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I have a feeling that our scene is feasting on a corpse long time dead. Aren't we all trying hopelessly to recapture our lost youth and not willing to confess to ourselves that Goa trance's golden years are not going to come back anytime soon?

1) The most talked over new releases are unreleased material from 94-98 - remaster here, uncover lost tracks there, remixes all over - when is this going to end? What hasn't been released back then was not released for a reason. I am really not interested in dusted off proto-versions of the tracks even if they come from S.P., so why anybody should?


2) Neo goa-trance is circling in an endless loop - this whole resurgence is making me sick. Countless new artists are trying to emulate the sounds of Astral Projection, MFG, Dimension 5 in the most forgettable way - layers upon layers of recycled shit, utterly bland and uninspired plasticky FL melodies pretending to stir emotions. Anybody here got some sense of progression in the music? If so, think again, you're trying to mislead yourselves. And what's next - rediscover psytrance, then progressive trance and back again to goa trance...Nothing more than a vicious cycle.


3) Old artists don't have it anymore and make us feel pitiful - just say it, our beloved artists from the golden era can't find new means of expression and can't update their sound in a meaningful way. The regression in their sound is so vivid and just painful. Electric Universe? I can't find you behind those "big" basslines. Space Tribe? Man, this is childish music. Shiva Chandra? Shitty euro trance. Hux Flux? A shadow of the past. Laughing Buddha? Makes me really laugh.


So, what do you think? Did we reach the dead end or is it just behind the corner? How far can we go in pointlessly chasing our youth?

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So, what do you think? Did we reach the dead end or is it just behind the corner? How far can we go in pointlessly chasing our youth?


I think this is a highly personal opinion... Chasing our youth? Well, to some extend if you are 30+ there is some form of nostalgia in your mind... but don't let that nostalgia close your mind! This will result in the typical blatant complaining about the good old times...

I try to stay as open minded as possible and I am enjoying the music last 3 years much more as the 10 years before that! What sound dull or copying for you, can sound blisfull and original for others... I think lots of modern musicians managed to capture the vibe of the 90s and brought it to another level! Which was my dream when I was stuck in 2003 with progressive/Full On on EVERY party.

I started partying in the 90s, and still, my best party/music experience ever was Samothraki of course and also Goa Balkan Fanatics last year... I felt 20, and had the shivers the whole time, danced untill I couldn't walk anymore!


So I disagree, but hey, that's just my opinion :)

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Confessions... :ph34r:


Yes I'm also a bit bored what do you know... but it's a problem where the roots go to a deeper level, society at large and how we are in this endless consumption loop. Remember those days when internet wasn't there? You bought a cd and would listen it for days. Nowadays we're so separate we don't even listen music together anymore! (parties & drugs, that's another story...)


I don't think music in general evokes such energy, or an aura if you will, than before because it's a mirror of our collective constructed reality and that reality is beginning to look really frightening, really right-winged and self-centered.


I've noticed there's a huge amount of complaint and even hate talk recently on releases that are actually quite high standard, and happen to think it's partly the social and mental frustration that's causing it.


I have a feeling that our scene is feasting on a corpse long time dead. Aren't we all trying hopelessly to recapture our lost youth and not willing to confess to ourselves that Goa trance's golden years are not going to come back anytime soon?

1) The most talked over new releases are unreleased material from 94-98 - remaster here, uncover lost tracks there, remixes all over - when is this going to end? What hasn't been released back then was not released for a reason. I am really not interested in dusted off proto-versions of the tracks even if they come from S.P., so why anybody should?


2) Neo goa-trance is circling in an endless loop - this whole resurgence is making me sick. Countless new artists are trying to emulate the sounds of Astral Projection, MFG, Dimension 5 in the most forgettable way - layers upon layers of recycled shit, utterly bland and uninspired plasticky FL melodies pretending to stir emotions. Anybody here got some sense of progression in the music? If so, think again, you're trying to mislead yourselves. And what's next - rediscover psytrance, then progressive trance and back again to goa trance...Nothing more than a vicious cycle.


