radi6404 Posted February 18, 2014 Author Posted February 18, 2014 I don`t mean only you in particular with that post above, Rotwang. If it is not your capability to grasp my theories, than it is your closemindedness that is in the way. I don`t know if you deny my theory or just doubt it, if that is the case, I am sorry. And in responce to your question, I did not take such pictures yet because I am not in Germany right now, but I will return in a few days and take the proposed photos. If I get a webcam I can even link it to a member of psynews and he ca record a live video. I will know if something is altering the atmosphere or not. The motherboard is not altering the atmosphere at the moment so I guess the lights will be normal and lensflare will only occour in circles or in equally long lenghs on both sides of the lamps. Quote
Rotwang Posted February 18, 2014 Posted February 18, 2014 When you get back to Germany and take more photos we'll have some more data with which to evaluate your theory about the light. My guess is that it's caused by the light reflecting off microscopic ridges in the lens caused by wiping it; if that's the case then the lines that emanate from light sources in your photos will be at the same angle relative to the long edge of the photos, independent of whether the photos are taken in portrait or landscape mode. If instead the lines are at the same angle relative to the lamppost then my guess will have been wrong. But there's not much more I can think to say until we can check. Quote
radi6404 Posted February 19, 2014 Author Posted February 19, 2014 In adition to the pictures I have one more peace of evidence just of those days the motherboard was having effects on the atmosphere. Pay ttention to this video, at the right corner of the car. Pay close attention to how the shadows are recorded inside the car. You can see the ffect of the motherboard best during 0,56 - 1 00. Many will say that these are normal reflections coming from the light. But pay close attention to the intensity of those mirror images inside the car. If you pay close attention, you can notie that those mirror images aren´t normal relfection but are truth of somethig strange. The mirror images don`t look solid and stable, but instead they look somehow fragile and faded. But please do not post any commends on the video, because it is a very obscure story and it does sound very strange. I want to keep it in the forum. Quote
Shpongled247 Posted February 19, 2014 Posted February 19, 2014 Where is the motherboard now? And importantly, is it secure so as not to affect the atmosphere any further?? Quote
radi6404 Posted February 19, 2014 Author Posted February 19, 2014 Where is the motherboard now? And importantly, is it secure so as not to affect the atmosphere any further?? I don`t know where it is but since April 20th the motherboard stopped affecting the atmosphere, even earlier. Probably it is out of use so no elecricity passes through the components and probably it is somehwere deep inside other waste. Anyway it is unexplainable for me how this could have happened to me and yet there are surely many thausand boards that have just the same characterstic. I am really wonderiing what I did different to other people. The only theory that makes sence is, that anyone experiences a different variant of reality, yet we can act with other people. I did nto like the motherboard a lot even before it started doing that and wanted to sell it many times. I am wondering what would have happened if the motherboard had been sold before the event. Probably nothing. One thing that I did not tell about the event is, that the motherboard showed signs of it days before, but it started to affect the light one day before the birthday party of my fathers grandmother. The day before I decided that I would not attend the party even tough I was invited, 3 hours later the motherboard started. Maybe someone on the other side wanted to each me a lesson because I didn´t attend the birthday party. As I said earlier, reality is not as it really seems. When you would check it out scientifically, scientists would find some supportive evidence, but who says that spiritual beings or beings from other realities wont mask their actions? Quote
abasio Posted February 21, 2014 Posted February 21, 2014 According to some philosophies, everything on Earth has a consciousness, with humans and animals having a high level of consciousness while tables and walls enjoy a very low level of consciousness. The table is a happy table if you put things on it, the wall if it's standing upright for example. It could be that your motherboard showed a larger than usual consciousness for an piece of electrical equiptment and was capable of affecting the world around it, as you didn't like it from the start it could have taken a dislike to you and caused you pain. Quote
