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Thousand years of history, the strive of man to survive, to understand and to create.
It wouldn't be unseemly these masterpieces and artifacts to be considered as exceptional fruits of the pass of time. These were what had survived from ancient times and unique cultures, what had left to present generations to help understand history and culture and to provide a door to intellection through admiration and wonder.





This make me sick. Be them cursed. They want to destroy the world, to destroy its history, to destroy Islam, to kill everyone and to kill themselves.


These people are of the Devil. ISIS is a satanic cult.

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Bomb them into middle ages, thats all!


Oh, wait, they are in the middle ages...





Please, don't insult the Middle Ages.


they have been slowly wiping out mankinds history since destroying the great library of alexandria!

the spanish wiped out the mayan history.. english have been soley responsible for doing the same in most coutries

here in australia they did it also

as soon as the americans invaded iraq they were all over doing just that!


as far as isis goes.. they all the same people... trained by mi6, cia, nato etc.. to spread the hate... and segregate the masses...causing shit!

as soon as people see that.. put down their arms.. it will all stop!

non violent non participation.. love to our fellow human being is the key to eradicate it all

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It's sad to see such things, but let's be honest, the biggest fault is on the NATO and western countries, who financed and trained moderate opposition during the Arab Spring, but in the end thoose people were just a bunch of radicals and relligious fanatics mostly coming from petro-dollar states, led by Saudi Arabia. These savages doesn't respect their own religion or culture and they're destroying mosques in Syria and Iraq, aswell. I'm glad that muslim people recognized that and condemned the acts of inhumanity of IS.

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The Western world is the main responsible for this, but he's not the only one. There is a complex chain of responsibles that goes from the biggest powers down to the terrorist individuals.


Beyond the Western governments and the terrorists themselves, you can also include tthe Muslim governments (not giving a shit to their countries : Khadafi, Bachar, Iraqi ministers, ...), the Muslim ethnics (they prefer to oppose each other and to save their own privileges rather than helping each other ; the Shia vs Sunna tensions helped the emergence of fanaticism), the global economic system (depriving many countries from legitimate money), the governments of Arabian Peninsula (who help the terrorists), the Western populations (latent racism push moderate individuals toward radicalism), and the Muslim ideologists such as the Wahabbis and the Salafists (who built up a backward ideology that led to the political philosophy of Daesh).


Yes the western world is responsible. But not only. And those crazy bastards of ISIS weren't compelled to execute innocent people or to burn books. It's their free will that led them to do evil, even if there is a context.


I really hope that the Middle East will survive this. If not, the whole world is in perish. This region is the heart of humanity. It's the craddle of agriculture, of the alphabet, of the 5 major monotheistic religions, and of modern science. It provides us with the main ressources sustaining our civilization : oil. Many ongoing tensions around the world come from this place (sionism and antisemtism, islamism and islamophobia, etc.).


If the Middle East goes down, I'm afraid that we go down as well.

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Scandinasia. Great post!!!! Really... Glad to read some high class politics on psynews.


Western society has influence for sure, but after years of studying religions and teaching tons and tons of muslims, the main factor seems to me Salafi/Wahabi muslims. Their extreme way of thinking causes acts which are totally irrational and aggressive. They are sponored by the rich petrol-countries to promote this kind of muslim-thinking big time. In Belgium, 1/3th of the mosques are sponsored by Saoedi Arabia. And now they are surprised we have such fools here too? And the main problem imo, their aggressive behaviour makes other muslims scared, so in the end they suppress other kinds of Islam... I could write pages about this tho...


You can imagine I already had crying 18 year old girls, because they were so scared by the Salafi-fools? They were telling this Iraqi girl EVERY day, if you don't wear a headscarf, you'll burn in hell... After years of mental terrorisation she started to believe this and crashed. This kind of stuff... A big disgrace


as soon as people see that.. put down their arms.. it will all stop!

non violent non participation.. love to our fellow human being is the key to eradicate it all

No, it wont.

ISIS appears to be about beheadings and destroying cultural monuments, you either eliminate ISIS or it will spread, its as simple as that.

There are times that the only defence is swift actions and complete termination of a threat, in this case, ISIS should be destroyed.



... the Western populations (latent racism push moderate individuals toward radicalism)

Which individual do you mean it is pushing towards radicalism, muslim or westerner?

violence breeds violence.. its all a scam!

if you continue to feed the beast... it will continue

have a look where isis came from and who trained them!

follow the money!!

that's how people found out about bin laden and his affiliations with the cia.. they followed the money!

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violence breeds violence.. its all a scam!

if you continue to feed the beast... it will continue

have a look where isis came from and who trained them!

follow the money!!

that's how people found out about bin laden and his affiliations with the cia.. they followed the money!

