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Huh, I was going to make a post wishing everyone this, but oh well. You beat it to me.



Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year along with that!



Huh, I was going to make a post wishing everyone this, but oh well. You beat it to me.

lol ^^






LOL WTF ????? OMG !


merry x - ma -ass to you all... safe and happy festiviities


i hope old pete/cronos/nick/santa/satan (anagram) or who ever you like to call him doesn't sap to much energy/lifeforce


if you like me and celebrate the solstice/saturnalia/invicti/juul (prob already done it) hope was/is fortuitous, fertile... all grudges and quarrels forgotten (there been a few of those this year here.. very recently... yeah you know who you are!!)

with plenty of fires and sacrifices (if that's your thing!)

and loads of debauchery!!!!!! with me the later! and plenty of goa in the process.. of course


most of all harmony and balance..

thoughts and prayers go out to the hundreds of thousands of innocents slaughtered in another brutal year of needless quarrel

famine and enslavement is at a record high!!

judas is still rising....

don't believe the lies!!!

we will prevail!!!


Merry X-Mas

dont forget to listen good music


I never forget to do that!


Why oh why did I press play... ?


Because you know that you just wanted to know how it would sound like.


Merry Christmas. Ahem. Anyway. Busy recovering after my bro & I had a race to see who could drink the 1 liter Glenlovet single malt my Dad gave each of us. I won. Downed it in 16 minutes.


Merry Xmas to you all -- I hope the festivities were great.

Mine were very good, so far :)


Merry Christmas. Ahem. Anyway. Busy recovering after my bro & I had a race to see who could drink the 1 liter Glenlovet single malt my Dad gave each of us. I won. Downed it in 16 minutes.


Well done sir and I admit I do have a fair bit of respect at the timing you set there, but you could have had gotten sloshed way cheaper than with this rather expensive luxury single malt ... yes, it may be not one of the most expensive, but what that thing was, is still considered a luxury beverage and rather not meant to be savoured in the way of flushing a liter of it down your throat in a quarter of an hour.

I do drink a Glenlivet in a quarter of an hour too -- but that timing is per dram...

Anyway, to each his own I guess.


My bro bet me $500AUD I couldn't beat him (he's head doctor of a hospitla in a mining town and earns more money than I could imagine a doctor possibly earns).


Anyway yesterday I got my self this one to drink slowly with the money I won 746517_2_9999_med_v1_m56577569854700271. and with the chang got some digital tunes from Beatport :D And yes I let my bro have a dram. Don't worry I respect whisky. I've been drinking it for the last 15 years & have high respect. but $500 is $500.



It just didn;t sit well with the 6 glasses of alcoholic egg nog I'd had earlier, on top of Christmas ham and turkey. So I also had to spend an hour unblocking my parents toilet as well :lol::wacko::blink::angry::excl:


The money makes the undergoing with the whisky more understandable.

By the way, an interesting choice you made there as your "prize" ... I didn't even yet have one of these myself, even though I heard from numerous sides that it's an excellent dram; issue years don't seem to matter so much... Anyway, these are too expensive for me.

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