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Isn´t it sometimes very nice to play musicn in your mind, when you do concentrating stuff. It sounds very authentic and increses your mood, but it is not the same as playing music from speakers or headphones. You kpee your high concentration but have fun listening to music in your mind. I find that very nice when browsing in the internet or working. What do you think about that?


Do you mean music that you made up yourself, or other people's music that you're remembering and replaying in your head?


I sometimes make up melodies and hum them to myself, I'd guess it's a fairly common habit.


This phenomenon works well with music genres whose songs have a lot of short and precise melodic patterns (songs with relief, not plain) : jazz, metal, Goa...

I'm not sure that it's working with progressive EDM, techno, minimal, etc.


At the beginning, some of those short musical patterns enter your uncousciousness mind, where they stimulate your imagination and memory. Then, they come back to your conscious mind when you're in a state of mind close to thinking, focusing or dreaming. At this step, it's like a song stuck in your head. But unlike a child song, it doesn't repeat itself as lyrics ordered by tones, but it focus on texture, energy, feeling. For exemple, on a goa song, it can restore the amplitude, the frequency of a 303, or some other synthetisor.


And when you listen of lot of the appropriate music, like Goa trance, your subconscious mind can be stimulated enough to spontaneously recombine dozens of sounds to re-create new melodies, especially when you're into a introverted mood. At this point, newly created songs can interweave with real songs returning to the surface of cousciousness.


This inner music is like a warm liquid that fulfills your mind, allowing you to be more relaxed, or more creative, or more energetic.

Indeed, these musics from the outside world are progressively absorbed and adapted to your own mind, becoming eventually a part of you.


It works cery well with Goa Trance for several reasons : the continuous and dense rhythm, the numerous textures, the alignement of simple melodies, the pyschedelic effects, etc.


This is the reason why I am convinced that Goa 604 is good for the mind, since it enters deeply the mind to stimulate imagination and creativity.


Do you agree with this analysis mr Radi ?


Edit : A good question to ask then is : what kind of sounds and melodies adhere more to the mind ? some sounds come back easily, some other never do.


I'll just add that I get beats stuck in my head too. e.g. Underworld, "Juanita" or "Pearl's Girl". I don't think about the melody or harmony in those tracks (though I know and like them), but I do remember and think about the beats. I guess it's a combination of the tonality of the drums and the catchiness of the rhythm patterns.


Well, in my case, the melodies are more superficial and more often heard, but the beat appears only in a half-conscious state of mind (like when getting asleep). It seems to me that the beat requires more energy.

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