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Artist: Various

Title: Moon Ritual

Label: Amakusa Records

Date: October, 2014


1. RA - Azure Child

2. Chi-A.D. - Transition

3. Dimension 5 - Transformation (Taiwan Remix)

4. Hunab Ku - Sun In My Hands

5. RA - Spiritual Odyssey

6. Dimension 5 - Fundamental Hippie

7. Chi-A.D. - Exit Eternity

8. Electron Wave - Temporal Distortion

9. Hunab Ku - Children of the Stones



"Nobody had a bad trip...it was all good."




Not for her.


Ok let's be honest...that's a hideous cover. It is. But don't let that visual dissuade you from exploring the beautiful goa trance found within. Seems today that all the labels have finally figured out what we knew a long time ago. Old is gold. And like dirty south rappers grill, there's gold in here. So here comes Amakusa records with a collection of tracks that were either unreleased or only available on vinyl. So what the f*ck is Exit Eternity doing there? Bah, no matter. Beginning with the floating Azure Child from RA it sets the tone with smooth layers. The Chi-A.D. track was at first a bit of a head scratcher. Why bring the mood down? It's a slow builder, but has a sinister chopped lead before it goes all cosmic. Interesting to say the least.


The next three tracks are melodic stompers to be sure and I would expect nothing less from Dimension 5, Hunab Ku, and RA. They got a whole Etnica/Pleaidians thing going on as it's the same bunch of guys. Fundamental Hippie had me until it brought in that guitar crunch. Still pretty good. I'm not going to discuss Exit Eternity because it's a classic and we all know it's a boatload of awesome. Electron Wave is yet another side project of these same guys and it's also not bad. The final track is a bit too commercial or full-on for me. I can listen to it, but it's not like I would actively search it out.


I was gonna just skip this album, but everyone started talking about how great it is and I"m a sucker for peer pressure. The last time I ignored the crowd I missed out on Mind Rewind so I'm not about to let that happen again. It's a good collection of tracks that like I said were unreleased or hard to find. I know Suntrip was carrying this for a while, but then that stopped. I think I got my copy off Discogs. I didn't see any there the last time I checked, but here's a link to their Facebook page.




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This is one of the best Goa releases of 2014.

The tracks on Moon Ritual have that magical sound from the golden days, primarily because it's full of rare and unreleased re-mastered old-school goatrance classics.

Full Review Coming!

  • 2 weeks later...

V/A - Moon RItual

Amakusa Records

Goa Trance (Compilation) 2014





1. RA - Azure Child
2. Chi-A.D. - Transition
3. Dimension 5 - Transformation (Taiwan Remix)
4. Hunab Ku - Sun In My Hands
5. RA - Spiritual Odyssey
6. Dimension 5 - Fundamental Hippie
7. Chi-A.D. - Exit Eternity
8. Electron Wave - Temporal Distortion
9. Hunab Ku - Children of the Stones


Being that I'm a fan of RA, Chi-A.D., and Dimension 5 -- and being that Moon Ritual made many people's Top 10 lists of 2014 (#2 highest voted uptempo compilation on Psynews' via Best of 2014 thread (results), I had to check it out. According to the opening reviewer, these songs were unreleased, or only available on vinyl before, all except for Exit Eternity. So it's no wonder I hadn't heard these before. At this point I'm scratching my head as to how this compilation received so few reviews.


1. RA - Azure Child begins with an ethereal (ambient) opening. RA's first smooth melody kick in at 1:07. It's like ear candy, engaging. Echoed female voices reverberate through the atmosphere, producing an enchanting feel. There is an effectively catchy, vibrating layer that enters early on and enhances the whole. A brief transition enters at 3:48 and Act 2 begins. The music returns with more psychedelic ingenuity, development, and strength. The melodies grow catchier too. A second, more developed transition arrives at around 5:15. This one has more substance, harmony, and depth. Like a stream of euphoria, it seamlessly flows into the river of returning sound at 6:22. The ambient goes a long way here, lifting the song to new highs. The song somehow unifies the psychedelic and edgy, with the elegant and ethereal. Its mature approach and non-linear (unpredictable) direction provides fresh perspective on repeat listens, adding to the replay value. I read that previously, this was only available on vinyl, which seems unfair considering how good it is. Azure Child is an excellent Goatrance track. A-


2. Chi-A.D. - Transition follows the strong, old-school feel with unique samples, vibratory (bass) effects, and atmosphere. The introduction is two minutes of intriguing. The edited voice sample used for effect or as an accent early on compliments. One of the great aspects of Chi-A.D. is the artist's ability to develop his songs while keeping the spirit -- the song's energy grounded and in tact; his songs have a homogeneous feel, even as they evolve and take off. This song isn't high energy, for the most part. It remains more contemplative, intellectual, and enjoyable for home-listening, gripping in that regard. Maybe at the forth minute, there is a tad more voice sample (dialogue) necessary. Fortunately, it soon disappears for an enchanting melody lead enters at 4:53 that's superb. The last act really stands out from the less exciting, albeit intriguing first two acts. The song accumulates more energy and excitement in the final third where the song needed it most, producing a more vibrant and enthusiastic finale. I feel that the song could have utilized less voice samples overall, specifically in the middle and towards the end. Early on they sounded unique; I simply found them just a little distracting in the middle relative to the engaging music that's great throughout. That's more a nitpick though, as I find Transition catchier than Azure Child. This is another strong track. A-


