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Hux~Flux reviews and hello to all!

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I'm back! (for those that remember me) - what's crackin, EA?


Am finally in position to have some time to participate in this community and plan to do so more frequently when I get my home internet service connected..



Anyhow what do you think of the new Hux Flux?


I broke my headphones awhile back and so have only listened to Division by Zer0 in the car or out of speakers, and I'm dissapointed overall...


Wicked sound effects and samples, and some funky basslines as Hux Flux do so well, but is it me or is there like, NO MELODY AT ALL in the album? Maybe I'm just missing them but the tracks are progressive to a fault, very unsatisfying, no euphoric explosions of the insane Hux Flux maximalism that has made them my favorite act of all...


The Tabulator track is pretty wicked, there is slick little melody at the end of the track but that's about the only one I could find...


Cryptic Crunch was full of these insane melodies, but the tracks in Division by Zer0 just seem to sort of peter out, they don't seem to build, climax, or go anywhere...


The album is EXTREMELY tripped out sounding but in too far-out and stark a way - a bit too serious about the way in which it's tripped out, if that makes any sense...


I will do it shortly:


When I received my Division by Zer0, I listened to my Cryptic Crunch first.

Afterwards I listened to Division by Zer0, and WOW I was dissappointed. The Cryptic Crunch album is more brilliant and, I need words to describe it. But I was dissappointed..


Take Care..




i disagree....

well i never really liked the first album, i mean it was original and i like some parts in eaxch of the songs, but it gets way too tweaky for me, too twisted. But i really like the first 4 tracks on the new album. Great sounds, good groove, it is a little too progressive but still the best release in a while for me since Silicon Sound.... I would recommend it... IF you didn't like the first one.... but if u did listen to the last 4 tracks (which i didn't like)..


How can you compare the new album with Cryptic crunch... that was sooo looong time ago. Things changes; technology, taste... you cant expect the same sound from an artist all the time... ( except from GMS and the 1000 GMS clones... ;) ).


"The album is EXTREMELY tripped out sounding but in too far-out and stark a way" - too far out... bah!!! this was the worst comment i've heard in along time... have you ever thought about why this kind of music i called 'psychedelic trance' - maybee because it is ( ...or it used to be ) EXTREMELY tripped out


Keep it freaky!!!


Well I've got to listen to it on some good headphones before making final judgment....


I suppose it's just the lack of melody then, the one at the end of Tabulator is wicked but aside from that it's just so sparse...


The most recent Hux Flux traxk before the album was Bring Your Own BIOS which had this insane melodic climax at about the 5:00 mark - one of the most powerful bits of music I've ever heard...


And tracks like Logarythmic, Degauss, Snickesnack, Alkaloid, Calculus too...


I like it much better than the I liked the new X-Dream - that album was a huge dissapijntment for me, and "Radio" is maybe my fav album ever...

Guest Slinker

You lot are crazy, listen to the music!! its fantastic album, im not the slightest bit dissapointed...its bangin ,very Psy and maybe more on the minimal tip, but i hate comparing things to past releases. Look at it for what it is...pump it up loud and try and tell me it doesnt Kick Ass! I for one Love the album :))

Guest Slidingtrancer

It's good psytrance, but doesn't quite always deliver on build-ups, melodic or percussionist-structures and lacks some definite weirdness...

Guest Otto Matta

Well put. A good album. Nothing more, nothing less.


Hello helium. Did you say "crack"? Call me. :)


Just listened to it... what can I say, the full-on bandwagon just got a new member :) I wasn't a big fan of Cryptic Crunch but Division by Zero sounds so plain in comparison... Listening to this album and knowing it was made by HuxFlux kinda feels like seeing 5-door hatchback with the name "Ferrari" on the bonet...



Guest helium

My thoughts exactly Moondancer! That analogy is spot on, it's like Hux Flux on prozac or something..


And yea Otto Moto, I did mention the crack - will send the kilo unless you want just the pound instead..(EA tells me it's easy being a big time crack cocaine dealer when you live right by an elementary school and get like 200 kids hooked on it...


Hey seriously tho the grass out here is as green as I've seen it - must be the winter rains - heard it was gonna rain back east later this week tho so maybe the grass'l get greener there too....

Guest Otto Matta

I've got those kids eating out of my hand. Suckers.


The eagle has still not landed. Good reasons. Wednesday.

Guest errorhead

Music evolves, so does Hux Flux. Do not compare, just listen. I think it,s a great album. Played some tracks lately at a party and got a good response from the people dancing. I,ve always liked this style of music and will continue to do so.


respect !!!


I prefered cryptic crunch, didnt like the new album at all

  • 1 year later...

This album is terrible. Its just so boring. I was never a big fan of Hux Flux but I heard several tracks on Cryptic Crunch and that was really unique and well done for what it was.


But this album sucks. You can add Hux Flux to that list of old-skool, once solid artists-turned major disappointments.


This album is terrible. Its just so boring. I was never a big fan of Hux Flux but I heard several tracks on Cryptic Crunch and that was really unique and well done for what it was.


But this album sucks. You can add Hux Flux to that list of old-skool, once solid artists-turned major disappointments.


Look for Hux Flux tunes pre Cryptic Crunch, that's the golden age of Hux Flux. Cryptic Crunch is more of a Hux Flux vs Logic Bomb album, full of the Örebro forest party sound of that time (think Tales from the Forest compilation). The tunes pre Cryptic Crunch are made by Dennis Tapper alone and are very melodic and twisted, excellent stuff really.


Look for:


Time Slices






You won't be disappointed.


The Lex Rex Perplex / Errorhead single after Cryptic Crunch is also very good.


I loved cryptich cruch but didn't check out divison... yét ;)


I enjoyed Division by Zero. I found the album entertaining at home and very nice on the dance floor.


Technically also very strong. Good to see Hux Flux progress.


Although I can accept that some people might not appreciate this album as much as myself, I am astounded to see people say that it 'sucks' (as it has been so eloquently labeled in this thread...).







Music evolves, so does Hux Flux. Do not compare, just listen. I think it,s a great album. Played some tracks lately at a party and got a good response from the people dancing. I,ve always liked this style of music and will continue to do so.


respect !!!



Nice nick name btw all hux flux lovers will know for what i talk about ;)

  • 1 month later...















I've just saw there is no review for this album so I'll give a short one now. This is completely different turn for Dennis Tapper. After intelligent psychedelia with slices of minimalistic maximalism he moved onto more funky, driving, clubby rhythms but it can be dissapointing for someone but for others could be pretty refreshing. I think that considering the worst year for psy world, this album is one of the better ones that year. He made different styles on it now, ranging from liquid progressive through intelligent psychedelia over funky full on but whole thing makes sense as a whole. NUMBERS is typical Hux Flux, precise and psychedelic and very driving. ULTRASTRUCTURE is more minimalistic and nothing that special but then comes BITSHIFTER, pretty elaborate song with good dancey rhythm and nice effects. SKURK is progressive song, very good and driving as well. ARTIFAKTS is my favourite on album, psychedelic and juicy, I like it very much. TABULATOR is also psychedelic song with lots of twists. TELEX 44/ NULL is another Hux Flux alike minimalistic piece, noth that inspiring though. NUMEROUS NUMERICS is pretty experimental mixture of progressive and psychedelic, pretty interesting and yet minimal also. POSTPONE THE PHONE is nice closing ambient song, drifty and effective...All in all, pretty good album, not at all as Cryptic Crunch but pretty refreshing 2003 album...7/10 ( but it could have been easily 8 too but some ideas seem too obvious for that )

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