3) Old artists don't have it anymore and make us feel pitiful - just say it, our beloved artists from the golden era can't find new means of expression and can't update their sound in a meaningful way. The regression in their sound is so vivid and just painful. Electric Universe? I can't find you behind those "big" basslines. Space Tribe? Man, this is childish music. Shiva Chandra? Shitty euro trance. Hux Flux? A shadow of the past. Laughing Buddha? Makes me really laugh.


So, what do you think? Did we reach the dead end or is it just behind the corner? How far can we go in pointlessly chasing our youth?



Hello my good Sir !


First of all, it is obvious that you need some hugs. Here is a picture of some kitties. I sincerely hope that it'll make you feel cheerrier.





Now, you do have a committed a monstruous sin toward the Goa God ! You have lacked some faith ! May you be forgiven, o fool !


On a more serious basis, you base your thinking over a misconception. That conception is that this scene is only about old guys who gigged in the 90's, and that Newschool producers are all frustrated by that time.


That is wrong.


We are quite a few to be young here. In the scene, we have many people that are born between 1990 and 1995, and that haven't known the Golden days (I myself am 22).


This scene is younger that you think.



Anybody here got some sense of progression in the music?


Of course there is ! You don't know this scene enough obviously. The Neo Goa scene is at the moment is the most creative niche within Psytrance these days. There are many examples, but i'll just tell you to listen to Kolovrat by Lunar Dawn. Give it a head, and you'll see how modern and creative they are.


Also, I will confess something. I don't really dig Oldschool Goa. I love Newschool. It's more modern, less dusty, and in my view, Neo Goa is not the attempt to resurrect an old corpse, it is the ultimate developpement of modern psytrance. It's something fresh that brings more magic to the scene, and that gets more and more trendy. So, no obsession with Oldschool.


Also, some artists do produce Oldschool style. They do it very well.



Old artists don't have it anymore and make us feel pitiful


Space Tribe and Dickster - Alien Sex Fiend


Astral Projection - Mugen remix

KURO, Masa, Matsuri

The Muses Rapt - Human


More generally, there's nothing wrong with keeping coming again and again to Oldschool. It's just like metal and rock music. There are classics that people never get tired to listen.


Cheers ! :)

  • Like 6

I have a feeling that our scene is feasting on a corpse long time dead. Aren't we all trying hopelessly to recapture our lost youth and not willing to confess to ourselves that Goa trance's golden years are not going to come back anytime soon?

1) The most talked over new releases are unreleased material from 94-98 - remaster here, uncover lost tracks there, remixes all over - when is this going to end? What hasn't been released back then was not released for a reason. I am really not interested in dusted off proto-versions of the tracks even if they come from S.P., so why anybody should?


2) Neo goa-trance is circling in an endless loop - this whole resurgence is making me sick. Countless new artists are trying to emulate the sounds of Astral Projection, MFG, Dimension 5 in the most forgettable way - layers upon layers of recycled shit, utterly bland and uninspired plasticky FL melodies pretending to stir emotions. Anybody here got some sense of progression in the music? If so, think again, you're trying to mislead yourselves. And what's next - rediscover psytrance, then progressive trance and back again to goa trance...Nothing more than a vicious cycle.


3) Old artists don't have it anymore and make us feel pitiful - just say it, our beloved artists from the golden era can't find new means of expression and can't update their sound in a meaningful way. The regression in their sound is so vivid and just painful. Electric Universe? I can't find you behind those "big" basslines. Space Tribe? Man, this is childish music. Shiva Chandra? Shitty euro trance. Hux Flux? A shadow of the past. Laughing Buddha? Makes me really laugh.


So, what do you think? Did we reach the dead end or is it just behind the corner? How far can we go in pointlessly chasing our youth?


Agree 100%... Although one must also keep in mind that when we (or at least people of my generation) first listened to this music we were impressionable teens, obviously it's much more difficult to be impressed by a new release when you've already listened to about 5.000 other releases in the same style then when you discovered a new release and didn't really have anything else (or very little) to compare it to. But yeah, my main problem is that artists these days seem too concentrated on following a certain formula whereas back in the days it seemed to be all about taking the scene to the next level.