3. Dimension 5 - Transformation (Taiwan Remix) is more energetic from the first minute. Whereas the previous song was deeper, more meditative and spiritual in nature, this is just as, if not even more tasty, and unquestionably more exciting. Psychedelic kind of goes without saying. The song is animated, determined, and comes equipped with juicy melodies in only the way D5 knows how. Additionally, the track evolves with less downtime between acts. It grows with a healthy dose of imagination, and artist' time spent on fluidly developing its seemingly endless evolution. As a listener, I feel like I'm soaking up the melodies -- their sound is delicious. I'm really excited here! The song is like one prolonged, infectiously developing ride through the cosmos, picking up tasty health packs as we go. There's also a really cool VAROOM effect at some point that's terrific; it adds to the eventful feel and fun of the track. This is one of D5's best songs, and one of the best Goatrance tracks. The song is imaginative, delectable, colorful(?), and arresting. There's never a dull moment. Superb! A


4. Hunab Ku - Sun In My Hands is high energy. If you thought the previous song was high energy, this may change your perspective. The compilation so far appears to be getting more energetic, without any dips so far. Initially with this song, after the catchy intro, I wasn't sure where it was going for the first two minutes, which are fast-paced, but less melody oriented. My concerns melted away soon after, as the song increased its Goa vibe within minutes, growing catchier as it progressed. The warm atmosphere brings balance to the high-octane ride; the latter at times seems like its picking up booster packets via emphasized effects. It's great. Also worth noting is the song's moving soundscape-field of supporting layers that sound like their mingling with the synth leads. As the scenery changes up, so do they, a morphing renascence of intangible energy and rhythm. Things could have gotten messy (too layered at one point, but the artist(s) evade any unnecessary blocks and harness the vision that supports the whole. The song feels like climactic surge. Many songs sacrifice an essential element of feeling to compensate for their high-octane feel, but this doesn't. It appears to make adjustments along the way that never distract from the whole; the adjustments themselves are simply more track development. This is another super song. A


5. RA - Spiritual Odyssey begins less harmonious and more psychedelic than Azure Child. The intro's unique; its psychedelic opening lines up with the incoming beat, creating a supporting layer all its own! This experimental move is creative and works! I wish that artists took more risks with new school Goa in making the songs as infectious as possible, but sticking to this one here. The artist's approach shows someone unafraid to experiment with the more intense to the elegant and beautiful. The result satisfying gem filled with color, ambitious complexity, excitement, and light. Variously pitched frequencies marinate with some of the most capturing synth melodies, and atmosphere, sound. It's as if the artist absorbed concepts from Pleiadian's I.F.O. (those tasty, higher pitched sounds) and re-imagined them through the vision of RA. The result is an exciting, immersive experience, and one of the best songs I've heard, along with several of the others on this compilation. But I think this one may take the crown for me so far. Many of us are familiar with RA's super song, ROM from the album, To Sirius (2001). I personally felt that none of his uptempo work ever came close to the level of ROM, even though his "9th" album in 2008 was great, along with numerous singles he's made over the years on compilations. As I go through the songs in my head, I think this is the best uptempo track I've heard by RA since ROM. At the least it's up there, an outstanding work of art. Bravo! A


6. Dimension 5 - Fundamental Hippie starts off very oriental-influenced. The distinct sound is soon joined with a heartfelt piece of ambient synonymous to D5's emotive notes. It's very positive and pleasant sounding, and is joined by ethereal-sounding, echoed, female hymns. The first act didn't grab me initially, but the song really breaks out and takes off. There's a catchy voice sample (from The Beatles I think!) in the third minute. Here the song develops with greater strength and imagination. The second act is very creative. The song crosses the fifth minute and grows even more magnetic as it approaches and crosses the sixth minute! A good chunk of this song is perfect to me. Even the last act stands out, adding to the eventful feel throughout. This song's Goa melodies bounce around and shine. We hear everything in its fruition in the last several minutes; the song is very close to perfection. I think I liked D5's first song on Moon Ritual if I had to pick one so far. But I love how each one is so radically different and imaginative in comparison to the other. Each song offers so much that's plentiful and satisfying! I think this is a really great track! A-


