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Overly emotional reactions by humans show their instability

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In thos forum many people show overly emotional responces, I don`t know whether it is as a porpuse or comes from the soul but overly emotional responces demonstrate instability and are counterproductive for the peace of a community.


For example if someone accidently says something, that a different person can interpret as classifying and discriminating a certain group of people, logically the member would first be asked, how he means it and that he should elucidate what he said. This is the only way to find out the truth and don`t which wrong conclusions, which can lead to conflicts or discriminating one or several members on this forum. It has happened two months ago that I was accused of discriminating certain groups of people with rediculous explanations and without the chance to elucidate, what I really meant.


The fact aht I was not gained permission to elucidate what has happened demonstrates overly emotional reactions by people, which is just not right. Emotions are the rason for conflicts in the past and the present and minded people don`t fail for such emotions. Even if they see something that does seem like something they don`t like, they will first analys the situation and ensure they know all facts, before reaching wrong conclusions.


Some members of this forum definatly show overly emotional responces to things they see and read and then make other members faulty of their inefficiency to see and analys a situation the way it ireally is and not make up a story, that has nothing to do with reality. Anyone sees reality from a different perspective and without logical and objective analys of all facts wrong conclusions can be reached easily. One member that shows special inefficiency of analysing a situation objectively is Tatus. He accused me of having said this and that and that I am the one who should choose my words more appropiately. Well, if Tatsu is unapt to analys what I have said clearly and reaches a wrong cnclusion, this is not my fault. I am not someone who reaches very fast conclusions, or if I do, I don`t accuse people of thigns they are not faulty and make their reputation bad. Making the reputation bad of someone with facts, that are not true is just ludicrious.


But anyway it is not very important, who is competent of reaching true conclusions and who isn`t. When you are aware how people act and how instable they are, you know that you are not one of those people and analys situations by reasoning, objectivity and logic. Parameters, that some people of this forum are not equpped with.



It is not neccesarry to quote some articles, which explain who we should analys situations. It is more important taht we put it into fact and don`t reach conclusions without knowing all circumstances. Some of the members are doing it and come with some very insultive conclusiosions. this is not how minded people think, I have quit such thinking a long time ago.


In thos forum many people show overly emotional responces, I don`t know whether it is as a porpuse or comes from the soul but overly emotional responces demonstrate instability and are counterproductive for the peace of a community.


For example if someone accidently says something, that a different person can interpret as classifying and discriminating a certain group of people, logically the member would first be asked, how he means it and that he should elucidate what he said. This is the only way to find out the truth and don`t which wrong conclusions, which can lead to conflicts or discriminating one or several members on this forum. It has happened two months ago that I was accused of discriminating certain groups of people with rediculous explanations and without the chance to elucidate, what I really meant.


The fact aht I was not gained permission to elucidate what has happened demonstrates overly emotional reactions by people, which is just not right. Emotions are the rason for conflicts in the past and the present and minded people don`t fail for such emotions. Even if they see something that does seem like something they don`t like, they will first analys the situation and ensure they know all facts, before reaching wrong conclusions.


Some members of this forum definatly show overly emotional responces to things they see and read and then make other members faulty of their inefficiency to see and analys a situation the way it ireally is and not make up a story, that has nothing to do with reality. Anyone sees reality from a different perspective and without logical and objective analys of all facts wrong conclusions can be reached easily. One member that shows special inefficiency of analysing a situation objectively is Tatus. He accused me of having said this and that and that I am the one who should choose my words more appropiately. Well, if Tatsu is unapt to analys what I have said clearly and reaches a wrong cnclusion, this is not my fault. I am not someone who reaches very fast conclusions, or if I do, I don`t accuse people of thigns they are not faulty and make their reputation bad. Making the reputation bad of someone with facts, that are not true is just ludicrious.


But anyway it is not very important, who is competent of reaching true conclusions and who isn`t. When you are aware how people act and how instable they are, you know that you are not one of those people and analys situations by reasoning, objectivity and logic. Parameters, that some people of this forum are not equpped with.






jesus radi, you really are scraping the barrel now!

bring back boris!!!!


maybe it is time for someone to reveal your true identity!