radi6404 Posted February 21, 2014 Author Posted February 21, 2014 That is one possiblitiy, Abasio and I like that one. I am not saying that this is a bad theory, since it is something that has hapened to other people, at least in similar ways. Also I think the possiblity is there, that the motherboard started the effect because I did not attend the birthday of my grandmother. Just a few hours after deciding not to go to my grandmother the motherboard started. However it was doing strange things even before, just not that severe. In a few days I can take some photos of the lights in tha place, we will see the results. Quote
radi6404 Posted February 21, 2014 Author Posted February 21, 2014 Can someone else please share his thoughts about my story and the pictures, or what he think about different comcepts of reality. Looking at the reality in sciense terms is a way to look at it, but some events I experienced jsut don`t make sence. Quote
Rotwang Posted February 25, 2014 Posted February 25, 2014 And in responce to your question, I did not take such pictures yet because I am not in Germany right now, but I will return in a few days and take the proposed photos. How about those photos, Radi? Would be good to see the same light photographed in both portrait and landscape mode for comparison. Quote
radi6404 Posted February 26, 2014 Author Posted February 26, 2014 I took the pictures, yes. I just have to upload them and show them here. Quote
ouroboros Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 I do believe that is the case and I will state in detail now, why that is, I even think everything that one person touches, technical devices fro example, belong to his reality, while other devices don`t. See pictures later. So what I am going to tell about now may sound very dumb or absurd and people may think I am much dumber than they thought before, but it is really what I experience. First of all I have an eye, my left I, that does not see things ina normal way like my right eye. It somehow scans the surface and transfers the light conditions in a room to feelings. I compare it to roentgem since it is not very far way from it. I don`t know how my left I is capable of doing so since when I was to an eye doctor, he did not say that I am capable of such things. Anyway it can feel changes in light and it processes the images like pressure. For example if light is bended from a deice or altered, I feel the force of it, the light is being bended to one point in the room (cameras can visualize what the eye sees, but later more of it). And devices, that can alter the light in a big way are in my experiences computer processors, graphics cardprocessors, graphics card platines and motherboasrds and their components. And here comes the interesting fact, the fact that I never expected would happen. AtAugust of 2012 I bought a Gigabyte X38 PS4 Motherboard. It was an old Motherboard designed for sockel 775, with an core2duo E8400. I started using the motherboard in my room and the motherboard was doing strange things to the light that my left I could feel, but the changes were minor. But then came a time it was 05.01.2013. Then the conditioning of the motherboard changed completely and some small device on it, one of the radiators or one of the chips, started to bend the light and to cut it enormously. The unbelievable happened at this day, the effect of the small motherboard became so strong, that I felt uncomfortable in my room. I decided to get away the motherboard and brought it far away and trhow it in a bin. (if you don´t want to read all of it, go to the pictures and see the visual evidence) Soon after, 2 days to be exat, the effect of that part of the motherboard became so strong, that it could be felt from many kilometers already and could be felt in whole Europe. I can´t explain how this is possible and this suggests, that our reality is not connected to other realities. The light, the sun and lamps did not get dark for example, but you could see on streetlights anywhere in Europe for example, how the light is pulled to the direction of the motherboard, since that part became that strong. I felt uncomfortable since you could see it on monitor screens and feel the effect enormously all the day, sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker. I suspected the motherboard had been taken out by one person at the building, where I throw the motherboard away, so I prepared a hangout at the door and asked, if someone has that motherboard. A few days after, it was 20th of April, the effect faded away and since then I feel almost nothing of the motherboard, but sometimes it returns and it can be show with a camera aswell. It returns for a few minutes in a weak state, then goes away. It seems the owner who has taken it away, eventually got rid of it or it was because of some other actions I took that I wont explain here. After the vent with the motherboard I had several different computerparts, that were as strong to effect the light in big areas of the planet, two cpus, one graphics card. One graphics card AMD 7700 has an effect right now from time to time and I had to get rid of that graphics card. It somehow makes the light stronger and that is annoying. It is not the sky that is getting stronger, but when you look at monitors or at streetlights, you can see the effect. The big question