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Before you read the rest of this post I first need to explain some of the context for it. I don't know if anyone here is familiar with Redlettermedia and all of their videos. You may have seen the review they did of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Anyway one of the guys, Jay Bauman, started his own Daily Vlog. Here is the first one he put up.

It's immediately obvious that the Vlog looks like a joke right? Well every day he continued to put up a new video sometimes with little things changing here and there. I was so fascinated by it that I was inspired to do something similar of my own, a daily podcast where I would try to express my understanding of Jay's Vlog. I came to the conclusion that the only expression which made sense to me would be a short piece of ambient noise. And so it became a thing where every day I would watch Jay's Vlog and then post a response to it on my Podcast.

I am sharing this with everyone here because I feel there are a lot of you who would understand it and appreciate it. Everything here is completely free and can be downloaded to do with as you please.


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