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In the last months my mood became bad again. Somehow I have no interest go out anymore and I am not pleased at what I see when I go out. The colours of the sky, the nature, the sun, the houses. All of that means nothing to me and seems less atturated than ever before. It all seems weak and I feel like I have seen it so many times that I am really not impressed. It is like nothing can impress me anymore and I don´t know what I should do to get a better mood. I am much more pleased by the saturated and sharp colours of my monitor than everything I see outside. I can start a movie or a game with sharp landscapes on another plaet and see whatever I want. Outside it is not like that. I am also more pleased by the sounds I hear from my earphones and it really feels like I want to leave this world and escape into a more colorful world than we have here on earth. A world ful of positive energy and with endless possibilities. Where everything is possible and you have no limitations in your actions. I really hope soon we will soon be able to go into a virtual reality and spend some time there instead of looking at the plane world we have here. It is 4th of May right now and I can´t go out with light clothing, which is really disgusting to me.Do some people here have the same feeling from time to time?


I think this how life usually is, it goes up and down. But if it is down too often then maybe seek a doctor. You can try some anti-depressant pills as a last exit. But usually I don't recommend it. It can also be you are going through a spiritual change. I just hope for you, that you come around and get a more happier mood.


I eat only healthy stuff like big salats, not a lot of meat, chick peas and bidder chockolate. Therefore it is not the foot I think.


What you describe sounds like a more or less mild form of depression to me. What do you think are the reasons why you can't relate to/enjoy the world outside?


It is 4th of May right now and I can´t go out with light clothing, which is really disgusting to me.Do some people here have the same feeling from time to time?


Do you mean the temperatures are still too low or is there some other reason?


I've been depressed for longer durations (some weeks/months) several times in my life, sometimes quite severe. Luckily it hasn't happened in years now.


Either it really is some kind of depression or you are just bored. No matter how much fun some things might be, if you always do the same stuff, it gets less interesting with time. It's like eating your favourite meal every day. No matter how much you like it, sooner or later it loses its magic. It's very hard to tell what to change since I don't know much about you, only the stuff you write here. But you made another thread about your work and the desire to meet new people. The situation with your work is rather clear now (as far as I remember) and you will try to make your money with the freelance work. But meeting new people takes an effort you seem not too willing to take (at least that's how I interpret it, feel free to correct me). You write in your first post that you wish for a world where everything is possible and you have no limitations in your actions. Who wouldn't want that? But even if you would win the lottery big time your world wouldn't be like that. So being sad about not having something like that is rather pointless. Maybe it would help you if you would focus on realistic things you actually could achieve and invest some time in that. Having a goal, doing something for it and in the end achieve something gives you satisfaction. Like having your own appartment, take some actions to meet new people or whatever else you feel is worth taking an effort.


I think the big problem si indeet that I don`t know people to go out with, especially girls. And it is very hard to change that fact. I know one girl that I can chat with some time and I am happy abou every line I can talk with her. At least some communication with another person. I also know a computer guy and I used to go there earlier but he doesn´t seem to like my company a lot and I can not go there a lot.


It is really a great thing if I can cojmunicate with other people. I really feel at ease when I can do that, mostly because I can grow a distance between Bulgaria since I did not have great experiences there and don´t like the country a lot. But it is difficult to esablish contact with young people. Ifthere were some young people in the house with similar interests it would be good, but in this house and the near neighboorhood there are no such people.


Have you thought about joining a club to do with one of your interests? Sometimes meeting like minded people can make a lot of difference.


Yeah, that's what I proposed in your thread about finding friends. I actually can't see how you would meet people with similar interests if you are not more active about it. Just hoping that one day people in your age and with similar interests will start living near you is not much to hang on to. And even if they do, how should you know about or even meet them? If a club is not the right thing for you you could still join a German forum about some of your interests and try to hook up with people from there in real life. Obviously it takes some work so to say but considering you work from home and have (at least as much as I know) not many hobbies that make you interact with people that are not online I fail to see another solution. Depending on your charakter it might take several tries and also failures before you can find real friends, even if you manage to find people with similar interests (this is not a put down of your character, I'm speaking about my own experiences).


