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Listening to too much music and now I can't remember the tunes......


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Does this happen to you? I've been discovering a lot of new music and in the quest of listening to it all, I can't remember it much.

To help me remember, I've started taking notes. Seems like my memory is not great. :/

Before the days of the internet, I would just buy some albums and repeat them often till I knew all the tracks. The internet age is awesome to discover new music but the shelf life has decreased. :(

Can I have 48 hours in a day? So the extra 24 hours I can reserve to just listening to music. Thank you!


What do you do to properly digest your music?

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My problem is mostly a perception problem of the music i listen, but i write and take note about the music i like, each track reviewed, or a simple note about the album listened. Good for remember which track or album interested me... If i forgot about one, i give it an other try.

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Does this happen to you? I've been discovering a lot of new music and in the quest of listening to it all, I can't remember it much.


Same thing.

I keep a folder containing symbolic links to everything I like

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I have the same problem, even with just the CDs I buy. I kind of use that as a filter and only buy music that's comes out on CD - not bothering with downloads (even free ones), but even so, there's so much music I love, there aren't enough hours in the day to do it all justice.

I've had to try to cut down on the albums I buy and just get ones I really like, rather than buying releases for the sake of completeness, but it's difficult!

When I can, I'll make notes of the best tracks ( worthy of having a mix with, ) while having a good listen, but more often than not, I'm doing something else while the music is playing.

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I think it is impossible to be following everything that gets released out there, regardless the genre you like. Even if you just want to focus on newly made psytrance/goa it is simply too much. Either you live just listening the whole day or you have to decide. I stick to buying new released cd from all the valid labels to support their work, but then again, I think I had no time to listen to even the 30% of what I have got. I think in any case it is important to support the labels doing all the hard work to get the music out there, and that is what counts. That, and enjoying the best music when you have some free time.

I also realized that in my 20s I was listing to many hours of music per day, now it's much less, not because I don't like it but because, well I got older. Also, more selective :)

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I often cannot pinpoint the track or sometimes even the artist when I hear a track at random but I always remember what I liked by title so I rarely loose good music. It's discovering it I need to streamline.

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Not quite. I'm just really badat the intros game.

I hear the track and think: I know this, I love this, what is it? I try to remember but often give up and look.

This is only a problem while listening on a DAP. CDs don't offer the same issue.

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