He is right. The military industrial complex is just aching for more conflict. First they arm the enemy, then they start yelling about how they're armed and how we should take them out. Then we attack them and the military types make bank each step of the way.
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This day didn't bring any good news either, another moderate opposition group switched to radicals. That was suprising...or not.


Syria: al-Qaeda Nusra Front 'seizes' hi-tech weapons after defeat of US-armed Harakat Hazm rebels - article





On the other hand, I'm afraid soon we might gonna have same situation in Europe within couple of years. Dogs of war are persistent and they desperatley need another big conflict in Europe. Some NATO members already fullfiled the demands from the top to increase their military defense budgets to at least 2% of GDP. Okay, I wouldn't mind about that if there is real and serious threat in Europe from the outside, but let's be honest, only threat in Europe are the radicals, no matter are they Christian or Muslim and no matter where they come from. Mainstream media shouldn't make the same mistake twice, and they should speak and report about these people and their ideology in right and honest way. Sooner or later, thoose guys will be seriously armed.




Over 100 US armored vehicles roll into Latvia, NATO flexes muscles in Europe - article




Im not sure have you seen this chart, but it perfectly describes the complexity of situation itself in middle-East. Some things have changed since the publication of the chart, tho



Im not sure have you seen this chart, but it perfectly describes the complexity of situation itself in middle-East. Some things have changed since the publication of the chart, tho




all i see is people hating!

we can see how this is gonna end when the vibration picks up another level

violence breeds violence... with the one world army... oops i mean nato leading the way... and feeding the wicked beast!


Im not sure have you seen this chart, but it perfectly describes the complexity of situation itself in middle-East. Some things have changed since the publication of the chart, tho



just to get this straight.. no one is on anyones side here.... the sooner this is understood the better

see through the lies... follow the money.. you will see who is truly behind and funding this whole charade!



On the other hand, I'm afraid soon we might gonna have same situation in Europe within couple of years. Dogs of war are persistent and they desperatley need another big conflict in Europe. Some NATO members already fullfiled the demands from the top to increase their military defense budgets to at least 2% of GDP. Okay, I wouldn't mind about that if there is real and serious threat in Europe from the outside, but let's be honest, only threat in Europe are the radicals, no matter are they Christian or Muslim and no matter where they come from. Mainstream media shouldn't make the same mistake twice, and they should speak and report about these people and their ideology in right and honest way. Sooner or later, thoose guys will be seriously armed.





On the other hand, I'm afraid soon we might gonna have same situation in Europe within couple of years. Dogs of war are persistent and they desperatley need another big conflict in Europe. Some NATO members already fullfiled the demands from the top to increase their military defense budgets to at least 2% of GDP. Okay, I wouldn't mind about that if there is real and serious threat in Europe from the outside, but let's be honest, only threat in Europe are the radicals, no matter are they Christian or Muslim and no matter where they come from. Mainstream media shouldn't make the same mistake twice, and they should speak and report about these people and their ideology in right and honest way. Sooner or later, thoose guys will be seriously armed.



Over 100 US armored vehicles roll into Latvia, NATO flexes muscles in Europe - article



Its odd to see someone from Croatia talking about no threats when you have acquired hundreds of US army surplus armoured vehicles from Afghanistan...

Also posting links to putins propaganda channel RT news release does make you look like pro-RuSSian propagandas victim.


But thats ok, there are no RuSSian troops in Ukraine, there are no RuSSian tanks and artilerry in Ukraina, sure, sure, only evil Ukrainian nazi's eating russian speaking babies alive and drinking their parents blood for breakfast, give me a fucking break! You better post RuSSian racist victim body pictures, videos of people being stabbed in RuSSia just because they are of different color!

Dont post pictures of people defending Ukraine from RuSSias invasion portraying them all as nazi, you posted pictures of one volunteer battalion, number of people there - squad to platoon, not the whole battalion, not the whole volunteer movement in Ukraine, not the whole armed forces of Ukraine, not the whole nation of Ukraine!




Anyway, I totally dissagree about no external threat to Europe and NATO, there is one major threat from the outside on the northern side of Europe and that is RuSSia, always has been, always will, unless people there change from their USSR sheep mentality with fake history to realistic nation with honest view on their blood, violence, rape filled nations past!


Those 120 vehicles will be distributed among Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia along with 3000 US troops which isnt much, but still sends signal to bloodthirsty RuSSia that they shouldnt mess with Baltic states.


Agreed with reger, Poutine's Russia is ominous towards Europe.


And by the way, some say that ISIS are barbarians, in contrast with us being the good guys.


American troops in Iraq were as much barbarians as ISIS can be. Anyone remembers Abu Ghraib ?

Not saying that all American GI's are like that though (fortunately !).


The problem today is that poeple tend to be persons of talk and not of actions.

When something happens, people will talk endlessly about it and start to compare and analyze whos the worst guy of all instead of acting to prevent further damage.


