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Artist: Act One

Album: Brain Snakes

Label: Digital Shamans Records

Released: December 2014


I'm not sure what is going on over in the UK but some of the best twilight psytrance in my collection is coming out of England and it is destroying my impression of the English as prim-and-proper.


At 20 years of age, Act One has created a four-track monster of a masterpiece. Looking at the title of the tracks ("Bal Ache," "Diddely Squit" and "Nucking Futs") it would be easy to believe that this chap is only mucking about but rest assured he does take his music very, very, very seriously!


Perhaps best compared to the dynamic duo that is Dirty Saffi (also his fellow countrymen,) Act One makes dark, full-on, intense, completely mad psytrance, a whole lot of careening chaos with mind-erasing levels of energy, all intricately created and masterfully controlled by the producer at hand.


Energy blasts, absolutely, but also a quality amount of trippy, drippy psychedelic effects in all the right places. For the majority of its moments, Act One avoids all the annoying kitsch of most full-on and all the spooky and weird pit-falls of dark psy, things are very well thought out and expertly executed.


None of these tracks stand above each other, they are all equals in top-notch quality and to think this young lad has only barely entered his twenties makes his future deliciously prospective.


For those annoyed by the frustrating amount of sub-par full-on that typically floods the market or the un-charming seances of most dark psy one need only turn to this monstrous juggernaut. Chances are, these "Brain Snakes" will confound you in the best way possible and drive you "Nucking Futs"!


Available for free play or download at: http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/act-one-brain-snakes

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