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I want to ask how goa trance sounds on a great hifi with great speakers and a great soundcard or a high resolution cd player? I only own cheap Microlab C15 speakers and Sennheiser MX 580 earphones. The earphones are pretty good and they are regarded as some of the best earphones on headfi.org. They are connected to a creative Audigy 2z5 which is a pretty good soundcard, but ofcourse no high end. The best soundsystem I have listened to on a barable volume had two Magnat quantum 805 speakers. The Magnat Quantum 805 had just the sound I liked. Music was very atmospheric and detailed. The details where incredible and everything was on place. The frequency curve was great and the speakers did not sound aggressive at any volume level. When you played them on low volume they souned as easy going as headphones, as if nothing is moving the air. In my opinion that is great sound when speakers don´t sound aggressive or tired. The Magnat Quantum 805 sounded great on high volume aswell and kept the fresh sound. Some people like when the speakers sound aggressive when they are loud because they can get more from it. I prefer clean sound on low and higher volumes without aggressive or tiring sounding. When the sound is too aggressive it feels like the sound is not really stable and out of control, it loses focus. Many cheaper speakers loose control on higher volumes.


What is great sound for you and how does your hif system sound like? Does it sound clean and tight or warm and aggressive.

What is great sound for you and how does your hif system sound like? Does it sound clean and tight or warm and aggressive.

Hope that it sounds like how the producer wanted it sound on my system.. otherwise the whole point of buying monitoring speakers with flat frequency response would have been a big waste of money.. :blink: :D

(have KRK RP6 on a saffire 6 interface.. ok, not that much highend but gets the job done.. :D)

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