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From time to time I have some pretty unpleasant experiences, that I don`t like. They are not very unpleasant, but a bit scary when they happen. It is always when i wake up from sleep and lie in a strange position or even sit.Sometimes I fall asleep while I am sitting. Then I wake up and am aware that I wake up but canĀ“t move any part of my body. It is so unpleasant and I get frithened emidiatelly. The only think I can do for several seconds is breathing through the nose. I try to move any part of my body, but absolutely nothing happens. After breathng fast somehow the blokae is terminated and I can get up. Does that happen to you aswell? How do you feel when it happens? For me it is a very strange feeling, for a moment I feel like the world is frozen and consists only of visions and acustics. It feels fettered.


I've heard that you should try to use small muscles at first, try to move your fingers and the rest will follow. I don't know if it works or not, never happened to me.


it's called sleep paralysis and is indeed a very strange state. most of the time you have opened your eyes, cannot move and sometimes even hallucinate the wildest things while being conscious about your surroundings. the best thing to avoid sleep paralysis ime is having a regular sleeping pattern (something that society makes really hard for me) while an almost sure way to induce it every night are those malaria prophylaxis tabs you should take in certain places with extra high risk. it used to totally freak me out (partly because of the hallucinations; i've had a speaker in my field of view turn into the grim reaper once ;) ), but if you know the state well enough to recognize it, it's more interesting than scary. and indeed moving the fingers fist helps :)


It happens to me quite often and yes, it's very unpleasant. It's like I'm partly conscious, in a lucid dream, but although I think I can control my body I can only make some sounds.

And even if I'm aware of the state I'm in, it's scary, not interesting at all. I want to wake up, but I can't. Sometimes it happens that I wake up glad to be awake again, but it's only false awakening even more scarier than initial dream.


I had it once, quite unsettling but since that time I haven't had it again.

I also once forgot how to read, also very unsettling :(


It happens to me quite often and yes, it's very unpleasant. It's like I'm partly conscious, in a lucid dream, but although I think I can control my body I can only make some sounds.

And even if I'm aware of the state I'm in, it's scary, not interesting at all. I want to wake up, but I can't. Sometimes it happens that I wake up glad to be awake again, but it's only false awakening even more scarier than initial dream.

Hah, I am having such kind of dreams quite often. In some of those dreams it takes 5 or more tries to get up. I think I am awaken, than I realise I am not, than in the next instance the same thing happens and so on. It is very unsettling but finally I manage to wake up, if I wake up at all. We can assume that we are always in a dream. We can`t tell in a dream, whether it is reality or not, in some dreams we can but not in all dreams. So life could be a dream aswell.


Not to be insenstive but this made me lol. :D

It was quite funny at the time, for although I couldn't read I knew the cause. Still suddenly being illiterate is strange.


Radi: could it be possible that this is a dream of another life, and when you dream in this life, you're awake in another. Could this not be extrapolated to infinity so you're living a dream within a dream within a dream...within a dream within a dream?


One night here could be a lifetime in the next life down, then each night there would be a lifetime on the next life down again and so on and so on in both directions meaning you're living an infinite number of lives.


I like to think in one of them I have super powers.


I don`t really think that is the case, because in dreams you notice things from this life, you are not completely isolated. You embed sounds and vibrations from this life in your dreams, so I don`t think it is a dream of another life. I am sure you have heart sounds in your dream from this reality, which makes your theory hard to proove.


The theory is of course impossible to prove, but I think you cannot disprove it either.

Your arguments against could easily be incorporated into the theory:

The closer the dream lives are to each other, the more similar the lives being lived. In the next few up and down you're likely to be the same person in a similar world doing similar things to this life. Only as you stray further away do things get more different. As the little changes build over time to be something completely different, like a game of chinese whispers. Your memory if the similar things are likely to be stronger as they are closer to this life, but as you basically dream an infinite number of lives every night, anything is possible and could be remembered upon awakening.


Your believ in such a theory is not more unlikely as my believe, that we exist in different realities for ourselfes, but can see people from other realities.


I didn't say that your theory was unbelievable. In fact I can't imagine your theory being incorrect: we all live in our own private realities, we all view things differently, have differing memories or the same event etc. When our realities overlap with someone else's, i.e. we experience similar realities, we often become friends or fall in love.


The problem with your thread, that promised so much is that it didn't discuss this rather interesting theory but instead turned in to a debate about if your motherboard was really bending the light south, which I think in almost everyone else's reality was totally infeasible. Yet you never attempted to argue the thread title, that in your reality motherboards could cause the bending of light due to increased gravity of motherboards in your pocket universe compared to everyone else's. You instead argued against your own theory, got exasperated that we didn't experience the light in the same way you did and tried to beat us over the head with your perception of reality. If we all live in different realities then why couldn't you understand that we couldn't see the motherboard's effect on the light? Why did you open the thread like that in the first place when you then go on to show you didn't actually believe it anyway and that you thought everyone should be able to see the light in the same way you did? That sounds like you think there is one reality, yours, and that anyone who doesn't perceive it the way you do is wrong.


You might live in your own reality Radi but you also cam see people in other realities, maybe not in the same way they themselves but remember that they can see you but probably not in the same way you view yourself. So remember the next time you start an insightful, well written topic, with perfect English about some of the greatest music ever made, that other people looking in to your reality might see a poorly written, poorly thought out post about some crap they think is worthless and although it is the same thing your are viewing, by your own theory of living in separate realities, they are in fact very likely to view it differently to you. If you remember that people are living in a different reality to you, you might learn to accept it and get into less fights.


Also in my reality a little red squiggly line appears under words I misspell allowing me the opportunity to check them and correct them. I'm also sure it doesn't catch them all, but it is at least present. I feel a little sorry for realities without this nice little piece of code.

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Your believ in such a theory is not more unlikely as my believe, that we exist in different realities for ourselfes, but can see people from other realities.

...which could be called unsane, beyond sanity, and yet not insane.

...which could be called unsane, beyond sanity, and yet not insane.



@Abasio, No, my browser doesnĀ“t have spellchecking unfortunately. I may get it with a plug-in or so, but not at the moment it doesnĀ“t have spellchecking. Your post in my opnion suggests, that we just experience things a little bit differently and that they are the same to an outside observer. But that is not my point. My point is, that someone else might be controlling our realities and send us tasks to do and observe how we are doing. If we behave bad, we may experience bad things, if we behave well, we can experience good things. That is at least what I think can be true, even if many people in the world are suffering and have poor lifes. For me at least life always seemed to be controlled by someone else. Whenever I did bad actions, bad things followed to me, and they were always the same as my actions. When I did good actions, often good things happen to me. I discussed this in another thread and can yet show another example of this. When I left Bulgaria 2 weeks ago, I did not say goodbie to my cousin because she annoyed me. In the bus I talked with a very nice guy and took his skype and faebook. I send him friend requests and he did not answer them yet altough he said he will the next day. Maybe he will sometime, but til now this is another examplee of my theory.


It is an interesting theory for sure.

You don't want to call it Karma though? Or God? The Architect of Fate is supposed to control everything that happens to us.

But why does this controlling force have to be from some other reality and not from the same reality?


I tcan be Karma or God, why not? And it has to be from some other reality, because for everyone it is different and everone experiences similar occourences. Some old people say, God is there to punish him, a person who did bad things. Altough this is a believ, it has some truth in it.

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