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Today a guy who had a girlfriend started a small fight with me. He was sitting with his girlfriend on a bench at the central bus station in my town. I walked towards them because i wanted to stand at that area to think whether I should go home or have a walk. While walking towards that place I looked at his girlfriend and him for about two or three seconds. When I am walking outside I look at people who look nice or interesting or I just look at some people if I want to see some details like what pants they are wearing or similar.


The guy however suddenly said "What are you looking like an idiot at me and at my girlfriend." I turned me head towards them and he said "Stop staring at me or I will stand up and hit you" I said "I am not looking at you, I just turned me head at you for two seconds that was all". And he said "Yes why are you doing that, you are so dumb and look at me and other people and I will stand up and hit you if you don´t walk away". I said "Now I am really afraid" He said "Just continue your way" I said "No, I will stand just right here and stop talking shit" He didn´t say anything anymore and after half a minute he and his girlfried walked awy. It is obvious that he didn´t mean himself, but his girlfriend that I looked at but he said I should not be looking at him, I don´t why. His girlfriend wasn´t very beautiful and plumb so she was not interesting to me. But anyway it is my right to look for a short time at people at public places to see how they look or what they are wearing. He acted like a fool who wanted to have a fight but when I said that I am not afriad, he did nothing. It probably would have been interesting if he aktually would have stood up and come nearby. I don´t know if I had won the fight or he, but he would have suffered pain and he would have deserved it. I can´t stand people who are talking like that and in the town I am living there are many young people of this kind.


Tell me what you think about that story?


well maybe you were looking at his pants to long!


her pants


he was upset you looked at her more than him


he thought you were admiring the shape of his skull!


maybe his oats tasted slightly different that morning, in turn giving him a shaky start to the day.

i reckon he doesn't like the sound of your latest album, prefers the more full on "guitar" style of the last 2


you sure you "walked" over to them and nothing else (possible type error??)

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That happend in Bulgaria?


Well it's usual thing on Balkan... if you look someone in eyes they see as disrespect :mellow:

Last year when i was in Bulgaria i noticed people there are more agressive than here... ok it was late night and everyone fucked up, sleeping or doing something on streets (almost like russian memes)... in one hour i think 10-15 of them tried to punch me for no reason but they just felt down... people are shit here, what can we do?


Next time try not to stare i dont know... you should bitchslaped him and send to buy you cigarettes or Orbit while you tear up her pants (or leggings) :ph34r:




he thought you were admiring the shape of his skull!


What da .... maaan :lol: where do you get such ideas? :o


Aktually it was in Germany since I am in Germany for several months now. In Germany, especially at some ares like the one around Stuttgart, there are many aggressive young people and people who try to attac you or talk shit to you because that is cool aparantly. I don´t care a lot about such people and I am not affraid at all. I even try to provoke them when they start talking shit so I can see whether they will dare to beat me up and if so whether I would be able to defent myself or not. It would really be a chance to test your fighting skills and beat up such an imbecile who thinks he can put me down because of my disability. In most cases people start tlaking shit because of my disability. People can see that I have a disability because one of my eye is slightly smaller and has a different colour than the other eye. Therefore some say I look like I have taken drugs or I look like an imbecile. I don´t care about such commends and when someone starts an attack like this, I like to respond in the same way and say nasty stuf to those people. They don´t deserve any different in my opinion.


And about your anaysys that people in Bulgaria are aggressive. Yes, they are. I even spoke about that point in one of the threads by the end of last year or the beginning of this year, if you remember. Bulgarian people are patriotic and aggressive and they are not as kind as people from many differnt countries.


That happend in Bulgaria?


Well it's usual thing on Balkan... if you look someone in eyes they see as disrespect :mellow:

Last year when i was in Bulgaria i noticed people there are more agressive than here... ok it was late night and everyone fucked up, sleeping or doing something on streets (almost like russian memes)... in one hour i think 10-15 of them tried to punch me for no reason but they just felt down... people are shit here, what can we do?


Next time try not to stare i dont know... you should bitchslaped him and send to buy you cigarettes or Orbit while you tear up her pants (or leggings) :ph34r:





What da .... maaan :lol: where do you get such ideas? :o


fear and loathing man, just me on a tangent

i think radi knows by now i just playing

i can't stand any violent behaviour but i don't put up with it either

and have had to put stupid people like you are describing on their ass for doing so

especially when i see it happening to innocent people, who don't deserve such cruel acts

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