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Just because they were evil doesn't mean the nazis did everything wrong.

Take their extermination of the 'derelicts' of society for example. They got rid of all the maimed, retarded, psychotic, and terinally neglected people allowing the resources to be freed up for more capable people. Of course they went overboard and killed millions of Jews, but in the United States today there are at least hundreds of thousands of people who exist to do nothing more than use public libraries and be looked away from by people on the street.

Since the USA is the easiest country in the world to immigrate to I think that a policy of extermination for the obviously derelict would give the average person something to think about before deciding to come to the USA. I strongly believe in easy access to nations. Just becuse you were born in one country doesn't mean you must live in that country all of your life. The problem with an open-door immigration policy is that rich nations will always be swamped with immigrants. What is the best way to alliviate this problem? Create a national negative in prosperous countries. A reason not to move there.

Climate used to serve as a negative, but with the advent of climate controlled buildings there is no reason why a person used to high heat can't move to Norway or Iceland. The same is try for all the people who want to live in Hawaii. Right now property values make doing basic things like growing crops prohibitively expensive in Hawaii and therefor the price of food is incredably high while at the same time the number of homeless people in Hawaii is a huge problem that taxes the system to the breaking point. Hawaii recently offered to pay for airfare for any homeless person that wanted to live in any one of the other US states. Hawaii is the tip of the spear in regards to the future.


Any controvery stirred up by the previous post will be moot in a thousand years when I believe the human race will become extinct. ;)


Some options:


a: you're trolling

b: you're delusional

c: you're an idiot

d: you're strange

e: you're a sociopath

d: you're serious


Pick your option, none of which would grace you. Option d is highly propable and the worst one at the same time.

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in a thousand years when I believe the human race will become extinct. ;)


Well deserved if you ask me.


But topic... :huh:


Nah, better education on environmental safety, no pollution, proper sex and reproductive education and you will have far less people born with disabilities.

The few who will will be able to receive personalized care and will have higher chance to enjoy life as much as its possible in their state.


This topic must be a joke. What is the purpose of it ?


One man thinks about the politics of his country, the United States of America. As he seeks solutions to the many problems that encounters the American society - somehow one of the most violent in the world - he decides to make a comparative approach of US socio-politics with the ones of another culture. Cultures need, indeed, to compare each other in order to feed themselves from the historical experiences they have issued.

There are so much amazing moment in the history of politics : Athenian democracy, the Omayade Caliphate of Cordoba, the Republic of Novgorod, French Third Republic, etc. But the man decided to pick up only the bloodiest regime of history to rely on it. It must be either provocation or pervert extremism. My words are rude, but so is the deal. If this is provocation, it isn't fun, and despicable. If the man is really is excited about the National-Socialist experience, then he is a fool who believes that only violence can solve the problems of this violent society, and who then aimed to search for the most violent regime in history in order to know how to organize an ideology of violence, how to make that the Federal state apply in an etatic way that violence.


What could have looked like, at first view, like open-mindness is actually narrow-mindness.



The problem with an open-door immigration policy is that rich nations will always be swamped with immigrants. What is the best way to alliviate this problem?


What is the problem ? To answer the question, one should have a very global view of history and geography. How did the migratory movements oriented towards the US ? How were there created ?


The US are facing a massive arrival from Latin America.

Latin America was, for a long time, a land of immigration itself. The continent shaped itself, in a very promising way, its own model of economics and politics during the XIX th century. Many countries were experiencing all sorts of regimes : liberal, socialist, populist, etc. Those fragile experiences were ruined by the American governments during the XIXth and the XXth century, so that the whole continent was never able to stabilize itself. The US intervened many times in many countries, using assassinations, corruptions and invasions in order to create puppet dictatorial states loyal to Washington. That phenomenon, alongside with other inner problems, lead the whole continent to have poor populations, while the US were feeding on them.

