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Life's a tought one isn't it? Especially when you live in constant fear & anxiety due to a psychological disorder. I was doing alright really, but it started to unwind last Saturday when I found some dead ants in the kitchen. I had the house externally sprayed by a pro for bugs & this just really annoyed me. It set off my anxiety disorder & so I had a big fight with my wife. Then it was settling again & I met her for lunch on Monday and had a wonderful time in the park with our 2 year old lad. And the universe decided to completly f#ck with me. 2 years ago when we were in our apartment we had a German cockroach infestation. I mean they were crawling out of the kitchen cupboards, crawling down the walls & out of our aircon unit. It took a lot of effort by the extermination to get rid of them but he eventually did. These buggers were actually what set my anxiety disorder completly off the wall. And so after such a nice day with my wife & son I took him home for his nap and low and behold inside the front door I find a f%cking German roach on it's back. Yeah it was dying. No my search of the house has not turned up any eveidence of anymore, the pest bloke I called had a chuckle and said it had probably wandered in off the street or from a neighbour and was dying from the spray barrier he'd done early on. But today my anxiety when I work! I could hardly think straight, my hear felt like it was going to explode with pain. I cried and cried & begged my wife to take a sick day. She couldn't but luckily my psychologist has a free appointment at 5pm tonight & my wife can come home in time to look after our son so I can go. It's just such a hard condition to live with. To know that a freaking bug can cause me such angst & suffering.


Anyway I just needed to get it out. I'm just feeling soooo miserable :(


Anxiety problems really suck.

I have mild social anxiety, nothing serious but it makes things difficult so I cannot image what you must go through.

I hope things get better for you soon.


I had anxiety 5-6 years ago. I overdosed with weed once really bad and it triggered disorder. I remember i was living in anxiety for half year non stop.


My problem was night time. I could easily go out in day but when night comes i was scared of people and stuff so it was really hard for me. Luckily anxiety is done after some 6-7 months and never come back. Oh it comes only when im drunk or stoned again which is rare last 5 years just because that.



So i think i understand how you feel. I never visited any doctor nor i know is there any medications that could help but you could try speak to some...


Lately I have some kind of mild anxiety as well. It comes and goes. I clench my jaw when I sleep and negative thoughts stuck in my mind for no reason.

  • 3 weeks later...

I have also developed anxiety... My daughter and her criminal boyfriend are on the run and in the last 10 days I have had over 30 visits from the police, at all hours of day and night and they even tried to break my door down at 0130 in the morning...I now never lock my door, i sleep on the sofa in the lounge by the front door in case i fall asleep and dont hear the police turn up,, i jump at every sound and didnt leave my house for a week.. I have a friend staying here whilst I go to work just now or i will probably end up coming home to my door nailed shut after they have forced their way in...(this has already happened only a few weeks ago)...


I have no idea what to do.. i wish they would catch them and lock them both up .. i might get some sleep... maybe even in my own bed...? maybe.


I don't really know what's going on around me... but problems are springing up everyday. This has started happening the past month.

I mean, I live in Greece, so financial problems are the norm but I've coped quite well during the crisis and in fact my problems aren't financial per say.

I'm just overwhelmed by the sheer number of problems not their magnitude:

problems with my GF, with my father, with work, with the banks, with my phone, with my house (as a building) with my gfs job and colleagues... To be honest I hope someone has jinxed me and it'll only be like this for X amount of time. I'm actively working in solving all the problems but FUCK I'm getting overwhelmed. I'm confident that I'll be able to cope with everything but it's taking very long and it's fucking hard.

My GF reckons that I'm too hard on myself and it's only a matter of time to get everything sorted... I hope she is right.


Although to be honest, this is nothing compared to Janet's issues and the more serious problems I've seen mentioned in this post, as well as the much more serious problems that people have in Greece overall (and let's not get started about Ukraine)


I find seeing my psychologst really helps, talking to someone neutral and getting professional opinions. Mostly it's jut learning triggers, avoiding them, and if they can't be avoided controlling the symptoms. I'm experiencing it now as I'm about to go back to studying one day a week & putting my son in childcare for a day for the first time. I get very angry/frustrated easily at these times at my son & wife so I also sometime just leave the room for a period of time to things through. My big problem is that due to experience in life I unconsciously avoid dealing with emotions & try not to feel them. This then turns in to anxiety & OCD. Anyway. Nice to hear others experience it various forms & I wish us all well. Don't be afraid to ask for & seek pro help. It works. I just refuse to go on meds.


update.. Daughter and boyfriend have been captured and are in custody... lets hope they are kept there for a while, I need a nights uninterrupted sleep....

Currently packing up all their things, i dont want them back..this makes me feel sad, but tough love is required here... so much stress......


update.. Daughter and boyfriend have been captured and are in custody... lets hope they are kept there for a while, I need a nights uninterrupted sleep....

Currently packing up all their things, i dont want them back..this makes me feel sad, but tough love is required here... so much stress......

Sometimes you have to be hard to the ppl you love!


Sometimes you have to be hard to the ppl you love!

Yes, I have signed a police statement to say, that when she is bailed I dont want her here and someone has to collect her belongings... I have had 7 years of her hell.. the line has been crossed now... sad... :(

Yes, I have signed a police statement to say, that when she is bailed I dont want her here and someone has to collect her belongings... I have had 7 years of her hell.. the line has been crossed now... sad... :(


Damn Janet, sorry to hear things escalated to such a degree. I'd hope she could learn her lesson but I recall saying something similar some years ago. Still I hope very much for your sake that things get better.


life just got more complicated... her bf is now on remand..shes on a curfew til end of august when shes back in court on charges of theft...along with her boyfriend.. he's going down for a few years tho.. maybe a time inside would do her good, but i doubt it..


meanwhile my latest relationship has gone tits up due to my headstate... I never run away from stuff... I ran.


thinks i am staying single for a long long time...need my space.

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