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Artist: Braincell

Title: Universal Language

Label: Glowing Flame Records

Date: 2005


1. Something To Explore

2. One Year After

3. In The Cave

4. Emdiemy

5. Micro Modulator

6. There Is More On This World

7. The Milky Way

8. Mushroom Forest

9. Brainwork

10. Morphing Structures

11. Night Flight



In this world of perpetual disagreements I believe the one thing we all have in common is the belief in a universal language.





"Is it ingrish?"




Great answer, but not what I was looking for. By the way...there's a Mongorian behind you.







"Boobs. Definitely boobs."



You would think that and it definitely gets my vote. I know that when I'm speaking to a woman with large breasts everything seems a lot more interesting. But there are actually people out there that don't care for boobs.


*Mind Blown*






Hmmm....got me there.



Nope the language of which I speak is of course music and everyone loves it. Sure we won't agree on what type is best (nor should we), but what we can agree on is that life would be real sh*tty without it. Braincell is Ralph Knobloch from Switzerland and his debut album is a psychedelic buffet of twisting and undulating synths. The sounds are crunchy and the layers are plentiful. Anyone who was familiar with the Glowing Flame sound will understand the quality psytrance they brought to the table. This is solid evolving stuff from a guy who's next album gets exponentially better.

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