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Open Tribe

Between The Kicks

Monkey Business Records



1. Dread Dean - Yajamahe (Open Tribe Remix)

2. Madness

3. Monragala

4. Simple Formula


A great four-track outing with one official remix, one unofficial remix, one essential listen and a rollicking climax of "Simple" full-on.


Not a bad way to begin at all, taking Dreaddean's sinisterly good "Yajamahe" and remixing it to great effect (seriously, do not miss the original version http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/dreaddean-patterns). Here, Open Tribe scales back on the forest-heavy chirps of the song, messes around with the fascinating tribal chants and comes up with structural patterns that makes for one delightful interpretation. A very, very good opener!


I spent most of "Madness" wondering how close Open Tribe was daring to get to The Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up" and wondered if he was striking on the same chords and melodies by accident. Til later in the track he slides right into a note-for-note reworking of the classic. A remix in every way except for the title itself. Good full-on but I wonder if it is disrespectful to not acknowledge the source material.


"Mongarala" should make it on to your personal must-hear list, this one is beautiful full-on. Moody, evocative acoustic guitar samples, wicked good energy that never gets overwhelming and melody and sample drops that occur in exactly the right places at exactly the right moments. Tastes change throughout the years but the truly great tracks will never leave your collection. "Mongarala" is one of those tracks. It is an outstanding accomplishment.


"Simple Formula" is less on the creative front and more of a straight-forward full-on floor-filler, very much a testament to its name for pleasing, got-for-it, party-time psytrance. A good and clean conclusion to an often surprising and very well made four-tracker.


It is full-on but it is also surprising how often Open Tribe keeps the rowdiness from getting in your face. Much like that beastly storm gathering up power on its album cover, "Between The Kicks"' allows you to watch the awesome beauty from a safe distance while still managing to awe with its earth-rumbling and awe-inspiring sounds.


Available for free play or download at http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/open-tribe-between-the-kicks



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