Anyone who thinks, he can embarass me with some offensive posts is quite wrong. I don`t care about false emotional feelings and regressive behaviour. Anyone who shows fast replies to this thread such as "STFU" just shows regressive behaviour I explained in the first post. I know that the users here don`t care about such threads, but I don`t care aswell. Many times over the pasts months I was accused of saying things that I did not say and that do not suit my character just because some people just react emotional and are uncapable of using reasoning and objective, logical analys of certain situations. I was accused of saying I do`t like gay people and that I am trying to insult gays, i was accused that I am nationalistic and don`t like people, when they emerge from a certain race. Those acucsations are based of illogical and emotional reasoning.


I don´t mean to start a war or a conflict with this thread, it is just meant o be a feedback to members, that not only did illogical things to me, but also nasty things like betraying a friend on a public forum.


But otherwise lately the communication level has risen so that interesting and insightful discussions about music and offtopic are possible. It is a great progress and I am lucky we have it. Technosomy has changed aswell and has turned out to be the person I was always thinking he is in real; an interesting and friendly person. This thread is just a reminder for things happened in the past and for people like Ionized. those people should know that I am not insulted by such commends and that instead of embarassing me, it is more likely they will embarass themselfes next time.


Never knew that technosomy had it in himself. I guess you are a nice guy. :D


Radi, I'm not the most active user, but for the last few months I read a lot of topics here and I didn't see any other person than You, who's getting emotional over some comments, the rest is just indifferent or take those as a joke.


If You're speaking for a group of posters I'm afraid it could be one-man team.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but few days ago You wrote about being in a strange (sth about being in a not so well) mood nowadays, so just try to analize the whole situation from a different perspective, regarding this topic perhaps Rotwang's link isn't that absurd as You may think.


Anyone who thinks, he can embarass me with some offensive posts is quite wrong. I don`t care about false emotional feelings and regressive behaviour. Anyone who shows fast replies to this thread such as "STFU" just shows regressive behaviour I explained in the first post. I know that the users here don`t care about such threads, but I don`t care aswell. Many times over the pasts months I was accused of saying things that I did not say and that do not suit my character just because some people just react emotional and are uncapable of using reasoning and objective, logical analys of certain situations. I was accused of saying I do`t like gay people and that I am trying to insult gays, i was accused that I am nationalistic and don`t like people, when they emerge from a certain race. Those acucsations are based of illogical and emotional reasoning.


I don´t mean to start a war or a conflict with this thread, it is just meant o be a feedback to members, that not only did illogical things to me, but also nasty things like betraying a friend on a public forum.


But otherwise lately the communication level has risen so that interesting and insightful discussions about music and offtopic are possible. It is a great progress and I am lucky we have it. Technosomy has changed aswell and has turned out to be the person I was always thinking he is in real; an interesting and friendly person. This thread is just a reminder for things happened in the past and for people like Ionized. those people should know that I am not insulted by such commends and that instead of embarassing me, it is more likely they will embarass themselfes next time.


You are not able to do a single thing of those you see other persons lacking, e.g. "...using reasoning and objective, logical analys (sic) of certain situtations." So again, stfu.


for sure I am, I don`t accuse other members of hating gays or being nationalsocialistic for no reason.




Radi, I'm not the most active user, but for the last few months I read a lot of topics here and I didn't see any other person than You, who's getting emotional over some comments, the rest is just indifferent or take those as a joke.


Don´t be a fool, as soon as someone reads the word gay or the countryname of one country, hell breaks out in this forum. Do you call that indifferent? Because noone is acting emotional, so many people complain, when some things are said against newschool goa trance? I think you can figure out the rest for yourself and reach the appropriate conclusion for yourself.


There is simple thing you can do. If you know that 90% people here don't like to hear something you are going to say, just don't. Avoid unnecessarily troubles. Can't be simpler than that.


There is simple thing you can do. If you know that 90% people here don't like to hear something you are going to say, just don't. Avoid unnecessarily troubles. Can't be simpler than that.

Yeah, unless You truly have some arguments and thick skin, than You can at least try.


