the chance to prove yourself, even though you have "very good" skills in English language. You also stated, that you're very good at "talking with people". Again, obviously you are NOT! You lack empathy, you lack basic elements necessary for successful human interaction, as everyone can see in this forum. Of course it's all our fault, right? we just don't understand you or are mean people, all of us.

You talk so much rubbish, it's sometimes unbearable. Your statements on Rammstein and their music/lyrics immediately came across my mind. Ridiculous!


I bet that you don't have many friends in your everyday life, in fact I am absolutely sure of that, no matter what you are trying to say. Because the way you behave here and your character, as it comes across here, are just not very likeable.


Having said that, I sincerely hope that one day you will change, because the person who will benefit the most will be you!


As far as I know it was one fucking coverart and you made a big drama here on a pbulic goa trance forum

I know, right? What kind of person would make drama on a forum over something so trivial? That Richpa is such a drama queen!


Radi, seriously, I didn't want to comment on your bullshit anymore, mainly because I think you suffer from some kind of disability, and I am not referring to a physical one.


Not trying to be mean here but I've such an inkling as well.


Radi, seriously, I didn't want to comment on your bullshit anymore, mainly because I think you suffer from some kind of disability, and I am not referring to a physical one. But sometimes your arrogant, ignorant, egocentric and self-righteous behaviour really start to piss me off.


All the reactions here in this forum should have proven to you, that there's a HUGE difference between YOUR reality and reality as other people perceive it. To me - and probably to most other people in this forum (or every other forum you may be active in) you appear to be everything else than what you think you are. You prove that with almost every posting you make here!


You are not open-minded, you are stubborn as hell and have a very narrow point of view on most topics we're talking about here!

You are not friendly - you are easily offended and often don't find the appropriate (i.e. friendly/kind) words to react to other people.

You are not tolerant, as you dismiss lots of other opinions using harsh words.

You are not a humble person.

You are neither talented above average nor overly educated on lots of topics. Your website example is...well...just a good example for that. I remember your posts in the topic about employment and how you don't get the chance to prove yourself, even though you have "very good" skills in English language. You also stated, that you're very good at "talking with people". Again, obviously you are NOT! You lack empathy, you lack basic elements necessary for successful human interaction, as everyone can see in this forum. Of course it's all our fault, right? we just don't understand you or are mean people, all of us.

You talk so much rubbish, it's sometimes unbearable. Your statements on Rammstein and their music/lyrics immediately came across my mind. Ridiculous!


I bet that you don't have many friends in your everyday life, in fact I am absolutely sure of that, no matter what you are trying to say. Because the way you behave here and your character, as it comes across here, are just not very likeable.


Having said that, I sincerely hope that one day you will change, because the person who will benefit the most will be you!


I don`t have to answer on that. I am all bad and you are all good. I only complained about Richpa and noone else and you turn it arround as if I complained about the opinion of everyone? Come on man. People like you will only think what they say is true. For them the others are always faulty and they don`t search for errors themselfes. The last pages where a conversation between me and Richpa and now you come and say this and that to me, but whatever, that is your opinion. Now if you want you can also say that I am not working fast enough but I have to do many different things.


By the way I am not interested to listen your insultive commends that I am this and that and a bad boy. If you don`t fucking wnat to read my commends, the ignore list can be enabled on your account aswell, you know? I am having good conversations in the general forum and even Technosoomy has changed and talks nice with me, so if you don`t like my commends, use the ignore list.


Actually you complained about lots of replies here. Because nobody gave you any actual advice, because nobody replied within two hours after you posted your Picture, because you only got negative comments and what not. I understand it's not easy to read stuff like that about your behaviour, especially if you get told the same stuff again and again over time by different people. But if you deny that there is not at least a tiny little bit of truth in what ion1zed wrote, then maybe you should read your last reply. You react in the way he said you generally behave. In the end this is just a forum and as you pointed out People can simply ignore you. So who cares? But I'm going to be a mean asshole right now: if you fail to improve your dealing with other people I predict you will not reach lots of your goals in life. In the end this is your Problem but if people take the time to again and again point out what you could improve, even if they are not nice, it would not be inapropriate to really think about it instead of playing the victim. Like that you are not taking the responsibility for your actions and in the end you will suffer from that. Mainly because you will have to deal with the consequences anyway while we can simply ignore you.


