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Helicon Sounds Music presents "Release the Beast 2014" 24h Outdoor Party

celebrating the release of HSS013:The number of the beast




Irgum Burgum (PsyBaba records)-Hungary

Blisargon Demogorgon (Bhooteswara Records)- F.Y.R.O.M.

Hishiryo (Wild 7 Records/DVM Records)-France

Sample Bugs (Ohm Ganesh/ Pro-Plegma Recs)

Lost Reflection (HSSR)

Metahuman (Electricmoon-HSSR)

Tsek (Eleusis records/Tsek-Art)

Psylence Mind (4 Elements)

Paranoia Sector (Scared Evil/Horrordelic Records)


Darkchico(Eleusis Records)



Helloki(Arcade Disfunction Records)-Belgium

Spiros Tsot(Amphidromia , Atlantis FM)

Miss Lina(Amphidromia , Atlantis FM)

Mendor (Eleusis records)

Spyros (Gravitysense)



Cain (Scared Evil Records)


The line up is confirmed and closed .Thank you


Timetable coming soon


Loud and Clear Soundsystem

Special Deco and Visuals by HSM

Chaishop, Drinks,beverages,food and sweet stall with special prices


This is a PRESALE ONLY event limited to 250 ppl


Until 31.12.13 :10 Euro

Until 31.3.14 :15 Euro

Until 30.4.14 : 20 Euro (+CD)


Presale starts @ 1 November 2013 -Update soon


Info - Helpdesk : Helicon-sounds@hotmail.com


or contact Helicon Sounds or LostReflection Dimitris


The Party is scheduled to be held outdoors . In case of bad weather , the party will be held at the same spot but indoors.


Support your local groovers




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