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Well, I have a similar midi interface but ... I need to connect more than 4 synths to one / two sequencers. Right, I got it. My cable construction will not work for it. Need a rack version with 16 out ports I guess ... or enother small interface. Thank you for the response :)

BTW, I miss these crazy times spent on this forum :( Facebook is shit and Goa will win!!!


Those 16 out sound a bit like overkill, can you tell us what synths you have? Much depends on them.


Why overkilled? I am a maniac :D Problem is that not all synths have a midi thru output. Most of modern synths offer midi in and out, often only midi out. I dind't say I want connect and play 16 synths at the same time or at this moment but who knows what the future will bring :rolleyes:


Most synths without midi thru can pass midi data thru the midi output port. You can daisy chain them, using a different midi channel for each of those 4 instruments.

But you will have timing problems because of the midi nature. To be on the safe side, I would get a midi interface with one input and output for each synth.


You can't daisy chain anything in the case there are no outputs (midi thru is an output, too). And it's not true. Most of midi outputs don't pass the data of host ;)


Well, I guess you rode the manuals of your 4 instruments and found out that it won´t work in your case..... Get a new midi interface (or patchbay) anyway, is the best solution!

Have fun with it!!


Nein, das waren 5 und 'ne Geige. Aber danke für die Unterstützung :)

  • 3 weeks later...

That product is pretty old. M-Audio was originally called Midiman, but hasn't been for many years. Also, you may notice on that page that the person says how they talked to M-Audio about drivers for Windows 2000.


Well, I don't use Win2000. But what about the idea to buy a bit huger midi interface?


A simple midi thru box will cost you even just the half of that amount. I just bought a Kento Thru-5, 1 midi in -> 5 midi thru. The advantage of that is that you don't need to change any midi channels/ports you've made before.


If you plan to collect hardware synths, I suggest a MIDI interface with many outputs such as the MIDI Express 128. Second-hand it shouldn't be much more than €100.



Right, I plan to collect synths and not using them ... but such a 8 in/out MIDI interface is a good solution I guess. Thank you :)

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