now, that suggests that anyone lives in a different reality, but we can still interact with anyone is, why do I feel effects of those parts for months and can even record them on pictures, but do not feel effects of other computer devices. I don´t want to know how many motherboards like the Gigabyte GA X38 GS4, Core I3 notebook cpu or HD 7770 are out there. There must be many thousands of those and each of those must eventually start doing something on the environment I should be able to feel with my left eye (and catch up with a camera) Thus, there must be many many different computer parts, that can become so strang, that they start entering the light, but I did not feel any of it yet and did not see changes in the atmosphere. There are billions of computers and computerparts out there so the light forces must be changing within seconds, but that isn´t the case. I have come to a point that I asked myself, am I faulty for what is happening or is it a result of good and bad behavior towards others, disappointing parents for example, and a computer part starts going crazy. I have also considered the parts I use, whether they are so different and the combination can make the computer parts become like that. My power supply is XFX core edition 550, my fan is revoltec airguard pro, my harddisc is western digital caviar blue, all the other parts change from time to time, except the thermal paste, arctic cooling silver. But I think others use such parts aswell. So here are the pictures, that proove what I have experienced: That picture shows the best evidence and the one above it. How can the light be bended so a stroke is recorded by the camera in that direction? So look at those pictures, they were recored at the beginning of April 2013 at my home in Germany and they all show the same. The atmosphere being altered by the motherboard. The camera did nto have some failure and neither are those pictures normal. Just look how the light on the streetlights is pulled down and towards the south. Look at the long stroke that goes to the south and slightly down, it is visible on 6 pictures, not one but 6. All recorded in different timeperiods of the day and with different settings. Usually you would expect the camera to take pictures that don´t show a stroke of light in that direction. The lights would appear normal and would not have any tendency to be bended in that direction, but they did because of the motherboard, with was 2 kilometers away in that direction of the home. If anyone wants to suggest that it is because of the camera, look at other dark pictures, you would see a round buuble or balloon lighteffect that is arround the real light, because the camer can´t record it properly. You would under no circumstances see a stroke goin in that direction on 6 pictures. This state was present 50 percent of the time from 5.January 2013 til 20 April 2013. We must observe pictures from other people in europe to see if they show the effect or not. If they show the effect, how are my computer parts different to be causing that, are they unique because I twork with them? Why don`t other parts of the same kind alter the light? If they don`t show the effect, it is stange aswell. Cameras and optical records seem to record the reality of the owners perception, not what is really there. Now I hope noone thinks that the lights light towards that direction, the lights are roun and emit the same light intensity to any direction like lightbumbs. They are not brighter to the side, where the strokes appeared and yet the strokes are there. ho-lee-SHIT! im sorry man, but that is, without a doubt, the most bat shit crazy post ive ever read. next time clean the lens before taking pictures. those lens flares are 100% normal and common. i sincerely thank you though, as now i understand you a bit more. that shit explains a lot. Quote
radi6404 Posted February 26, 2014 Author Posted February 26, 2014 The only one who is talking shit in this thread probably is you. If you happen to be an reality addict it is not my problem, but entirely your own problem. You are so naive and believe in today´s science, that I am very sorry for you. You can imagine today´s sciense as a very rough picture of reality with many important parts of the picture being black, and you want to rely on that picture? If you do, that is fine to me. On the following pictures it is clearly visible that the position of the light excursion is much mroe centric than on the other pictures. On each picture it is much more centric and almost in the middle, just as the camera sees it when it takes the lense. So don`t tell me how stupid I am. The real question is, who is really stupid, you or Iß I am open for stories and claims that reality addicted scientists will deny, you on the other hand fully rey on reality addicted science. Quote