Which is even more wierd these days when mainstream artists don't seem afraid to take new directions like blending hardcore and rap (Yellow Claw) or dance music and bluegrass country (Avicii). Compare that to "but if you really pay attention you'll see that the arpeggio in Filteria's new track has a few notes different from his previous release, wooow, this really sounds different!!" and it feels impossible not to burst out laughing...

I'd really like to see some more creative initatives in our scene someday :)


The Neo Goa scene is at the moment is the most creative niche within Psytrance these days. There are many examples, but i'll just tell you to listen to Kolovrat by Lunar Dawn. Give it a head, and you'll see how modern and creative they are.


Creative doesn't necessarily equate to new/original, and I think that's the general complaint against new school.


In the end it's all about nostalgia, as joske said. When you listened and went berzerk on goa from the 90's, you were discovering things.

This was accompanied by lots of emotions, friends, a special social life.

You were completely absorbed by the new music called goa. Then it went away and much later new school came.

But you also got older and the time of experimenting and developing yourself also came to a certain end.


I have the same feeling with "normal" trance a la Armin and Tiesto. I went to countless trance raves and one-man dj concerts which all blew me away from 2002-2009.

Then the trance started to go really mainstream (yes, even more then it was) and the sound got bland, commercial and too loud for me.

But .... the new and young kids love it. They are in the prime of their lives. And they will remember this sound and these parties forever.

And they will complain about the new music in 10 years. :P


Nostalgia. It can be bitch. But remember the good times. And listen to the music from the old days from time to time. It was simply THAT good.


If you don't like new school goa, leave it and don't listen to it. You will be disappointed and frustrated.

Find another music style of which the current sound touches you.


I left normal trance for (new school) goa and (deep) progressive house and I'm super happy about that. Guess I'm getting older. ^_^


Dear Goa, forgive me for I have sinned.

I have found new liking toward full-on and progressive, while you seem to bore me a little. I'll try my best to stop this.


The end.

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I have a feeling that our scene is feasting on a corpse long time dead. Aren't we all trying hopelessly to recapture our lost youth and not willing to confess to ourselves that Goa trance's golden years are not going to come back anytime soon?



Depends. I was born in 1991, discovered goa in 2004, first goa party in 2010.

In Serbia we didn't have goa parties until we started doing some parties last september, since then goa became loved and wanted here and now we have 3-4 parties every month and more and more people engaded to scene. For me golden ages are now!



1) The most talked over new releases are unreleased material from 94-98 - remaster here, uncover lost tracks there, remixes all over - when is this going to end? What hasn't been released back then was not released for a reason. I am really not interested in dusted off proto-versions of the tracks even if they come from S.P., so why anybody should?


2) Neo goa-trance is circling in an endless loop - this whole resurgence is making me sick. Countless new artists are trying to emulate the sounds of Astral Projection, MFG, Dimension 5 in the most forgettable way - layers upon layers of recycled shit, utterly bland and uninspired plasticky FL melodies pretending to stir emotions. Anybody here got some sense of progression in the music? If so, think again, you're trying to mislead yourselves. And what's next - rediscover psytrance, then progressive trance and back again to goa trance...Nothing more than a vicious cycle.


3) Old artists don't have it anymore and make us feel pitiful - just say it, our beloved artists from the golden era can't find new means of expression and can't update their sound in a meaningful way. The regression in their sound is so vivid and just painful. Electric Universe? I can't find you behind those "big" basslines. Space Tribe? Man, this is childish music. Shiva Chandra? Shitty euro trance. Hux Flux? A shadow of the past. Laughing Buddha? Makes me really laugh.



1) Remaster / rerelease - like now so in 90s masterings were different, some really bad which can destroy release. With good new mastering you can give life to some stuff. And then obviously price... lets take Asia 2001 as example - same mastering, almost original cover art and just for 10-15 euro instead of 50-100!!!


2) If goa was founded when new school started it would be something new, but it was founded in 90s and too much artists made too much tracks. Goa have it's scales and styles, standards... ofcourse after 1000-5000 tracks what ever you make now will remind you on some track from past.


