Guest Kiph T. Elephant Posted January 31, 2004 Posted January 31, 2004 WHO CAN FIND THE CAPS LOCK KEY? Quote
sherlockalien Posted January 31, 2004 Posted January 31, 2004 I PREFFER HOLDING THE SHIIIIIFT KEY... I DONT KNOW WHY, I JUST LIKE IT Quote
Guest Dj-MeGaSuPeRpSyBoSs Posted February 1, 2004 Posted February 1, 2004 MuAhAhAhAhA!1!1 CaN YoU WrItE LiKe ThIs? ThIs Is SoOo MuCh MoRe DeEp ThAn YoUrE BoOrInG FuLl-On CaPs WrItiNg WhIcH AlL SoUnDs ThE SaMe. ThIs GoT MoRe VaRiAtIoN aNd SoUl. Quote
Guest GORE Posted February 1, 2004 Posted February 1, 2004 People are strange on this planet. What was the question? and what are the answers!!! Crazy world Quote
Guest alicer Posted February 1, 2004 Posted February 1, 2004 I need some good reasons before I start to believe in anything. Quote
Guest Dr. Krelm Posted February 1, 2004 Posted February 1, 2004 If there was a god, he would teach people how to use the damn caps lock key. I THINK YOUR QUESTION ANSWERS ITSELF! Oh why god, why?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? Quote
Guest Wojtek Posted February 1, 2004 Posted February 1, 2004 Ok. I believe in God. But why such question? Quote
Lemmiwinks Posted February 1, 2004 Posted February 1, 2004 i prefer when it's PROGRESSIVE WRITING SMI²LE Quote
Guest michele Posted February 1, 2004 Posted February 1, 2004 i p*ReefeR raNdOm caPitAlisAtiOn. i alsO diDn'T knOw that reAson haD anythiNg to dO WiTh bELiEf. xXx Quote
Guest healium Posted February 2, 2004 Posted February 2, 2004 The question for me isn't at all about wther there's a God or not, but what the nature of God may be... We've been conditioned to believe in a MALE , HUMAN sort of God - Oh how pathetic that would be... Ever wonder how or why thoughts appear in our minds? You didn't know they were going to, where do these thoughts come from? Why did someone accidentally discover Peniccillin? Why have we evolved so much in the past hundred years technologically? +++++++++++++++++++++ Ever think we may be still very very primitive intelligence? That we may be like ants in an ant farm, and that beings billions of years more evolved created the antfarm, and maybe it's a big joke that we don't know it yet? In 5 milion years or whatever when our Sun gets too large and will vaporize the earth before creating a black hole, what would we do? We'd move to a new part of the universe to another planet, right? and when we got there, what might we do then, if say we find it inhabited by simple animals, maybe monkey like creatures? We don't know because we'd be so far evolved past what we are now, we might even be in a dimension or two above the one the animals live in, so we could see them, but they can't see us, and we love the animals, and since we have a great sense of humor, we maybe pick a couple candidates best suited to receive a bit of our own genetics so they too can start evolving, like raising children on a grand scale... I dunno, but the most outlandish and absurd theories I've ever read were wote a couple thousand years ago by primitive people who had no knowledge and so just made up a story, and it was believed, and it's called organized religion - a massive delusion, like when we thoought the earth was flat because DUH, can't everyone see that it's not curved? When someone said it wasn't flat everyone else said they were crazy, we're all still deluded but don't realize just how much so, but we're learning more and more, thank God... Quote
Guest Indica Couchlock Posted February 2, 2004 Posted February 2, 2004 "We've been conditioned to believe in a MALE , HUMAN sort of God" people referring to God as a 'He' and basically adopting a lord-slave relationship with God is one of the thing I most despise about organized religion, mainly in the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish faiths. these people don't know how deep their cultural conditioning has enrooted in themselves, and how detrimental it is to human progress. Quote
Guest Wojtek Posted February 2, 2004 Posted February 2, 2004 Hey, Indica! I'am Christian. Can you tell me more why do you despise me and what exactly is detrimental in my religion. Ps. Who told you about this "lord-slave relationship with God"? Quote
Guest Kristian Posted February 2, 2004 Posted February 2, 2004 I think this was the most fun and mindexpanded topic of all time ) Quote
sherlockalien Posted February 2, 2004 Posted February 2, 2004 "What is God?", is the first question.. THEN after you´ve specified the meaning of the word, you ask if someone believes in it... Do you believe in dsakjdqoewijdsaçdkj ? " dsakjdqoewijdsaçdkj" is just a word.. What it associates with in your mind is the important thing Quote
Guest ned Posted February 2, 2004 Posted February 2, 2004 i do believe in God .. and if u dont and u in to psyche ! delic trance that means wot psy trance is p of shit .. thats really funny .. we dont believe and we have no souls but we loves psy ! trance .. any one knows wot mean that word ' psychedelic ' ? we r children of God .. hey who needs a reason to believe ? wot a bout a ticket ? a ticket to hell ? ps . astral projection - ppl can fly any one of u ever flyed ? Quote
Guest Wojtek Posted February 2, 2004 Posted February 2, 2004 What is God? YHVH - The One Who Is It's very simple. Quote
Guest Indica Couchlock Posted February 2, 2004 Posted February 2, 2004 "I'am Christian. Can you tell me more why do you despise me and what exactly is detrimental in my religion. Ps. Who told you about this "lord-slave relationship with God"?" why would I despise you when I don't even know who you are except that your a Christian. there are so many different kinds of Christians that it's hard to assume particular beliefs one might hold just by the label. I will say though, that if your the fundamentalist kind, you know, the Bible literalist, YEC, I do feel deep pity and sympathy. there are Christians that don't even believe in the concept of Hell. I'll just give one example of the detrimental aspect of Christianity. Concept of originial sin. What a load of nonsense. This is an extremely disempowering concept. Again, I don't even know you believe in original sin. People nowadays like to pick and choose whatever they like from the Bible, disregarding everything they don't like. What's even more ridiculous is how fundamentalist Christians say of liberal Christians that they are not TRUE Christians, and the more liberal Christians throwing the same accusations to the fundamentalists. What da fuck is a true Christian anyway? Let's have some concensus on that first of all. "Fair Babylon, you destroyer happy those who pay you back the evil you have done us! Happy is he who siezes your babies and dashes them against the rocks." Psalm 137:8-9 What wonderful lessons and teachings. Quote
Guest Indica Couchlock Posted February 2, 2004 Posted February 2, 2004 "i do believe in God .. and if u dont and u in to psyche ! delic trance that means wot psy trance is p of shit .. thats really funny .. we dont believe and we have no souls but we loves psy ! trance .. any one knows wot mean that word ' psychedelic ' ? we r children of God .. hey who needs a reason to believe ? wot a bout a ticket ? a ticket to hell ? ps . astral projection - ppl can fly any one of u ever flyed ?" yes, I've flyed once, and I flew so high that I reached the gates of heaven and there was God, in all his majesty telling me that we are all children of Barney, his younger brother, and that His own creations can be found somewhere in Neptune. It's the truth. I'm writing a book about it. If you do not believe in Barney, your headed straight to hell, you bastards. Quote
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