ouroboros Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 wow, man...you sure do know a lot about me. lol...dude, there is absolutely nothing strange or out of the ordinary about those images. you want to call me naive? you want to call me stupid? you want to say im talking shit? go ahead man...but im not the one who thinks my left eye "feels" things, and im not the one who thinks a motherboard in a dumpster is bending the light all over europe, and im not the one whos seeing weird shit in a bunch of perfectly ordinary normal images of street lights. you have quite an elaborate and detailed fantasy going on there my friend, do yourself a favor and go talk to a doctor. Quote
radi6404 Posted February 26, 2014 Author Posted February 26, 2014 You just don`t see the obvious, that is all. Why don`t you read something and explore some theories that are unfamiliar to you? Why don`t you start with "The holographic uniiverse"? There people suggest the universe exists holographically and is not reality as you think it is. http://www.amazon.de/The-Holographic-Universe-Revolutionary-Reality/dp/0062014102 Quote
ouroboros Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 why dont you look up the word "obvious"? Quote
radi6404 Posted February 26, 2014 Author Posted February 26, 2014 ouroboros, I know exactly what the word obvious means. If on those pictures the lights look the same to you, I suspect you can´t distinguish geometric forms so it is all the same to you. It is not my problem, if you fail to understand geometric forms man. I had a discussion with a friend of mine and he even suggested that other people might be an illusion and it can be all made up in the mind. For example you are making up me in your mind or I am making up you in my mind. He said there is a 50/50 chance for that theory to be true or false, as to any other theory that is not prooven. Altough I don`t like that man a lot I had high respect to his open mind toward unknown or uncertain theories. you on the other hand seem to be much too confused to allow other models of reality to be possible in your narrow mind. You believe at what you read and see on documentaries from science, not even considering that those documentaries will always be altered to what those scientists want to believe. It is in human nature that they bend uncertain theories towards what they think is right instead of looking at those things objectively. Quote
ouroboros Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 ouroboros, I know exactly what the word obvious means. If on those pictures the lights look the same to you, I suspect you can´t distinguish geometric forms so it is all the same to you. It is not my problem, if you fail to understand geometric forms man. I had a discussion with a friend of mine and he even suggested that other people might be an illusion and it can be all made up in the mind. For example you are making up me in your mind or I am making up you in my mind. He said there is a 50/50 chance for that theory to be true or false, as to any other theory that is not prooven. Altough I don`t like that man a lot I had high respect to his open mind toward unknown or uncertain theories. you on the other hand seem to be much too confused to allow other models of reality to be possible in your narrow mind. You believe at what you read and see on documentaries from science, not even considering that those documentaries will always be altered to what those scientists want to believe. It is in human nature that they bend uncertain theories towards what they think is right instead of looking at those things objectively. radi...once again you show the nature of your ailment by creating an elaborate narrative about me...a person who you know nothing about. lets take a look at what youre saying here. your claim is that i can not see the things you are talking about in the picture. of course i can see the lines...i already said i could see them. you then go on to tell me im confused because i wont accept your story as true. a story which makes no sense whatsoever and contradicts the laws of nature. a story where the only "evidence" you provide are images of streetlights taken by a camera with finger smudges on it. what you fail to see is your inability to let go of your fantasy even though the "anomaly" has been explained to you several times by several people. instead of even CONSIDERING the possibility that the lens flares in those images are nothing more than ordinary everyday lens flares the people experience every minute of every day all over the earth, you have created a story about a...wait for it....computer motherboard that has the capability to bend the light all over europe and alter the atmosphere. so...tell me again which one of us is too confused to allow things into our narrow mind. a quick google image search of the term "finger smudge lens flare" gets you things like this: look familiar? or is your mysterious and magical motherboard doing this? Quote
