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Guest psydancer

i want to trade .. not the released stuff on audiogalaxy .. other stuff ..


anyone with a good collection who is interested, either post a message here or email me at arjun539@yahoo.com


for those of u who object to trading, give it a break, i buy plenty of albums and im not depriving any artists of their money ..



I aminterested and will email you a list of what I've got, rleased and unreleased as a .txt file ok?? it'll be sent tomorrow!

Guest --==M i l e S==--

Fine with me mate as long as this forum doesn't turn into one big Mp3 beggars banquet...


There are other and better ways to trade mp3s than posting here. Give the goamp3 channels on #Efnet a shot.


I have nothing against MP3 but if people are allowed to trade on this board then say goodbye to any other discussion and say goodbye to participating artists and labels...I don't think its a good thing if 9 outta 10 topics are 'can u help me with mp3 A?' or 'who has mp3 B?'.


Just my 0.02 Euro

Guest psydancer

fine .. miles .. whats ur addres ?

i mean .. i want to know abt Efnet .and ur point is absolutely taken, and a good on e at that

Guest psydancer

fine .. miles .. whats ur addres ?

i mean .. i want to know abt Efnet .and ur point is absolutely taken, and a good on e at that

Guest --==MiLeS==--

U can reach EFNET with the Mirc chat client (www.mirc.com).


If u have installed Mirc choose an EFNET server ...


Type /list to see all channels

(most are warez/divx/mp3 etc since most release groups have a channel on Efnet)


type /j goa to enter a general goa chitchat channel (mp3 begging not appreciated)


visit #goamp3 and #goaftps for your MP3 needs


Good Luck, maybe u catch me there ;)

Guest psydancer

many thanx miles .. may ur trips be great ones !!! hehhe

Guest psydancer

miles .. having problems, it says i am not authorised to join the effnet server .. what do i do about that .. where can i contact you for help on this front ?

me - you can email me at arjun539@yahoo.com

Guest --== MiLeS ==--

I have no clue. Never had problems with that. Do U maybe have a firewall installed? If so, try unblocking the port. As far as I know, EFNET doesn't actively filter and any1 is welcome to join...


Lemme know if that solved the problem...

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