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Pscyhonaut, what a great game that was. But man that last level was hell, all that platforming.


I have to say that my favorite Final Fantasy was 6 (I think that is right, I know that the numbering is different for the japanese compared to the american releases).


Snake. Always a nice timekiller, especially in FastTracker II :P and on the mobile phone.


Yeah ending battle in Psychonauts sucked with it's stuff. But we got there, to the finishline B-)


I have no idea how I forgot about it, but Earthbound and Mother 3 (sequel to Earthbound) is definitely one of my favorite Nintendo games of all time. I love all the weirdness of Earthbound and the story and game play of Mother 3.


Yeah the Tony Hawk games were a staple of any decent childhood :P, still got the originial on Ps1.

In my childhood there was Skate Or Die, on a C64 :D



Other random picks, I've never really been a gamer per se, I just have periods when I play shitloads of games and then keep a break up to a few years.

I got Steam last autumn when I bought the new Tomb Raider, so I've been scouting for interesting games on discount :)


Ultima IV: Quest Of The Avatar (C64)

Wonderboy (C64)

Giana Sisters (C64)

Some sidescrolling spaceship shooter game I've forgot the name of Delta (C64)

Blood Money (C64)

Donkey Kong Country (SNES) 1-3

Super Mario World (SNES)

Yoshi's Island (SNES)

Xenon 2 Megablast (PC I think...)

Doom (PC) 1+2

Descent (PC)

Unreal (PC)

Tyrian 2000 (PC)

Need For Speed (PC)

Tomb Raider (PC) excluding Angel Of Darkness

Worms (PC)

MDK (PC) 1+2

Sim City 3000 (PC)

Grand Theft Auto (PC) 2, 3, Vice City, San Andreas

Carmageddon TDR 2000 (PC) the 2 previous ones were somewhat meh

Death Rally (PC)

Hitman (PC) basically all of them, Absolution was eventually a disappointment

Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (PC)

Portal (PC) 1+2, I have an Aperture Laboratories T-shirt too :D

The Stanley Parable (PC)

American McGee's Alice (PC) too bad Madness Returns is so buggy I wasn't able to finish it :(

NetHack (PC)

Action Supercross aka Across (PC)

FlatOut 2 (PC)

Saints Row: The Third (PC) never got around to playing the others but it seems they have some problems on the PC side


I finished Donkey Kong Coutry: Tropical Freeze. I'm playing platfroms all my life and this is the best 2D platform I've ever played. it's unbelievable.


I finished Donkey Kong Coutry: Tropical Freeze. I'm playing platfroms all my life and this is the best 2D platform I've ever played. it's unbelievable.

Yeah I had the 3 first games on SNES, finished all of them 100% IIRC. Perhaps the best platformers I've ever played, gorgeous music aswell <3


Great Giana Sisters???? :lol: lololololooolllipoplol

That was like an ultra trippy version of Mario :D

While she has never played it, my wife hates it due to the fact it must be Korean (in Japan on Chinese and Korea copy things because Japanese people are extraordinarily racist)


Great Giana Sisters???? :lol: lololololooolllipoplol

That was like an ultra trippy version of Mario :D

They've made a remake of it quite recently, I played the demo but didn't like it.

Also, almost forgot Blood Money, Psygnosis FTW :)


Psygnosis was fantastic:

Barbarian and Barbarian II was so cool when you cut off the guy's head :D

I spent far too many hours playing Dungeon Master, Lemmings and Shadow Of The Beast :lol:


Great Giana Sisters???? :lol: lololololooolllipoplol

That was like an ultra trippy version of Mario :D

While she has never played it, my wife hates it due to the fact it must be Korean (in Japan on Chinese and Korea copy things because Japanese people are extraordinarily racist)

Funny thing they made one exclusively for DS! Plus a recent one which I heard good things about.

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