I don't know what you expect, jazz saxofone or rap beats in goa? :huh:


Personaly i prefer new school because is more groovy and agressive


3) Old artists made too much tracks - albums, eps, compilation tracks and ofcourse after doing it for sometime you will lose interests and ideas and want to do something different/new. And most of them probably live from music. Why should they make goa where is no money or really small amount when they can earn 2000-5000 euro per gig with fullon/prog?


They will do what they like and they don't really care why few of us induviduals are not satisfied with their music these days lol



So, what do you think? Did we reach the dead end or is it just behind the corner? How far can we go in pointlessly chasing our youth?


I think you should live for these moments now. Looking back is not answer. It was 20 years ago and won't happen again.


Today we have very different technology, music just like people evolved in something new, something different. Standards and demands are different. New people on the scene prefer new goa rather then old one.



But if you don't enjoy what music become now find something different and enjoy it.




Easiest thing is to sit behind your PC and complain, why not this why not that, that's not original, nah it's not 90s, this is plagiat music... we all have ideas how music should sound or be. Do it yourself, make your perfect music and show it to world, show how it should be and why. ;)


It's 2015, not 1995, time to move on :)

  • Like 4
Guest The Hypnotic LFO Room

He do have some very valid points!


About unreleased music. Labels make mistakes. There's an unreleased Koxbox track that's in my top ten of all time. It's worth correcting these missed opportunities. It's also worth resurrecting tracks and styles that were unpopular at the time to see what developments they might have led to. That's one way out of the soulless cloned goa trap.


About repetition. Yes, too many artists follow the letter and not the spirit of goa trance. Standardization is part of the problem; when everyone has the same Nord or Virus as their go-to synth, I don't care how creative the individual artists are, there is going to be a loss of variety. Diversity of expression and of expressive tools is required.


I don't think that music styles need to "evolve" or change drastically in order to stay dynamic. Music in general hasn't changed much since the 1980s. Detroit techno is much the same as it always was and still great music is released in that genre every year, because the artists have integrity and write from the heart. Same with Goa. The Goa scene hasn't been around for all that long. It doesn't need to change into or be replaced by anything so much as it needs to mature, be more confident in itself, and be less trend obsessed.


I listen to whatever music I find to be good, and that hasn't been any new Goa Trance in over a decade with one or two exceptions (for the most part I've stopped seeking new Goa music altogether).


I don't understand the craze of the Goa scene, a group of people focusing on this dead old style of music and talking about how they're "keeping it alive" or "bringing it back" by supporting imitative crap. Sad people.... I think maybe they did too many drugs are have nothing else to turn to in the world.


But hey, I think the same of most genres of music and they all have "scenes", so maybe I'm the one that has the problem. Maybe the Goa scene is thriving and has never been better... who am I to say otherwise, that's just not my personal impression.


Regarding unreleased tracks... you're right that most of them don't deserve to be released, but we can't stop that. As long as the craze exists around Goa Trance, artists and labels will to try to exploit it for their own profit.


Almost of the artists from the 90s have moved on. They're very different people nowadays. The magical period of Goa Trance is long dead, and none of the new artists have been able to add anything to its canon.


But don't despair. It's still in our memories, we can still listen to the old greats, and we can still search for and form new magical periods in other ways. However, it will takes a lot of creativity and ability to think outside of our boxes and change the world around us. Goa Trance happened to fit into a social niche two decades ago, but it no longer has that, and that's a large reason why it's lacking soul, authenticity, and not fulfilling. Perhaps we will always long for the old days when the world was more free and we didn't feel so much like lost slaves living among zombies without an identity.



On a more serious basis, you base your thinking over a misconception. That conception is that this scene is only about old guys who gigged in the 90's, and that Newschool producers are all frustrated by that time.


That is wrong.


We are quite a few to be young here. In the scene, we have many people that are born between 1990 and 1995, and that haven't known the Golden days (I myself am 22).


This scene is younger that you think.


And I myself am 26, born in 1989. I first listened to the old stuff back when I was 16 (so around 2005 when goa trance was practically dead), but I love and respect ALL goa trance these days.

  • Like 2

Very true. Here in Australia at least in the main festivals in Victora (Rainbow Serpent & *ugh* Earthcore) the line up is much less psy or goa trance and much more moving to the progressiv EDM & techno side of things. A few full on or prog acts get a guernsey and that's it. For me I much prefer the direction that labels like Boshke Beats, horns & Hoofs and Soundmute of have taken compared to anything else related to this scene. Psytrance is dead. Move on. Leave the zombies to rot.