7. Chi-A.D. - Exit Eternity is the only track I heard before from this compilation. This track had been released on several old, now dated (out-of-print) 90's compilations and it stands the test of time. I'll never forget the first time I heard this song, its powerful opening and epic chorus. I'll never forget the beautiful melodies along with the euphorically infectious finale. I have always loved and felt a deep connection with this song. Regardless of what it means to you, Exit Eternity is considered one of the greatest songs in Goatrance. Why? It's beautifully built, arranged, mixed, and designed. It has melody leads that have stayed in many people's heads; they're easily accessible, unforgettable. The song's mystical element adds to its unique approach. The song is epic too, showcasing strong buildup and climax pay offs that support its status in the genre. This is an example a classic Goatrance song, along with AP's Kabalah, Hallucinogen's LSD, RA's ROM, numerous songs on Pleiadian's I.F.O. album, etc. The artist behind Chi-A.D. has made many wonderful tracks, and this is one of my all time favorites by him. A


8. Electron Wave - Temporal Distortion is cosmic and catchy. Hearing this on good headphones (ear buds) makes a world of difference. The opening reminds me of RA (maybe too much), but wow is it ever catchy. The synth work in the first third (3:25) is dynamic and captivating. Synths jump out like mini-ignitions around the soundscapes and harmonious backdrop. From around 3:45 forward, the song twists and turns. I can see many people liking this snake-y (psychedelic) segment. For me, I found 3:45 through the 4th minute less magnetic than the first act's Hallucinogen-esque synth work. But that's me. My girlfriend digs this bit so tastes differ. From 4:49, the song grabbed my senses again, with its leading synths. I love synth work like that. I love how the song pick up more energy and improves crossing the fifth minute. The quick clicking effect (more or less throughout) really compliments. I think the last act, towards the end could have done more. I was most impressed by the opening act, though the last third pleasantly surprised me. Overall this is a solid number that showcases some excellent work. B+


9. Hunab Ku - Children of the Stones begins with enthusiastic voice samples, as if reflecting celebrations at sunrise party, or chanting around a fire. I feel like I've heard the second, more extended sample before, but I cannot pin point the film. The track has a really nice and fairly high energy sunrise/morning feel that I like. Its melody heavy sound is warm, euphoric, and uplifting. It moves to greater highs across the third minute to where an interlude emerges. The music's return is beautiful. I love this song's sound and I feel so absorbed when listening to it. I don't mind the returning voice samples since I'm no so hooked by the melodies and atmosphere. But in retrospect, I don't find them necessary, especially around the 5th minute. It almost sounds like a movie was left on at times while the song was recorded. Fortunately, the sound/melody work is so strong that the samples don't bother me so much. You know a song's good when you don't want it to end. Is that a voice sample of Russell Brand towards the end? I can't tell, but he's very funny and spiritually aware if so. This is a beautiful closing track! A




Moon Ritual is one of the best Goatrance releases of 2014, and my favorite Goa release of 2014 if I had to pick one. I haven't heard a classic, old-school album this good since Pleiadians: Live In Athens 1996 (2012). Azure Child took a few listens to grow on me, which is now one of my favorite songs, and tracks 3-7 are superb. The greatness doesn't top there. This what appears to be re-mastered compilation of rare/unreleased classics is a landmark in Goatrance, and worth every penny. Moon Ritual showcases the magic reflective of old-school Goa wonderfully. If I had to criticize or nitpick anything, I'd say that Temporal Distortion was less super to me than some of the others. And at times (track 2, 9), the voice samples take place a little longer or more than necessary for me. Most other times, they compliment and incorporate well in with the music. Moon Ritual is the best (if I had to pick one) Goatrance compilation I've heard all year, and possible in years. It's a must have for fans of the genre. The only track heard before and have is Exit Eternity. Was this re-mastered? I don't remember it sounding so good? All other tracks are new to my ears. It's like listening to super songs from the golden days finally seeing the light in 2014. Moon Ritual as both a compilation and as a collection of rare classics is wonderful. Highly Recommended!!


Favorite tracks - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9.




Sample the full album here :)






Buy it through their Facebook here. They're very nice and send it out right away (photos below). I saw on Facebook that Moon Ritual will be available through Suntrip's online store soon. I couldn't resist and had to pull off these photos below. :)






  • 5 weeks later...

Couldn't afford this one last year. It's soon on its way home. :)


This is one of my all time favourite compilation!

Ra, Chi A.D, D5, Hunab ku and again Ra, Chi A.D, D5, Hunab ku!! 😊 aaaah, in love <3


And I agree with John cocco, I myself wondered how the mighty "children of the stones" might sound without the samples! It would've been Epic! Not that it's lesser than epic even now.


Ever since Anoebis shared that track. It's been on my iPhone, iPod, fav playlist, everywhere. Full power morning melodic stomper!


The storm that it kicks up at 3.55 is amazing!


I even wished if the guys over at Amakusa would press it on vinyl! That would be amazing.

  • 3 months later...

What powerful bass, what lovely euphoric melodies!

I like this Hubab Ku track(children of the stones) more than everything on Magik Universe CD.

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