Don´t be a fool, as soon as someone reads the word gay or the countryname of one country, hell breaks out in this forum. Do you call that indifferent? Because noone is acting emotional, so many people complain, when some things are said against newschool goa trance? I think you can figure out the rest for yourself and reach the appropriate conclusion for yourself.

Could You point me to such topics? I don't know what You're talking about and I've only seen the one with 'gay sample' in Shamanix and You didn't handle that well.


Everybody can say bad things about newschool goa trance, it just has to be said in the normal manner. I don't have a problem criticizing some of it, did it few times, didn't get warned or banned, no hate mail (yet ;) ).


There is simple thing you can do. If you know that 90% people here don't like to hear something you are going to say, just don't. Avoid unnecessarily troubles. Can't be simpler than that.


couldn't have said it better myself


keep it simple radi

one thing i like about you is that you are an honest person who doesn't hold back what he is thinking and saying, which alot of people find that hard to do, and tend to agree with things to keep the peace.

saying that you also need to be tactful in getting your message accross, and tact unfortunatley you lack,

i am guilty of lashing out at you in the past, because i don't agree with alot of things you say, and now more and more people are doing the same, there is no need to waste my energy in negativity, as it achieves nothing.

while you are continually striving to keep threads and topics alive and interesting, you have also got plenty of people here offside with your narrow minded and quite often egotistical comments, and ego is what i hate the most in human beings, and believe it is one of the core evils in this world.

you need to grow up radi, but as you are young, you have the opportunity here and in your life to do such things, learn by yours and others mistakes, not to offend people so much (whether you aware doing so or not)

there are some amazing, inspiring and good human beings on this forum, you can learn from.

be a bit more humble, and truly listen to others criticisms of you, and actually take on board, which you are doing more now than you ever had, which is a sign of maturity.

now no more need to suck each others dicks, lets just get on with it a, yes you keep being yourself, and can choose to take my words on board.... or not, i really don't care, you no longer affect my experience here on psynews in bad ways, and i will continue to love hearing your passion for the music we all love, as for all the rest................. i love to see the drama unfolding at your expense, it's like a soap opera which is truly entertaining, except the joke is always on you, remember that and will get you nowhere in this lifetime, my 2 cents worth.

hat and coat.............. out the door


keep it simple radi

one thing i like about you is that you are an honest person who doesn't hold back what he is thinking and saying, which alot of people find that hard to do, and tend to agree with things to keep the peace.

saying that you also need to be tactful in getting your message accross, and tact unfortunatley you lack,

i am guilty of lashing out at you in the past, because i don't agree with alot of things you say, and now more and more people are doing the same, there is no need to waste my energy in negativity, as it achieves nothing.

while you are continually striving to keep threads and topics alive and interesting, you have also got plenty of people here offside with your narrow minded and quite often egotistical comments, and ego is what i hate the most in human beings, and believe it is one of the core evils in this world.

you need to grow up radi, but as you are young, you have the opportunity here and in your life to do such things, learn by yours and others mistakes, not to offend people so much (whether you aware doing so or not)

there are some amazing, inspiring and good human beings on this forum, you can learn from.

be a bit more humble, and truly listen to others criticisms of you, and actually take on board, which you are doing more now than you ever had, which is a sign of maturity.

now no more need to suck each others dicks, lets just get on with it a, yes you keep being yourself, and can choose to take my words on board.... or not, i really don't care, you no longer affect my experience here on psynews in bad ways, and i will continue to love hearing your passion for the music we all love, as for all the rest................. i love to see the drama unfolding at your expense, it's like a soap opera which is truly entertaining, except the joke is always on you, remember that and will get you nowhere in this lifetime, my 2 cents worth.

hat and coat.............. out the door

Yep pretty much what tech said is true for all of us (though tech wasn't so modest when he said he is awesome :D ).


I was a victim of an overly-reactionary woman just yesterday...it was not the best experience when confronted on your own doorstep and being told to *watch your back* ...I became incredibly overly emotional ....police informed.

as for forums...

when you are not eye to eye in realtime, its hard to judge how anyone is meaning things, so can often be misconstrued, as we all read things differently..remember, not many of us have actively met in person, so we are all just avatars with posts on threads....we all have different ways of looking at the world...

Radi, you're fab. :)

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