He do have some very valid points!

Is that why your Elysium album will never see the light of day? Hope you had a nice few meals on the pay from the backers. Ps i never cared about my $10. I care about ppl ripping others off, I made such mistakes with trades in this scene years ago and it does you no good emotionally. You should either refund the money or put out the release FFS!


1) The most talked over new releases are unreleased material from 94-98


2) Neo goa-trance is circling in an endless loop


3) Old artists don't have it anymore and make us feel pitiful


So, what do you think? Did we reach the dead end or is it just behind the corner? How far can we go in pointlessly chasing our youth?

1. for us who discovered goa somewhere in the 00s they are fresh and new. we appreciate those tracks for what they are and not for what we remember from our "golden days".


2. have you actually listened to some newschool goa releases of the last few years? obviously you have, so can you name any oldschool track that sounds like artha - bali, filteria - the big blue or e-mantra - dansul ielelor? newschool goa has had its time when copying oldschool was ok and when anything with melodies (the more melodies the better) was considered acceptable, because we were starved of this kind of music. but it has matured a lot since then and i cannot understand your point.


3. so what? the big names want to stay big names and produce cheap(er) music for the masses. why bother with them when there are so much new gems to be discovered?


when i go and pointlessly chase my youth i listen to freetekno or ragga jungle. goa is the future :)


I don't know what you expect, jazz saxofone or rap beats in goa? :huh:

no, please, no! ;)



I don't think that music styles need to "evolve" or change drastically in order to stay dynamic. Music in general hasn't changed much since the 1980s. Detroit techno is much the same as it always was and still great music is released in that genre every year, because the artists have integrity and write from the heart. Same with Goa. The Goa scene hasn't been around for all that long. It doesn't need to change into or be replaced by anything so much as it needs to mature, be more confident in itself, and be less trend obsessed.

agreed. but then again i don't think that goa hasn't evolved. we have those artists like for instance aurax or computer controlled who keep it purely oldschool, but the definition of goa trance has broadened a lot in the last 10-15 years.

there are fullon tracks from 2003 that sound like oldschool goa rather than fullon when compared to some newschool tracks. it's a great feat to make music that sounds more like fullon than fullon itself while it still is unmistakably goa (as opposed to fullon), if you know what i mean (you probably don't ;) ).



(for the most part I've stopped seeking new Goa music altogether).


I don't understand the craze of the Goa scene, a group of people focusing on this dead old style of music and talking about how they're "keeping it alive" or "bringing it back" by supporting imitative crap. Sad people.... I think maybe they did too many drugs are have nothing else to turn to in the world.


then psynews probably isn't the right forum for you.



And I myself am 26, born in 1989. I first listened to the old stuff back when I was 16 (so around 2005 when goa trance was practically dead), but I love and respect ALL goa trance these days.

it was around 2005 when i realized why those few goa tracks (ap, d5, ...) i had on my harddrive were so much better than the "goa" they were playing at the parties all the time (and that fullon doesn't mean that it's the most intense music that envelops you with layers of melodies). a whole new world opened up :D

Guest The Hypnotic LFO Room

Is that why your Elysium album will never see the light of day? Hope you had a nice few meals on the pay from the backers. Ps i never cared about my $10. I care about ppl ripping others off, I made such mistakes with trades in this scene years ago and it does you no good emotionally. You should either refund the money or put out the release FFS!


Troll alert


Some of you older people who have been listening this music for 15+ years keep saying that the the first party you attended in '97 or so was awesome etc., but now you are disappointed. Guess what? I will always remember MY first party, 2012. Goasia on the deck, me dancing blissfully and my mind is ready to explode. Because it was the first time I listened to goatrance, it will always have a special place in my heart and I will never forget it.


I am tired of hearing the complaints of (older) people who don't like the music anymore. Let me tell you something. Maybe you are tired of psytrance in general. But you only enjoy listening to oldschool Goa because of pure nostalgia, because it brings you memories. Especially if you don't like any other sub-genre of psytrance, I think this is the case.