But it is difficult to esablish contact with young people. Ifthere were some young people in the house with similar interests it would be good, but in this house and the near neighboorhood there are no such people.

Com'on.. you'r listening to psy, not death metal. Hippy folks usually have no problem to establish contacts, quite the opposite..

Don't know where you'r living, but just look for a nice park, walk around at a sunny day, watch for dreadlocks, fancy cloths and/or or weed smell and soon as found.. go there and say "Hey nice group, can I join you for a while?" .. they won't say "no". And don't tell me that doesn't exist in your city.. hippies are around everywhere, you just need to find them :ph34r:



I did not see any hippies in my town til now and I live here for a long time. The town is not very big though. It just has 40 000 citicens.


Yeah, that's what I proposed in your thread about finding friends. I actually can't see how you would meet people with similar interests if you are not more active about it. Just hoping that one day people in your age and with similar interests will start living near you is not much to hang on to. And even if they do, how should you know about or even meet them? If a club is not the right thing for you you could still join a German forum about some of your interests and try to hook up with people from there in real life. Obviously it takes some work so to say but considering you work from home and have (at least as much as I know) not many hobbies that make you interact with people that are not online I fail to see another solution. Depending on your charakter it might take several tries and also failures before you can find real friends, even if you manage to find people with similar interests (this is not a put down of your character, I'm speaking about my own experiences).

I don´t know how it is in Sitzerland, but here in Germany it is uncommon to get in touch with people over the internet. I really must look for that.


I don't know how common it is to meet people over the internet. But I've met people from psynews as well as people from other forums (some of the German users from Eve & Rave for example also met). But considering you spend a lot of time online it's the most logical thing to do. If you are part of a forum for some time you should be able to notice if there are people who are into it (or if you even want to meet them). Another way is taking part is joining non-profit organisations or groups. Obviously this is lots of effort but if you are bored with your life anyway and if you manage to find something that actually interests you (otherwise it's kinda pointless) it might help you a lot. You don't have to go for an NGO but there is also stuff arround like groups organising events of all kind. But I would advise you not to have too high expectations like having a gf or finding the best friends ever after just some weeks. Obviously it depends but I personally need more time to get into new people and putting pressure on myself does not help with that.


I did not see any hippies in my town til now and I live here for a long time. The town is not very big though. It just has 40 000 citicens.



I don´t know how it is in Sitzerland, but here in Germany it is uncommon to get in touch with people over the internet. I really must look for that.


My hometown is only 20,000 people but you can still find hippies, they're everywhere you'd like to be on nice sunny days.


Sounds like depression to me. I've dealt with mine for decades. My tips? Stay off medication, do some kind of regular exercise even for half an hour every few days, avoid drugs & moderate alcohol and caffeine, do some activities that involve other ppl. At worst just to your local library or cafe and read a book there instead of home.


Also remember that these states usually are transient & will come and go. Also, it's important to remember that you can have great friends & even love without sharing anything in common. My wife can't stand my music choices, my reading (sci-fi, fantasy & true crime) and she doesn't like my movie choices (horror & sci-fi). Yet we share other common interest like eating out & travelling, as well as politics and other stuff. I've been with her for 16 years now and we always wonder why we stuck it out as we're such opposites.


Also, remember that it's ok to feel however you feel. If you feel depressed, sad or angry that's ok. These feelings are what make us human and though they can be hard to deal with at times they also are transient. Don't beat up on yourself, you are awesome for just being who you are & don't let any other person tell you otherwise. I was severely bullied physical & mentally for 10 years of high school, to the point I nearly killed myself over it. So I know how sh#t this work can seem, but there's plenty more that's good.