So, ISIS warriors should be physically eradicated given that nobody admits in sponsoring them, even if USA or RuSSia does it, if they dont admit it, then its impossible to cut their money and equipment and arms supply chains.

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The problem today is that poeple tend to be persons of talk and not of actions.


The problem today is that people today tend to be person led by interest and greed.


Kicking out Saddam to steal oil from the Iraqis gives lots of money.

Kicking out the monkeys of ISIS costs money, and beyond it being a good action, what is the economic point of it ?


Its odd to see someone from Croatia talking about no threats when you have acquired hundreds of US army surplus armoured vehicles from Afghanistan...

Also posting links to putins propaganda channel RT news release does make you look like pro-RuSSian propagandas victim.

Reger, I really don't support foreign policy of my country, and you got right, it does look odd. Not only when it comes to military related things such as sending our fellow country-man to other countries to fight or support someones ideals, choosing sides in conflicts that don't relate to us (I believe, that no one should choose sides), but also their general decisions about sell-out of natural resources to corporations, suspicious privatization of strategically important companies, destroying the working middle-class, giving enormous benefits to banks, supporting TTIP agreement, and many other things which are slowly and silently destroying the society and creates more poverty. It might seem funny to you, but I really think we shouldn't be part of NATO and probably I'm not the only one here who thinks that way and I especially think that we don't need to buy anymore US weapons and increase our military spendings up to 2% of our already sad GDP and instead to invest money into healthcare, education, tourism, culture, NGOs.


Regarding the Russia Today, look, I prefer to get feed from each side of the coin, does it matter where did I found the information? What matters is how do you percieve things and form your opinion about certain things. I could say same thing if someone posted link from CNN or FOX...I don't care, rational person will form opinion based on the facts and I like to form my opinion based on informations from different sources and from different countries, thanks to the digital age. The truth is always somewhere in the middle.



But thats ok, there are no RuSSian troops in Ukraine, there are no RuSSian tanks and artilerry in Ukraina, sure, sure, only evil Ukrainian nazi's eating russian speaking babies alive and drinking their parents blood for breakfast, give me a fucking break! You better post RuSSian racist victim body pictures, videos of people being stabbed in RuSSia just because they are of different color!

I never said anything like that, you're over-reacting and you're missing my point here. Problem here isn't single nation, it's something that each country should deal with and I personally think that most countries nowdays still got problems with racism or for example islamophobia. Providing a weapons to a bunch of racists and neo-nazis isn't solution, wherever they come from. It will only make things worse.



Dont post pictures of people defending Ukraine from RuSSias invasion portraying them all as nazi, you posted pictures of one volunteer battalion, number of people there - squad to platoon, not the whole battalion, not the whole volunteer movement in Ukraine, not the whole armed forces of Ukraine, not the whole nation of Ukraine!

Don't be funny. I'm sure you're familiar about the mercenaries from other countries who are fighting in Ukraine. Yes, even from Croatia. Why they're fighting there? To defend people or because of money? Ever heard about Blackwater? Is in your book definition of defending when someone is bombing civil-areas? Check your facts my friend, it's not all white and black. This issue and conflict should be solved between people of Ukraine and no one else.



Anyway, I totally dissagree about no external threat to Europe and NATO, there is one major threat from the outside on the northern side of Europe and that is RuSSia, always has been, always will, unless people there change from their USSR sheep mentality with fake history to realistic nation with honest view on their blood, violence, rape filled nations past!


Those 120 vehicles will be distributed among Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia along with 3000 US troops which isnt much, but still sends signal to bloodthirsty RuSSia that they shouldnt mess with Baltic states.

Well you have right to have your opinion. Russia might be threat to imperialistic agenda of certain powerful people who are determining the fate of millions, but for sure it's not threat for common people like you and me. For a country which got enough of military power and nukes to bomb out complete planet 10 times, you really think that 100 vehicles are there to protect? No my dear friend, it's sheer provocation, just to show that disease called NATO won't stop. Situation is slightly different tho, Russia isn't Afghanistan, Lybia or Iraq and Putin is different breed of statesman, very calculated. Sometimes I imagine situation how would US goverment react in case Russia provided weapons to Mexico for example and send their troops to parade 300m from US border. Don't be naive and brainwashed.


P.S. - Some people from Russia comes to Psynews you know, writting nonsense like RuSSia might be offensive to them, there is no need for such things.

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American troops in Iraq were as much barbarians as ISIS can be. Anyone remembers Abu Ghraib ?

Yes. It was nowhere near as bad as what ISIS are doing.


they have been slowly wiping out mankinds history since destroying the great library of alexandria!

the spanish wiped out the mayan history.. english have been soley responsible for doing the same in most coutries

The English didn't wipe out mankind's history. We stole it, and put it in musea.



In light of recent events, perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea.




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