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I´ve been listening to Muscaria ‎– Liquid Evolution and Fobi recently and wanted to you for the essential Forest Albums.


Thanks in advance.


Derango album, Procs, Kluster first album, Ukalen, Buddhas first 2 albums, Attoya first album, Ka Sol (all albums)!

And some compilations like "more than real", "Sanatonic Audio", Yggdrasounds 1 :)


^the above!




Boldly Audio!!!!

DoHm – Swampology (free dl)

Cycle Of Secrets (free dl)

Grapes Of Wrath & Meteloids - Tits On Fire (old school forest)

Hallucinogenic Horses ‎– The Golden Years - The Very Best Off

Parvatrip 3

Somatic Frenzy


and maybe more melodic dark-psy (?!) but Phobos Azazel - Organistic is fantastic!


and of course in the weird department Schlabbaduerst 007


Thanks for the recommendations guys!


and maybe more melodic dark-psy (?!) but Phobos Azazel - Organistic is fantastic!


and of course in the weird department Schlabbaduerst 007

Organistic is one of my fav albums of all time :) I even made a thread about it a week ago^^
I have all Schlabb releases, will check out Schlabb 7 again. Then Ka-Sol next.


Thanks again :) I´ve been listening to Procs ‎– Touchdown In Hizzytown. Woha, i think i´m in Love with the forest :D

Visited a friend this morning and he had that album at hand. He also gave me the other two :)


Thanks again :) I´ve been listening to Procs ‎– Touchdown In Hizzytown. Woha, i think i´m in Love with the forest :D

Visited a friend this morning and he had that album at hand. He also gave me the other two :)

Its always bad to start with the best, as the rest will sound dull :P but Touchdown is great, the one before too, the Stuck in the Oven is less imo :)



I just gave The Lonely Land Of Tada a brief listen :)"Astro Circus Freaks" immediately grabbed my attention because of it´s name. Next one is "All around us". Both tracks just blew me away :D


Some more



Ozmali-Forest Fusion

Already Maged-Liber Scentia

Setanic-Glowing Mushrooms (Free release)

Cifroteca & Roof Raiser-Wild Storm

  • 2 months later...

Promon-funky fumes

chronicle of mystery records all albums

va the night tribe vertigo records (the first three tracks by hokus pokus)

sanaton records (all vas kick ass!!)

fractal forest 1+2

va sonic visions

va remember the slime

va intropix

va hrlm occult

va rainbow circle

digital shiva power all comps so far

Vantara Vichitra Records all comps so far

psychoactive scandosounds 1+2+3 (boom records)

lots of parvati (allmost eveything :) )

va liberation animale

zoon-not for humans

va undergrounded

va quantum spores

va alien seeds

va forest frequencies

va shadow enuin 2

va creaking rythms valley

va umcherrel

va legendarium

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