Also remember that these states usually are transient & will come and go. Also, it's important to remember that you can have great friends & even love without sharing anything in common. My wife can't stand my music choices, my reading (sci-fi, fantasy & true crime) and she doesn't like my movie choices (horror & sci-fi). Yet we share other common interest like eating out & travelling, as well as politics and other stuff. I've been with her for 16 years now and we always wonder why we stuck it out as we're such opposites.




Sounds like my wife and I, although we've been married a very short time but were dating 7 years before that. I honestly cannot stand most of her tastes in entertainment but it doesn't seem to affect us. Good to see someone else like us that have lasted so long :)


Radi: Go to a psytrance party/festival.


Any one that you can.

I promise you will meet some beautiful people. And have some experiences that enrich your life...


It's just...a no brainer seeing how u like the music already..


Radi: Go to a psytrance party/festival.


Any one that you can.

I promise you will meet some beautiful people. And have some experiences that enrich your life...


It's just...a no brainer seeing how u like the music already..


Sounds like my wife and I, although we've been married a very short time but were dating 7 years before that. I honestly cannot stand most of her tastes in entertainment but it doesn't seem to affect us. Good to see someone else like us that have lasted so long :)


Well we only married in 2010 but had been together since 1998 (met in final year of high school).


Don't get me wrong we have our moments. She sees the world in grey & I"m a black n white kind of guy. Also I'm very passionate i guess, & stubborn. We don't fight as much now about things simply because of our little boy. But I can tell you a few plates & phones have met an untimely demise over the years :lol: .


Pluse being married to a person with a mild mental illness (me) is not easy at the best of times so i am grateful to have found somebody who will alway be with me through the good & the bad.



Back on topic:


Radi my other advice is if you feel like this & go to a gig avoid drugs. When I was in the throes of depression in the early 2000's a friend convinced me to try LSD at a gigs as he was sure it would enlighten me and help me escape my despair. It only made things much worse. So be careful. IMO natural remedies & good therapy are the only real good ways to solve this.


My suggestions:


1. Exercise everyday. It will make you feel positive.

2. Develop your hobbies and dedicate time to them on a regular basis.

3. Have goals in life (career, personal). Make a plan and pursue them, with passion, till you die.

4. If you think you have negative thoughts or mood swings often, then consider getting professional help. A negative state of mind can affect the pursuit of happiness.


The bottom line is there are many things in this world which can wow us and keep us occupied, but not enough time to indulge in everything.

So plan around your priorities and execute.



  • 3 weeks later...

Sometimes I am happy I can talk with the people in this foru and the remote people on FAcebook, because it really doesn´t feel great to be alone for along time and only say hi and bye to people. I was going to a computershop for seeral months and had a great time there. The onwer of the shop was nice at first and liked me to visit him and talk with him and his friends but after a few months he started saying things like, I don´t ahve time right now or I don´t want o speak right now and similar things. I felt good in the company of the people there, his friends did appreciate my company aswell and I talked about computers, girls and things like laws from other countries and plitics. There was one guy from Macedonia there who was a bit rough, but he was a cool man but he had no documents to stay longer in germany. I enjoyed it everytime I was there but the guy there, he was Croatian, turned his back on me and made it clear to me though the flower, that I am not welcome anymore. If he wouldn´t have acted like that, maybe I would be going out with some of the people there, having fun and luaghing about interesting and obscure stories. It is only one important player who can make things go in one or the other direction. I tried it two months ago with this guy, going there more often but he made it clear when I went there more often that I am not really welcome. I really regret he become such a guy.


But on the other hand I ahve some fault on it aswell. For example when I went there I stayed a long time and sometimes we did not even talk a lot, when we were alone. When I find one contact I like to spend a long time with him and I don´t have problems, if someone is doing that with me, however other people do. It is not the first time I had trouble with such behaviour. I thik people should be more open to new people and allow new friendships.

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