And don't forget, in '96 psytrance was goatrance and vice versa.


If you don't like goatrance, don't listen to it anymore, you don't have to :P . I just don't like it when people diss the new artists and newschool goa like this. And as you may have noticed, most (if not all) younger listeners like both oldschool and newschool and some like only newschool. I haven't heard any 20 year old complaining, have you?


My 2 cents! :D

  • Like 2

I have a feeling that our scene is feasting on a corpse long time dead. Aren't we all trying hopelessly to recapture our lost youth and not willing to confess to ourselves that Goa trance's golden years are not going to come back anytime soon?

1) The most talked over new releases are unreleased material from 94-98 - remaster here, uncover lost tracks there, remixes all over - when is this going to end? What hasn't been released back then was not released for a reason. I am really not interested in dusted off proto-versions of the tracks even if they come from S.P., so why anybody should?


2) Neo goa-trance is circling in an endless loop - this whole resurgence is making me sick. Countless new artists are trying to emulate the sounds of Astral Projection, MFG, Dimension 5 in the most forgettable way - layers upon layers of recycled shit, utterly bland and uninspired plasticky FL melodies pretending to stir emotions. Anybody here got some sense of progression in the music? If so, think again, you're trying to mislead yourselves. And what's next - rediscover psytrance, then progressive trance and back again to goa trance...Nothing more than a vicious cycle.


3) Old artists don't have it anymore and make us feel pitiful - just say it, our beloved artists from the golden era can't find new means of expression and can't update their sound in a meaningful way. The regression in their sound is so vivid and just painful. Electric Universe? I can't find you behind those "big" basslines. Space Tribe? Man, this is childish music. Shiva Chandra? Shitty euro trance. Hux Flux? A shadow of the past. Laughing Buddha? Makes me really laugh.


So, what do you think? Did we reach the dead end or is it just behind the corner? How far can we go in pointlessly chasing our youth?


Seems like you don't know much about the Goa scene. Most old artists still follow their roots and, also, there is a lot of good and original neo-goa stuff out there.


Also, I agree with the artists who try to copy AP, Dimension 5 or MFG thing.


If you don't like goatrance, don't listen to it anymore, you don't have to :P . I just don't like it when people diss the new artists and newschool goa like this. And as you may have noticed, most (if not all) younger listeners like both oldschool and newschool and some like only newschool. I haven't heard any 20 year old complaining, have you?



I started getting into psy about 10 years ago, being my mid 20's. I was super into the new school wave for several years, every release sounded new and fresh to me. Eventually, after enough releases, I began to realize how homogenous a lot of it is. It's not that I was necessarily more into old school, but after listening to enough releases both old and new I saw how diverse the old stuff was and how homogenous the new stuff was.


That's what people usually complain about, the lack of diversity, and the lack of originality. Sure, some people choose to express that in a negative way, but for me the issue is not saying "so-and-so sucks", but saying "so-and-so sounds just like all their contemporaries". I bought a particular release a year or two ago, a much-hyped release, and I've only listened to it once. It was utterly forgettable music to me. But recently I've gotten other releases, both old and new, which are much more diverse and actually inspire me to listen to them more than once.


It's great that you're into the new school body of work, but I daresay you may eventually get tired of it also. People's tastes change. Don't take it personally when a scene veteran expresses discontent with the new stuff. Sometimes people want to be excited by new music in the scene, but they just aren't, so they become discontented. It's a valid feeling.

  • Like 1
Guest The Hypnotic LFO Room

Instead of commenting "Troll alert", why don't you tell us what's going on?

"Truth Alone Triumphs"


If you are one of those who pledged for the album you do know what goes on and has been told the CD is currently going to mastering. If you are not I do not think it's none of your business just as the notorious troll "mike" from Australia aka Balance has a personal grudge against me that has nothing to do with my CD release. he has been going on and on about this CD release as he now has a favorite theme he can troll with no matter the topic here.


yet he is allowed to troll on here as no one cares about his sorry behaviour anywhere else. I am just flabergasted the admins here allow him to post insults (and other diluted bumbo jumbo) and troll as he does,.

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