abasio Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 Ouroboros, remember that someone who claims you to be a reality addict will never listen to anything you about "obvious", "This is a fact", "this is proven" or "laws of physics" because people who don't believe in reality not need to care about what is obvious or what follows the laws of physics. If Radi believes that his motherboard is secretly plotting against the universe in a dastardly attempt to bend the light south just because Radi didn't go to his Grandmother's birthday party, you are never going to convince him with facts or laws of nature because that is reality and Radi is not addicted to reality so therefore can believe whatever he wants. Many people here don't believe that Radi is a real person. His protestations fall on deaf ears because they are also not reality addicts and a perfectly content to believe that Radi is a figment of their imagination, Simon Posfords acid damaged psyche given form or rich kid with too much time on his hands, or Pavel, still not convinced it's not pavel. Quote
ouroboros Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 Ouroboros, remember that someone who claims you to be a reality addict will never listen to anything you about "obvious", "This is a fact", "this is proven" or "laws of physics" because people who don't believe in reality not need to care about what is obvious or what follows the laws of physics.If Radi believes that his motherboard is secretly plotting against the universe in a dastardly attempt to bend the light south just because Radi didn't go to his Grandmother's birthday party, you are never going to convince him with facts or laws of nature because that is reality and Radi is not addicted to reality so therefore can believe whatever he wants.Many people here don't believe that Radi is a real person. His protestations fall on deaf ears because they are also not reality addicts and a perfectly content to believe that Radi is a figment of their imagination, Simon Posfords acid damaged psyche given form or rich kid with too much time on his hands, or Pavel, still not convinced it's not pavel. you are absolutely right. im just getting sick of his shenanigans. the guy complains about this forum, and is oblivious to the fact that he is a main contributor to its downfall. im sick of him...and im sick of people coddling him, hes a menace. Quote
radi6404 Posted February 26, 2014 Author Posted February 26, 2014 ouroboros, the lens flare in your pictures is obviously much more centric than the lens flare in my pictures of that time. I don`t force my storyon you, you can believe what you want, however you can put your insultive language aside and discuss the things with me in a civilised way, just as I am doing with you. I feel sorry for you that you are such an reality addict. You are someone who relies on today´s sciense and believes that their opinions and studies resemble entire facts, yet you simply disregard the fact that the scientists will always dismiss information and bend the truth of their studies so that it makes sence to reality addict rules and formulas. Abasio, your claim is very overexxagerated. You sound as if my story is absolutely fictive and is ot possible to explain with defined reality? In theory it is possible to explain it in defined reality. You know that matter can be of different concistency and you know that when for example a light or a sound is very loud, it can be heart from a long distance. The same can apply for computerparts that have been used for a long time and have changed their molecular consistency. It is exaggerated but in theory at least, I don`t see why that story should not be possible. Quote
ouroboros Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 i always find it amusing when people who clearly know nothing of science make claims on the validity of the science they know nothing about. as far as my "insultive" language, no...i had put it aside for quite some time radi...i even came to your defense on an occasion or two. no more. im through holding my tongue with you. you are a cancer here, nearly every topic you are involved in becomes a fight. you are an abrasive, stubborn, aggressive, insulting, arrogant, pompous, rude, egocentric, psychopathic ass. you have little knowledge of how the world functions, either inter-personally or physically. if you enjoy your own personal "reality" so much, why dont you stay there and stop invading ours? Quote
Rotwang Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 I took the pictures, yes. I just have to upload them and show them here. Well? Quote
Mergi Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 I dunno... this was too heavy for mee drinkin' mind. Though I do have a drunken point to innit. Something I always wondered about reality is the fact that time doesn't make any sense whatsoever. In order to make time run forward (or whatever it does) it has to be continous. Nevertheless our universe has not been continous, it started at some point. Though the problem here is that I can't figure out how the fuck we came to be at all if we could go infinitely back in time. It would thusly take an infinite amount time for the universe to come into existence. Which is impossible because we are here... no? So... what started the reality? Quote
JISNEGRO Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 Finally I read the thread. Radi you are trying too hard to find explanations Quote
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