I am not an anti-american myself. I hate hatred. I only rely on facts, and facts are there. Just as in physics, where an action leads to reaction, in history the countries react. United States are experiencing today their past foreign policy of systematic intervention in Latin America, with the arrival of poor (and more wealthy) people from Mexico, Cuba, etc.



Of course they went overboard and killed millions of Jews, but in the United States today there are at least hundreds of thousands of people who exist to do nothing more than use public libraries and be looked away from by people on the street.


The more a country abolish solidarity, the more social problem they face. American society is utterly disbalanced, since millions of people can't afford health services, universities, etc. Europe in much more advanced in those things. Of course, you will always have a few parasites who feed themselves on the public subventions, but this can't justify inequality.

A criterium to determine the enlightment of a society is the way they treat the weakest of their members. The US is a big economy. They are able to take care of millions, and they don't. This system cannot work for long.


The discovery of darwinian evolution quickly applied to politics in the XIX th century. Some, like a certain Hitler, were firmly convinced that natural selection was the driving force of the evolution of a society : the stronger survive.

But another view of evolution was that human being - a being that distinguish itself from other animals by its ability to take care of one another - suggested that the developement of solidarity was this driving force.


To conclude, you can always find a tear of wisdom in an ocean of brutality. Why seeking for that drop, instead of seeking for an ocean of wisdom ?

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My wife has Cerebral Palsy. It was caused by medical malpractice, as it mostly is, and is the most common disability in the world. She can do anything you can. She drives a car, she has a masters degree at one of the top universities in Australia. She has given birth to 1 perfectly healthy child and is carrying our second. She is the sole breadwinner in our family. She also built us a $4million AUD house. She funds my music ventures, and she also will pay for our children to have excellent education and life opportunities.


So any of you cunts that think people with disability should be denied the right to life should go and fucking hang your useless selves. It's a shame your mothers bothered pushing you out of their dirty cunts.


Society is the reason people with disabilities and people liviing in poverty have no opportunity to contribute positively in this world of ours. Yes education and health is important, because if you give people with disabilites and poverty the chance to be educated and to be healthy they will contribute more than you lazy fucks.


I don't care if you ban me for this post or whatever, but this thread is fucking insulting and the cunts supporting the OP's views should be fucking well shot for the good of society.


Fuck the lot of you.

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and to clarify she has never accesed any government or charitable funding, she has done everything on her. Even thought her mother was killed by medical malpractice during her birth and her father died in a drowning accident in Thailand in 2007 leaving her with no family.


To make things clear, I completely disagree with the OP. I never intended to support any of what he said, and I didn't mention handicaped people. I wanted to prove him wrong, and fully agree with the last posts.

I'd like to excuse myself to Balance-Music if there were any misunderstanding.


i always have to laugh at people form the u.s. complaining about immigration. if they (assuming european descent, which is true for the great majority of the people with such views) were serious about their own point, they should be full of shame, give their land back to the natives of america and proceed live inside a reservation granted to them. after all, the majority of immigrants to what is now the u.s. back then were the european underclass with poor education and often with no means to properly feed their family. so exactly those kinds of people which are now attacked by the right-wingers and their sympatisants.


the reason that these problems exist in the u.s. in the current form is that there is no socialist tradition other there. the solution is helping the people in need and integrating them into society. segregation and oppression do never solve any problems.



To make things clear, I completely disagree with the OP. I never intended to support any of what he said, and I didn't mention handicaped people. I wanted to prove him wrong, and fully agree with the last posts.

I'd like to excuse myself to Balance-Music if there were any misunderstanding.

i don't think your good, elaborate post could be interpreted as support for the op.


I don't care if you ban me for this post or whatever, but this thread is fucking insulting and the cunts supporting the OP's views should be fucking well shot for the good of society.

Nobody here is supporting the OP's views, Mike. Get a grip.


This topic must be a joke. What is the purpose of it ?

To provoke thought, or simply to provoke.

I don't really believe the radical statement I made, but I think that it may come to pass.