I complained but later admitted that you and the others are right so what are you talking about? The last two pages where a discussion between me and Richpa. I was not pissed off that he critizised my webpage, I was pissed off how he critizised it and what words he used.


Well, you were having a discussion in an public online forum about stuff linked to that thread. I added my opinion about that and that's it. What you do with that opinion is your Thing alone.




they are commenTs...with a fucking t. its driving me insane.


please dude...comments.


i know you wont listen to anything anyone says, but for the love of all things good and pure in the universe....its comments.


Well, you were having a discussion in an public online forum about stuff linked to that thread. I added my opinion about that and that's it. What you do with that opinion is your Thing alone.


Tatsu, altough we know for a very long time and have even spoken many times in our native language you become more and more annoying. I repeated mayn times that the commends of all users except Richpa were justified. Richpas comment would have benn justified if he wouldn´t have used offensive lnauguage. I said many times to you and other people like Feathers have noticed it aswell, you are fake and absolutely stand behind the mass. You are not thinking clearly and just want to say something in order to asure you be liked by the mass. For me Tatsu, that is a real weakness of your charakter. It seems you are not reading what I say and behave like I speak to a wall, it is not the first time this happens, when the gay thing happened you behaved just like that. Even a few posts after I asked for opinions about my site I allready stated that I accepted the negative comments and that I appreciate and do not deny them. So what do you fucking expect, do you expect me to kiss your feet? With your posts you are trying to be strong and just stand behind the mass as you always do when some conflicts happen. you did it so many times with feathers aswell, it almost appears that you can not have an opinion that identifies you as a person but always have to asure you are liked by the mass, so weak Tatsu.


Seriously, in other forums people appear to be more capable of understanding what I am saying. If I say, I accept the bad critics they do not repeat 15874610467,867497 times that I do not respect them. The only thing I do not accept are comments full of shit, whore, and other gossip insults.


It is!


This is first session of Dr. Goa. Second is high dose ginkgo therapy with melancholic sound of Boris Blenn.




Please, people, if you are in doubt or unsure about your character (or do you even have one) please contact your finest doctor.





What exactly is our Problem Radi? I didn't state any expectation about you being head over heals about my opinion. I even wrote it's totally up to you what you do with it. Think about it or let it be. But if the only outcome of that thinking is that everybody who doesn't share your opinion about your behaviour is being dishonest, plain mean or picking on you because it's so much fun then that's just sad. Have you ever considered that people critizise you because they actually think you would be a nice guy to interact with if you were able to tone it down a bit?


Exactly that is the problem Tatsu. You are repeating yourself over and over again thinking that I am not capable of uderstanding you. I took the advices you and others give and will implement them in the site, for example edit the text which I used only as a placeholder anyway. I said what I had to said about it and its good. No need to expand this conversation for ages.



I don`t have to answer on that. I am all bad and you are all good. I only complained about Richpa and noone else and you turn it arround as if I complained about the opinion of everyone? Come on man. People like you will only think what they say is true. For them the others are always faulty and they don`t search for errors themselfes. The last pages where a conversation between me and Richpa and now you come and say this and that to me, but whatever, that is your opinion. Now if you want you can also say that I am not working fast enough but I have to do many different things.


By the way I am not interested to listen your insultive commends that I am this and that and a bad boy. If you don`t fucking wnat to read my commends, the ignore list can be enabled on your account aswell, you know? I am having good conversations in the general forum and even Technosoomy has changed and talks nice with me, so if you don`t like my commends, use the ignore list.


now we BFF wish you could spell my name right!!


Being not the most active user of this forum (more of a reader I guess) I can't shake the feeling that when the temperature of the discussion rises, the creator of this topic is somehow involved almost every time.


No need to expand this consversation, I totally agree about that.

  • 2 months later...

No it is for sure not abondened but it is set on ice due to missing budget. I need my money for other things right now and can´t spend 50 € for webspace for this site.

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