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so any albums released officially in 04 or is it still to early? I wonder what surprises 2004 will bring us... who would've guessed at the end of 2002 that 2003 would be a full-on year and no minimal?



Guest Manu_S

i hope it won't be a full on year cause this bores very quickly, i hope to hear a new style...

Guest Towelie

new shpongle, new ozrics what else do we need ;P


Looking forward to hear the new Son Kite album in april.........


"i hope it won't be a full on year cause this bores very quickly"


hehe funny to see how 2 aparently completely different styles (minimal and full-on) generate the same respone: "boring". I remember in late 2002 how everyone was complaining on how boring the minimal scene was and that they hoped to get some more full-on... now if minimal AND full-on are boring, what are we left with???



Guest Kristian

What we need is full-on with emotions and spirit. Something psytrance hasn't had for some time now. Mixing oldschool with modern full-on hightech trancemusic.

Guest mahoney

Lemmi: The problem is that as soon any new style comes up in trance, then "EVERYBODY" start producing it,, ofcourse it gets boring if one year it´s only minimal trance and one year only full-on,,


yeah well that's my problem... in today's world I see myself making more and more decisions based on "freshness" (newest release is a killer, I lesten to it for a week, then I'm bored, then I move on to another new release, listen to it, then get bored, etc.) Now this WASN'T the case at all with older releases. I still have satisfaction from my old AP, MFG, BotFB (Twin Sharkfins) Etnica (Alien Protein),... but with new releases I can't stand re-listening to a track I've listened to like a month or 2 ago... is it just me?



Guest Kristian

It's not just you Lemmiwinks. I also suffer from the same problem as you. As I see it, and as I said, todays psytrance lacks of spirit. Therefor doesn't stand for more then a month or two...

Guest rx7style

The new Ozric Tentacles I am just SALIVATING to get a hold of! That will be my favorite release of the year for sure!!!!!!


"now if minimal AND full-on are boring, what are we left with???"


We are then left with psychedelic trance. It's hard to find that genre of music on this scene today... which is both funny and sad....


i'd be quite happy if this was to be the year of psy-breaks. i'm sooooo sick of 4/4.

Guest Towelie

hahaha yeah its changeing between 19/8 and 15/16

Guest Hallucinogenious

im waiting for new Psy-Harmonics Compilation, Experience is one of the best cds i have ...


Rip Van Hippy may come to Athens at Spring 2004 ...



i hope that all the new artists will stop copying that silly full-on sound ...


its really sad ...

Guest skipp604 of Andromeda

And I am looking forward to listening new Pleiadians album.. I simply love'em!

Guest Duodenum

"i'd be quite happy if this was to be the year of psy-breaks. i'm sooooo sick of 4/4."


i second that. it amazes me how little artists use irregular kickdrum patterns. how hard is it to mix things up now and then??


"it amazes me how little artists use irregular kickdrum patterns."


I don't think they find it technically hard, I think it has more to do with the fact that like 99% of the psytrance made is dance-floor oriented!!! Ever tried dancing to a breakbeat?



Guest koolaid

uh ever been to a breakbeat club? it rocks, you can definately groove a lot more with the music :) too bad that fashion dictates not to let yourself go to wild in a posh breakbeat club.


hell who am i kidding, im alwayz the one going crazy!


funky psy breaks would be cool but we need something more than random noises over breaks. now fullon-breakcore with lotsa acid lines would be damn good!!

Guest Duodenum

i'm not even talking about full breakbeats...just something more irregular than 4/4 for 8 minutes! it's so tiring to constantly hear psytrance that is structured like typical trance/techno. breaks + thick DnB-style basslines can also be great for the brain.


"I don't think they find it technically hard, I think it has more to do with the fact that like 99% of the psytrance made is dance-floor oriented!!! Ever tried dancing to a breakbeat?"


huh? what about hardcore, drum n bass, breakbeat, electro, etc?? in some ways, i prefer dancing to these breakbeat styles...you just feel the rhythm differently, and the way it moves you is great. people with little understanding of music have trouble dancing to breaks.


new oryx CD by Iboga records if you like progressive

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