Right now a greater and greater percentage of people live with nothing or next to nothing and a greater percentage of people do not care.

I have seen companies look for people with sociopathic traits to promote into managers. It simply is not a good business statagy to care about other people's well being. Or the well being of the country the company exists in. As much talk as I've heard of the social consciousness of the green movement, I see the results of years of a culture based solely on profit.

The bigger rats will get the prize and the majority will have less. The process is a feedback loop where any luxury afforded by the wellfare state becomes savior fare to the elite. At the same time the greater control of the elite on the systems of government will create the means to protect the interests of the richest and provide a strong backlash against the expansion of the welfare state to accomidate the ever-growing ranks of the disadvantaged. The USA has closer to 100% health care coverage than it has ever had right now and yet the political will to abolish that health care coverage grows stronger and stronger by the day. Why? because the support of the weak and the equalization of the population is not supported by social norms. Social history is one of ever-evolving competition, first between kingdoms, then between nation states, and finally between classes and the indivividual.

Logically I hear that it is cheaper to care for the homeless than it is to treat them in the ER, but policy will not accept that fact. It is live and let die in the USA. If you are out in the cold of winter and die you may make the local news, but you will not affect change.


i always have to laugh at people form the u.s. complaining about immigration.

I was not, but you are clearly biassed.

they should be full of shame, give their land back to the natives of america and proceed live inside a reservation granted to them.

A statement that ignors reality. There are many instances when the europeans should have been kicked out as well and yet the trends of history are ignored to sound rightous?! When the mongols invaded Europe they were never kicked out they assimilated. Eventually the europeans who came to N.A. would have assimilated with the natives if they hadn't been nearly wiped out by small pocks.

the reason that these problems exist in the u.s. in the current form is that there is no socialist tradition other there. the solution is helping the people in need and integrating them into society. segregation and oppression do never solve any problems.

Accually these problems do exist in the EU as well. How many riots do you need to see in Paris and London to know?

I was not, but you are clearly biassed.

A statement that ignors reality. There are many instances when the europeans should have been kicked out as well and yet the trends of history are ignored to sound rightous?! When the mongols invaded Europe they were never kicked out they assimilated. Eventually the europeans who came to N.A. would have assimilated with the natives if they hadn't been nearly wiped out by small pocks.

Accually these problems do exist in the EU as well. How many riots do you need to see in Paris and London to know?


i'm trying to take up a nationalist/racist viewpoint for the sake of the argument to apply the same principles to the original immigrants from europe, so i have to be biased.


sure, smallpox (among other diseases) has had a much more devastating effect than the european conquests, but still the natives weren't exactly treated nicely and cheated for land repeatetely (just like so many other tribal (or similar) cultures when an "advanced civilisation" came along. the situation for the native populations of india is hardly better even today although the dravidian and indo-european population has immigrated upwards of thousand years ago)

i'm not for kicking out any people who are living in any country today, but just trying to make it soud as ridiculous as thinking of immigrants in the way you portray in your first post as it will sound in one or maybe two generations from now. so many people of the "native population" here in austria have slavic or hungarian surnames, that you'd be tempted to think of people with a german surname to be immigrants from germany ;)


honestly, i only know the situation in austria well enough so i can only speculate for comparisons with the u.s. or other european countries from what i hear in the media and read on the internet. from from what i hear, it seems that we are far better off than the u.s. despite having for instance one third of the population immigrants in our capital city. and i remember you have food stamps over there, which is something only my grandmother remembers from the second world war.

the reason for this probably is that the saying that everything comes to austria at least 10 years late (including the end of the world ;) ) isn't too far off. we haven't had a margaret thatcher from the 70s to '90 and the erosion of social systems has only begun (more slowly than in other places) in the 00s. so the u.k. not fitting into the "european social system hypothesis" here is no surprise in this context.

why france doesn't fit in is a mystery to me (i must confess france is one of the eu countries i know least about), but for the rest of europe the pattern seems clear to me: the more social security you have the better poor people (including most immigrants coming from a background with little education and therefore worse job opportunities) are integrated into society, the more productive those people are, therefore leading to a more peaceful and happier population of the respective country. just look at what happened to the southern european countries after they cut back on social spending to evade bankrupcy, which wouldn't have been a risk if they didn't give all their money to the banks.


