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So I reported about this before and I know that it sounds strange for other people, but I don´t care since I am not crazy and know what I sence. The Iphone temproarily harms the eyes, my eyes at least, when I pass near a person who has the Iphone. It must be either some radiation the phone emits that other phones don´t emit or it must be the materials and the construction technics used to construct it. I have not seen any other phone with the same effect, but this summer when we talked with one of my cousins, he wanted to show me some pictures and grabed out his iphone. It was the first time I saw the iphone 5 and I emidiatelly noticed that it is very unpleasant for the eyes. It temprorarely makes the vision strange and a bit unsharp. I can not look for a long time in the iphone, otherwise my eyesight would probably get unsharp and blurry, because even from looking in the Iphone for a short time my eye feels weak and strange. It must be some of the materials used that causes the effect and it is really a shame why Apple are doing this. I know that the Iphone 5 models don´t harm normal people but they do no good to me and I think a cellphone should not be constructed with such materials that it can hurt even the weakest eyes.


It is really a big shame because the Iphone radiation is so strong that I notice it from 10 meters, when it is in the pocket of someone. I am deadserious, I can tell who has an iphone in his pocket. If someone on psynews would send me ten people and one of them had an iphone, I could pinpoint it. This even prevents me from making friends with other people because I am afraid one of them will have an Iphone and I have to look into the Iphone, which is very unpleasurable for me. I hope the next model of Iphone wont be like that, because the last model of the Iphone was not like that. I don´t know in which world we are living.


Not yet but I may do and if you think I am crazy for saying this, you are absolutely wrong. I know what can sound insane and what not, but why don´t you send 5 people to my address of which one has an Iphone 5. If you would live in Germany you could test this and you would see first hand how I can tell which person has an Iphone 5 in his pocket. So whether you believe I am crazy or not is not important for me, to be honest.


why don´t you send 5 people to my address of which one has an Iphone 5.

Because that would probably cost me actual money.


I don´t know in which world we are living.


Where Iphone dry your balls from 10 meters away.



You are probably first person who actually hallucinate with phone signals. Or Apple put mind control device so they can make more people buy them :huh:



But one serious question now Radi: Why do you always complicate yours and others lifes? With millions of questions... Can't you live simple? Without radiation, strange modules, your ability to judge people without even meeting them, without grooming virtual muff of Mr. Simon, etc... don't develope more conspiracy theories and fantasies. Don't waste life on things like that. Enjoy in simple stuff man.


You complain on Iphone radiation. What should people that lives close to Chernobyl or Fukishima say?



Lately you complained how labels ignore your music... All this time you spent of such things, why don't put that time and energy into production? And then you might get released after all. Try to waste energy on positive things.


Speaking of Iphone radiation won't make Apple use green technology... while you can do change quaility of your music if you just spend half of time you are wasting for this ;)


It is not wasted time but it is something serious. It does irritate my eyes and it is because of the materials the Iphone is composed of. Apple was always a strange company to me with stange goals and insane prices and now they are using materials that reflect on the environment in such a bad way. It irritates me a lot. If I were in america and could proove what I say, I would get a lot of money and the Iphone would be similar to let´s say HTc or some other phone. They would not build such cellphones anymore. If I had the means to explain with more detail what I mean, probably people would understand me better but like this, some people may think I am strange. Let´s hope the next model will not be like that.


Anyway: I don´t have proper equipment Nikola. I don´t have monitors, don´t have a midi-keyboard and don´t have a big screen at the moment on which I can work confortabely. Otherwise I could probably enhance the tracks I produced in the past.


Some people's ears can feel the signal of a TV remote -- yes, a TV remote -- and it's painful for them to stand in its path. Imba, don't discount the wide range of sensitivies people can have to different frequencies of sound or light. I don't know what's causing the problem with the Iphone 5, but I doubt that radi is just being a crank or looking for things to get irritated by. I've met people with environmental sensitivity and one of the worst things for them is being gaslighted by other people and being told it's just a psychological problem.

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