I am always amuzed by people who talk about others doing nothing and abusing the state and the bags of other people. Those people have no clue how it is to be disabled and how the chances are very weak and it is very tough to get a job or education or almost impossible. The social systems in most parts of the world make it hard for disabled people to get the same education and job opportunities as normal people do. Disabled people even with minor disabilities are in a big disadvantage and most companies have steretypical opinions towards them. I have a little eye dsiability and I have never had the same chances to get a job or an apprenticechip like normal people do. The only thing that matters in most countries is money and many people have so much of it and don´t share anything to others. If I am not given the chance to get a normal appreticechip, I am not sorry if I would abuse the social system. In this case a rich guy could easily pay my life for many years. In future I hope that the laws in some countries will force companies to take disabled people and if they don´t take them, the state should pay those disabled people out, paid by the companies which deny disabled people.


And in general, the big differencies between rich and poor in this world are due to bad social systems and people who need to have a lot of money and don´t share anything to the poor. We live in a world where money is very important and it is a big shame it is like that. In a proper social system anyone would be allowed to do what he wants and get enough for that. Everyone has talents and everyone could be trained to them, without companies denying him because he has a different skin colour or a differently coloured eye to the other one.

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Very well said Radi.


Look I'll say this, my view on the subject of poverty and disability is blacn and white and my wife finds this humorus as life is not black and white.


My wife is proof that education & health if provided and adminstered correctly can allow both the poor and disabled to achieve more than what society currentyl assumes they can.


My wife's father was told she would never walk let alone talk, eat by herself or drive. Let aone give birth twice with a man who loves her and his kids so much he'd happily give his life for them without a thought.


Her father persevered beyond all odds to give her what he could because she lost her mother at birth as well. He actually had to take physio's & doctors to court to get them to agree to provided her with service to improve her mobility & speech. Sure she didn't walk until she was about 7 years old but because he persisted she did. From his influence and persistents she was able to become independent and achieve a lot more than anyone else I know. Sure, they fled the country for 5 years because the government agencies wanted to remove her an place her in one of th emost notrious institutions of the time (imagine a cute Asian disabled girl in a place now heavily associated with the rape & physical abuseof minors).


Anyway, Bill Gates and some of the others get the idea and his philantrhopy work is amazing but just the start. Bill Hicks said it best. You can find part of the sample in some psy track by Oood and recordings.


Bottom line from my years of working in disability is that if you give these peopl half the chance they will prove to work harder and perform better than your average Joe.


Good luck Radi, i had no idea about your eye condition but I can tell you that if you keep trying life will repay you.


My only real complaint is spinal athritis but for some reason it isn't recognized as a disability here despite the fact that I pop discs more often than a dj.


Fuck the lot of you.

I see you vented your anger there, but did you read all posts or not? If you have, you missed the fact that it looks like others dont agree with what original poster said.


As for disabled people trying harder - Ive heard many stories about people trying hard and achieving as much and even more than average Janes and Joes, if we take into consideration the fact that some disabilities make it much harder to achieve things that normal people do with ease, then we could say that any disabled person who doesnt give up and keeps on improving his/her life is way more productive in his/her life than averages Joes/Janes.


At best this is a troll, but it still exposes the fact that anyone who thinks there is a shred of humour in the holocaust is a foul excuse for a human being and I am ashamed to share a planet with such an individual.


If this is serious then clearly the OP is without empathy or the powers of reason and compassion and is himself so severely disabled by mental illness that he should thank his luck that no one is currently in power in the U.S who would adopt his views.

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